Saturday, December 19, 2009

Old Pics

Few days ago I was chatting with an old classmate over facebook about the past...
Thereafter lots of memories flash back...
I couldn't recall how I looked then..during my secondary schools..only remembre I look really old fashion and not attractive at all...

When was the last time you flipped thru your old album?

Thus I took out my huge old album with all my pic collections back then...
Looking at them...I couldn't stop laughing at the way I looked back then...
Especially my hair eyebrow...and dressing...
Oh dear...looks totally 'unglam'...I think thats what Joyce my bestfriend will say..I guess its worst then that...

hee..thank God for the improvements I made over the years...I must say..self confidence plays a very important part...
I used to be one who has low self esteem...which I believe all my buddies esp Joyce knows that...

As years goes by...God built up my self confidence bit by bit....
To an extend when I told someone in the past that I am not a self confidence person and had low self esteem..he couldn't believe it..

I guess men it for the better or for the worst..
and of cuz I wish its for the better..for everyone..

I recall during one event when my church posted some of our old pics as we travel back thru the memory lane...I feel so embarassed as that pic which I took..had a triangular permed hairstyle...hahaha..I really feel like burying my head in the soil like an ostrich..heee...

Anyway..its good to see ourselves improving thru the years isn't it?
Looking at those pics...
I had a question: Those guys who court after me...back then..when I looked the way I was back then...Did they had stamps stick on their eyes (its a Hokkien/dialect expression-saying someone couldn't see properly and made the wrong decision esp in chosing your sponse or partners)..hee..

My sister had a different value..she said...those could be true true love doesn't depends on looks...
I guess thats right...
Like now..I look better (even tho I improved in all areas)..but (looking around one...) All I can find are those who only wanted sex or go for looks..which is totally disappointing and not what I want or seek for..

So guys, if you are not into true relationship and looking for only sexual excitment..I am not your cup of tea..don't waste your time and mine..

Okie..thats all for now..
As christmas is approaching...are you done with your christmas shopping?
Me? 1/2 done i supposed..
There is gift exchange in YF this evening..bringing my classmate with me too..
Pray that she will get to experience the true meaning of christmas..

Blessed Christmas everyone!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas isn't Christmas (lyrics)

Christmas isn't Christmas till it happens in your heart;
Somewhere deep inside you, is where Christmas really starts.
So give your heart to Jesus, you'll discover when you do....
That it's Christmas, really Christmas for you.....

Jesus brings warmth like a winter fire,
A light like a candle's glow...
He's waiting now to come inside as He did so long ago....
Jesus brings gifts of truth and life, and makes them bloom & grow..
So welcome Him with a song of joy...
And when He comes you'll know..

That Christmas isn't Christmas till it happens in your heart...
Somewhere deep inside you is where Christmas really starts...
So give your heart to Jesus; you'll discover when you do..
That it's Christmas, really Christmas for you.....

Cont' from previous post..

I guess we will be getting our keys to our new place in a few months time..

I have so much things in me which I wanted to share with you here..esp each sunday during the service after listening to the sermon..

But each time after reaching home...I will be too tired to write my blog..and then..forgot what I really wanted to share with you..

I must saying..I am thankful to be a christian..and in a good church which emphasize strongly in the truth (words of God). Praise the Lord for that Amen!

Just a quick updates of what has been going on in my life..
1) Busy with work- oversea VIPs visiting..I have to assist them during their visit...on top of my regular job scope..

2) School work...2nd year is no joke..needs lots of time and commitments..
each week other than having classes during the nite..we have to meet up in our own group to prepare for our presentation for every lesson..

3) Exams..(stressful...), every 3-4 months is one semester and at the end of each semester is Exams...

4) Family..Its sad to realise and see the changes in my Dad as he aged..
My heart hurts..each time I see him getting weaker and weaker...
Each time I recall how strong my dad used to be...
and weak he looks or walks...
not long ago like many elderly..fell broke few ribs..and fell the escalator..My heart sad to see him..suddenly grew old...hate to admit that my dad suddenly grew old..It reminds me that one day..all of us will grow old..and become weak and somehow helpless...
Dad has stopped working..we wanted him to rest and had more detail examination from Doc as he doesn't seems to be in good shape right now..

5) 2 funerals within 8 days...
Melissa's mum passed away during my exam...I couldn't attend the wake service but managed to attend her funeral svc tho..
Then Valissa's dad passed away..I didn't managed to attend as I was way to exhausted after exam..

Each time attending funeral..reminds me how short and unpredictable life is..
One day I will be laying there in peace..back to my heavenly Father..
During Melissa's mum's funeral svc, I had a chance to talk to my pastor's daughter..
Telling day..if I lay there...I think I will be the happiest person..I will be comforted...and joyful that I have accomplished the mission God has given me on earth. Each time I talked about my preparation for my death/funeral..people around gives me a weird and sad look..But I told them..what is death? Death is not fearful if you know for sure where you are going...

The lyrics of a Hymn which always reminds me..if today I leave...will I meet my Lord with empty handed, not a single soul I bring???? (Have you bring anyone to Christ? Did you share your faith openly? Are you proud to be a christian? Have you ever tell anyone about Jesus/God's love for men that Jesus came to die for you and me on the cross so that by believing in Him we will be saved..we will receive eternal life and goes to heaven one day to be with our Lord?).
Do not miss any chance of sharing about your faith my christian friends..For its our mission on earth to share about the truth & God's sacrifical love, sharing with their the key to salvation.

May this Christmas be a true Christmas to you!
I will share one of my favour song with you in my next post..
I wish if you are here...I can sing for you..otherwise..if you know this sing with me with the lyrics provided.

Blessed Christmas to you!
Jesus Loves You!!!

Finally home again...

Phew...what a long journey to make myself travel back 'home' to this blog again.
Strange feeling tho..
a sense of happiness, a sense of lost, a sense of missing..a sense of....
But whatever it is...
Its good to finally be with you guys again..

Now, what has Angeline been doing during this period of 'MIA'???
I remember attending Joyce my best friend and Cindy my buddy's birthday party at bala few weeks the mist of my them a surprise as well as giving myself a short break in btw of my exams...
My friends were surprised to see me there...and most of them said almost that same things that its good to see me..and I have been soo soo busy..always seeing msg on my facebook saying I am tired...dead tired..exhausted...its exam many more papers to go and so on...

Well..ya...basically thats what my life is about right now...WORK, STUDY, EXAM & mostly FAMILY should I have anymore time left..I do missed those times when I can stick around with friends and buddies in and so on....
Thinking of it..those seems like a luxury to me right now...
For now..should I have any time...what I need and wanted most is sleep...
I haven't had time to read my many books in my room..which I will be donating to our church library in few months time...when we shift to our new place which will be a much much smaller place..

It will be a great headache for me I think..
Well..I guess..there will always come a time, whereby such decision of keeping and removing has to be made...Frankly speaking..if not for such moments I guess..I will continue to keep everything that I have imp memories for me..
But goes on..and we have to move on...

Cont' in next post..if not this will be a long post for u guys to read..

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Are you ready????

Are you ready???
This is a frequency question which I got lately...esp when exam is just next week...
My answer is...I have started revising...but well..never will be ready enough till I sit for my exam...

Today bosses asked me a question..."Are you alright Angeline?"
I kind of figure out why they ask so..
Cuz yesterday...I actually committed a mistake in my work...which surprises my boss and myself as well...I feel upset with myself for that mistake...
This is the 3rd mistakes I made within my one year plus in the company I think...till none is really serious mistake...
My bosses instead often turn around and comfort me as they know I take my mistake very seriously...which is good and bad in a way...
Boss told me.."Hey its alright...I am just surprised that you made such a mistake...becuz you are always very careful...Just thot wanna check with you..."
I told my boss..lately I cannot focuz..I felt very exhausted...perhaps...too much things going on in my mind..
having VIP coming in...on top of my work...I have so much planning to do...
and my exam is next week...trying to grab time and focuz in my revision esp when I have to OT all the way till one day before my exam...
I have not been sleeping well..couldn't relax...
Brain got over active...couldn't sleep in much thing going on in my mind...
Thus I told my boss I need to go home earlier after go straight to bed..and he said okie..

And just before that yesterday..I was doing backup of all my working stuff saving a copy for my bosses..telling them in case one day God decided to call me back to heaven..they will still have the data to continue my work....
and I asked about insurance agent...hahaha..
So I guess they must be thinking..something must have happen to I down to serious illness..hahaha...

I explained that men should always be prepared..becuz life is never a matter of AGE...sometimes in life...I will just feel that my mission might be done anytime in this world and might be called up to heaven anytime...
Thus..its always good to be prepared and leave each day as if its the last...thats why I will try to do my best in things I do..and try never to leave any burdens for others..

My boss agreed as in that way..we will always do our best and treasure, appreciate everything we have...
I am ready for life...and life after death...
how about you???
Are you ready?????

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Exams revision

Its 2 weeks plus to my exam..
but my heart just isn't set in full revision mode...
Oh mine..
Lord pls help me...
Hee..recently my sis and I were so addicted in cooking....
We would cook pass midnite...
and wake up early morning and even rush home to cook...........
Sometimes...turning on 3 to 4 computers just to cook....
Why? Cooking with computers???

Haha...Nah...we are addicted to the Cafe World game in Facebook....
Everytime we have to rush into our cafe and keep watch that our cafe doesn't run out of food...and most importantly that our food are remove from stove in time before it turns bad......
And we will plan how to re-deco or re-design our cafe..buying new stuff to improve our cafe....
now...trying to adjust the time of cooking so that it will not affect our sleep...and importantly...I must learn to concentrate in my revision for my exam...
Jia you!!!!


Acceptance=Letting Go

I used to think in the past that Marriage is a form of security..
Only thru marriage that you finally belongs to someone and someone finally belongs to you and no other woman can take him away...

But as years goes by...
Looking at couples around me...happily married..then..divorce..
My concept of Marriage or security of marriage changed.

Marriage no longer ties a man or a woman to his or her partner for life.

Having a conversation with my boss over dinner..
We both agree that the Marriage cert doesn't tied your partners to you anymore.
In fact, sad to say..there are people around us who separates love & sex.
E.g. A loves his wife but have sex with woman B. He felt that there is nothing wrong about it since sex and love are separate issues.
I don't know how you feel about this but I am disguised!
To me, Marriage is holy as it could Marriage is given by God.
Marriage bed should not be any way.
Its the greatest insult to the partner when his/her partner sleeps with someone else that is not his/her legally bonded partner.
Where is the respect and the vow you made to your partner during the wedding ceremony?

Its sad to say if One cannot differentiate love from passion or lust...
To a point..Does true love ever exist? The only true love I know is God's eternal unchanging love. Its never affected by anything. He loves you not only as who you are but also loves you till the end!
To the extend that Jesus died for you and me on the cross to save us from our sins.

Again and again, the bible reminded us to keep away from adultery..why?
Because men (human) are weak..easily tempted and fells into adultery..
How many men can really resist sexy attractive women who threw themselves at them?
Women likewise falls for charming sweet talkers who melts their heart with sweet honey....and make-believe love.

I admire the courage of people around me who have the courage to step into a relationship..I guess the hardest lesson to learn in a relationship is that ...
at the point of must be ready to let go too...
letting go not just of the past to move into a relationship..but ready to let go of this man who you just accepted into your life..
Why do I say one knows what will happen in the future..
since nothing is guarantee..not even a marriage cert..the best way is...enjoy the moments of having each other...but do not live for only this person for yourself...otherwise..should the day that one changes his/her would lost your direction in life..

Be a happy person as you can be..treasure what you thankful for what you have...but do not think that your partner is tied to you or his/her life belongs to you now..cuz nobody really belongs to another..
You share your lifes it good or bad...happy or sad..
but you still have your own life..

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Courage makes a different!

Its human nature to avoid and run away from problem or unhappiness.
Many times in our life we often find ourselves in unpleasant situation which we chose to run away, hoping that the problem will die down or resolve itself.
Not sure if I am right about this..
but Man seems to do this often esp if they have an disagreement with his wife, he will just avoid the issue and pretend nothing had happen the next day.
Whereas woman (wife) most of the time would want to resolve the issue with her hubby to find out where goes wrong to fix it.
This many times makes we women really upset.
No wonder they said Men are from Mars and Women from Venus.

Talking about that...
even I myself...hate to find myself in situation which I have to solve..and many times..feel exhausted even just thinking that I have to solve it..and afraid that it might not be solved.
But I realised..the more I didn't want to face it or deal with it..
the more I am lack of confidence to handle it..
the more I feel stress about it..
I just need to force myself to go ahead..pick up my courage and deal with it..
who knows I might succeed...even if I don' least I try..
If will only be a stressful 'WHAT IF' that never has an answer to whether its workable or achievable..

Conclusion is...
Be Courageous..face your problem..and even if it doesn't not have gained extra experience in life!
If we chose to run away..the problem will always be the problem and hinder in our life.
Courage turns our problems into experience, knowledge and even success in life.

If you fail to climb the mountain, you will never discover the wonders on the other side of the mountain.

First step is never easy.
If a child is afraid to take his first step..will he even be able to walk for the rest of his life? Where has that courage we have gone to when we first learning walking..taking our step step to life?

Tho facing the problem might not necessary resolve it but at least you can give yourself a pat on your shoulder and say "Well Done! At least you tried! Otherwise you never know!"

Do by faith and pray, not by our own might. God see what we cannot see.
His plan is greater than ours. Like the 5 loaves and 2 fishes miracle which Jesus did. He fed 5000people with just 5 loaves and 2 fishes when his disciples thought they will never have enough to feed these people.
Jesus proved to them..nothing is impossible to God.
Not only was it enough..and they left 12 baskets of left overs from the 5 loaves 2 fishes after feeding the 5000 people.

Never say never when you have the Lord Jesus with you!

Like this beautiful display I have on my office desk..which writes "Life is full with Miracles! For nothing is impossible with God"

p.s. Just last night..I was feeling one side of my car's window and door was not in working condition and I had to send them for repair this morning..
I prayed for the last time before I make my way to the workshop..and then..Miracle happens..God heard my prayer..and suddenly all can work again!

Praise the Lord! Life is filled with Miracle!
Thank you Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior!
Life is beautiful becuase You are here with me!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Does true love exist in BGR?

Today I asked a friend...
Does true love exist?
Does he believe in true love?

How does he know if his feeling towards his gf is love/lust/passion?

He said, the feeling he had for his gf and wife to be is love.
Because when a guy is after lust or passion...
he will only think of having sex with that woman and nothing else..
But for him..
he feels comfortable, happy and satify just to be with his gf.
I don't seem to recall any part of the man who have such a feeling with me..

It seems so far away...
I almost forget and give up believing that simple true love does exist.

From that friend of mine he said..his experience is..
don't think of it..
he and his gf didn't think they will be together...
it was not in their plan..
but it just happen naturally...
nothing like what we normally aim for those perfect date..

So in happens when its less expected..

Saturday, October 10, 2009

What seems too good ..might not be real after all..

Last nite I met up with Journi..
Have a relax time by the pool drinking wine..
and chatting..

Actually asked a few more friends but..they were busy..
Journi and I had great time catching up...
and I told him that recently...I am experiencing something which is untrue..
sometimes I do wish that it could be true..but well...
most of the time..the guys failed the test I set for them...
my test proved them to be unreal...

So in conclusion...if something is too good to be true..then its probably isn't real..
May God continue to give me wisdom esp when making any decision in any potential relationship.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Love message

Have you ever written any love letters in your life?
When was the last time you read or wrote a love letter?

Its been history since I last wrote love letters..

Love letters are sweet and romantic...
it warms the heart even in a cold winter night..
it causes one to look forward with anxiety and excitment...
it melts the heart even tho you know somewhere in your heart that this might not be true...Despite all these...I am blessed to enjoy these unique moments...

Share with you here a love note from somewhere out there...
Dear Honey

There are no words to express how I feel about you. I constantly search for the words, and they all seem less than I truly feel. You are my life, my heart, and my soul. You are my best friend. You are my one true love. I knew that you were the one I was meant to be with forever.

I make this promise to you my dear, to love you the way that you love me. I now look to the future and forget the past, your life is mine and we will make it last. I love you more today than I did yesterday, and I’ll love you more tomorrow than I do today.
With all my heart I am forever yours.

Love Always and Forever
and in return....
This love note was sent....
We have traveled life’s highway of twists and bends. As each day goes by you fill my heart with so much joy and delight and so much more. When I hear I Love You, I just melt into so much joy and thoughts of happiness. As I say I Love You and we close our eyes and open out hearts no longer will we be apart, in each other’s hearts. No matter what problems we may encounter in the future, we’ll get through them together, I promise.
Hope you have enjoyed reading these romantic love messages..and perhaps..start writing yours to your love ones..this might sparks up some romance that was left in the past...

p.s. What you read above is not the exact version of the content of the love message of cuz..but well..more of less there..hee..

Are u Somebody, Anybody or Nobody?

Every Monday is our Marcom class...
Each Marcom class, we were supposed to prepare a presentation...
this evening it seems that everybody thought that somebody would prepare the presentation...
and somebody though anybody could have prepared....
Thus it ended up that everybody was waiting for anybody to present except themselves..
When eventually nobody presented...all because everybody thought somebody would present...

So were you the everybody, somebody, anybody or nobody??? lesson learned is...

Nobody should think that somebody should present..and everybody should that eventually anybody could present...

Some guys just doesn't get it..

I love this song which you you enter into this blog..
Its called Way back into Love...

A new friend of mine told me he got a shock by the music when he first visited my blog:)
Okie let's get back to the topic.."Some guys just doesn't get it"..

Well...I could be the other way round instead..that some gals just doesn't get it..(This could most probably be what the guys are thinking as well..)

Like the lyrics of this song...(listen and try to figure out what I am trying to say here..) This is exactly what I am looking for in love...
However..sad to say..most guys out there...or at least those I knew from the fb...
most of them are out for sex rather than love...
Well..what to expect from the website right?
You are probably right..although there might just be some exception... any case...the future is in the Lord's hand..which I believe...
eventually if the man is to be 'yours' which well it never does..
nobody will ever belongs to another person..this is a precious lesson I learned from reality..

"Whatever maybe maybe..."
haha..who knows..some day that some one special whom God has prepared for me might just accidently come into this space and get trapped here..hahaha...
just kidding..

May God blessed all the lovers in this world..that they treasure each other...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Something esp. for you

Hey guys,

In Order to thank you for your faithful reading of my blog..
I added some things especially for the side..

Such as Cooking receipt (hee..esp for Sandra..since you love cooking receipt)..

Bible verse (Words for wisdom for everyone)

A search button to search for anything which I have written before in my blogs..or the website which I linked to my blog..

A Keep me update buttom which will inform you each time I update my blog so that you will not be disappointed coming in..seeing that I have not update my blog:)

Something for Coffee lover like me...

And the Pigeon shooting game is still at the bottom of my blog which you can see if your skill has improve each time you come visiting my blog..

Hope you guys will enjoy yourselves here..

Short Love Story-Tree, Leaf and Wind

Here is another short love story which I would like to share with you..this is from another friend of mine..which I find it very meaningful..

The reason I'm called tree is because I'm good at painting trees. Overtime I start to use a tree on the right hand corner as a trademark for all my watercolors painting. I have dated 5 gals when I was in Pre-U. There's one gal who I love a lot but never dare go after her. She doesn't have a pretty face, doesn't have a good figure, doesn't have outstanding charm. She is just a very ordinary gal.
I like her. I really like her. Like her innocent, like her frankness. Like her cuteness, like her intelligence and her fragility. Reason for not going after her is because I felt somebody so ordinary like her is not a good match for me. I'm also afraid that after we are together all the good feelings will vanish. I'm also afraid other's gossips will hurt her. I felt that if she's my gal, she will be mine ultimately & I don't have to give up everything just for her. The last reason, made her accompany me for 3 years. She watch me chase after gals, and I have make her heart cry for 3 years.
She wants to be a good actress and I'm a very demanding director. When I kissed my 2nd girlfriend, she bumped into us. She was embarrassed but smile & say "Go on!" before running off. The next day, her eyes was swollen like a walnut. I purposely didn't want to think about what causes her to cry but laugh at her the whole day. When everybody go back home, she was alone crying in the classroom. She didn't know that I returned from soccer training to get something. I watch her cry for an hour or so.
My 4th girlfriend didn't like her. There was once when both of them quarreled. I know that based on her character she's not the type that will start off the quarrel. But I still sided with my girlfriend. I shouted at her and her eyes was filled shocked. I didn't care about her feelings and walked off with my girlfriend. The next day, she still laugh & joke with me like nothing has ever happened. I know that she's very hurt but she didn't know that my heart ache is as bad as hers.
When I broke up with my 5th girlfriend, I asked her out. After going out for a day, I told her that I have something to tell her. She told me that coincidentally, she has something to tell me too. I told her about my break up and she told me about her getting together. I know whose the guy. He has been going after her for quite a while. A very cute guy full of energy, lively and interesting. His pursuit for her has been the talk of the school.
I can't show her my heart ache but could only smile & congratulate her. When I reach home, the heart ache is so strong that I can't stand it. It's like a heavy weighted stone on my chest. I couldn't breath. Wanted to shout but can't. Tears rolled down & I broke down & cry. How many times have I seen her cry for the man that doesn't acknowledge her presence too.
During graduation, I read a sms in my hp. It was send 10 days ago when I broke down and cry. I haven't read it since then. It says "Leaf departure is because of Wind pursuit. Or because Tree didn't ask her to stay"
During Pre-U days, I like to collect leaves. Why? Because I felt that for a leaf to leave the tree she has been relying on for so long it takes a lot of courage. During the 3 years of Pre-U I was on very close terms with a guy. Not BGR kind but as buddy kind. But when he had his 1st girlfriend, I learnt a feeling I never should have learnt - Jealousy. The sourness in the heart can't be describe by using a lemon. It's like 100 rotten sour lemon. Sourness to the extreme limit. They were only together for 2 mths. When they broke up, I hide my strong sense of happiness. But after a mth, he got together with another gal.
I like him & I know he like me. But why won't he pursue me? Since he love me why he doesn't want to make the first move? Whenever he had a new girlfriend, my heart would hurt. Time after time, my heart was hurt. I begin to suspect that this is a one sided love. If he don't like he, why does he treat me so well. It's beyond what you will normally do for a friend. Liking a person is very heart wrenching. I can know his likes, his habits. But his feelings towards me I can never figure out. You can't expect me a gal to ask him right?
Despite that, I still want to be by his side. Care for him, accompany him, love him. Hoping that one fine day, he will come & love me. It's like waiting for his phone call every night, wanting him to send me sms. I know that no matter how busy he is, he will make time for me. Because of this, I waited for him. The 3 years were the hardest to go through & I really want to give up. Sometimes, I wonder should I continue waiting. The pain and hurt, the dilemma accompany me for 3 years.
Till the end of my 3rd year, a 2nd year junior begins to go after me. Everyday he pursuit me relentlessly. From outright rejection to a point in time when I felt that I'm willing to let him have a small footing in my heart. He's like a warm & gentle wind, trying to blow a leaf away from the tree. In the end, I realized that I didn't want to give this wind a small footing in my heart. I know this wind will bring this badly battered leave far away & better land. Finally I left tree, but the tree only smile & didn't ask me to stay. Leaf departure is because of Wind pursuit. Or because Tree didn't ask her to stay
Because I like a gal called leaf. Because she's so dependent on tree so I have to be a gust wind. A wind that will blow her away. When I first met her, it was 1 mth after I transfer to the new school. I saw a petite person looking at my seniors & me playing soccer. During ECA time, she will always be sitting there. Be it alone or with her friends looking at him. When he talks with gals there's jealousy in her eyes. When he looked at her, there's a smile in her eyes. Looking at her became my habit. Just like she likes to look at him.
One day, she didn't appear. I felt something amissed. I can't explain the feeling except it's a kind of uneasiness. The senior was also not there as well. I went to their classroom, hid outside and saw my senior scolding her. Tears were in her eyes while he left. The next day, I saw her at her usual place, looking at him. I walked over and smiled to her. Took out a note & gave to her. She was surprised. She looked at me, smiled & accept the note. The next day, she appeared & pass me a note and left.
Leaf's heart is too heavy and wind couldn't blow her away
It's not that leaf heart is too heavy. It because leaf never want to leave tree

I replied her note with this statement and slowly she started to talk to me & accept my presents & phone calls. I know that the person she loves is not me. But I have this perseverance that one day I will make her like me. Within 4 mths, I have declared my love for her no less than 20 times. Every time, she will divert away from the topic. But I never give up. If I decide I want her to be mine, I will definitely use all means to win her over. I can't remember how many times I have declared my love to her. Although I know she will try to divert but I still bear a small ray of hope. Hoping that she will agree to me my girlfriend. I didn't hear any reply from her over the phone. I asked "what are you doing? How come you didn't want to reply?" She said, "I'm nodding my head". "Ah?" I couldn't believe my ears. "I'm nodding my head" She replied loudly. I hang up the phone, quickly changed and took a taxi and rush to her place & press her door bell. During the moment when she opens the door. I hugged her tightly. Leaf departure is because of Wind pursuit. Or because Tree didn't ask her to stay.

I love U

Two days ago..during my busy the Safety & Security Asia 2009 Exhibition in Suntec Conventional Hall...

I received a sweet love poem from afar...which sweetens my heart and instantly removed all my tiredness after all those weeks of preparations..and sleepless nite having to cope with exhibition..dinner with oversea guest and checking email during late nite..and at the same time..attending my degree classes at night..

Tho this love poem derives from somewhere...but..the effort touches does the little the end of that love poem..

Listen to your heart, for it knows the truth.

The magic of true love is the ignorance that it will last forever.

True love is not without pain, like that of thorns in your side. Yet love is like the rose in full bloom, beautiful and full of life.

The only love I know, is the love we shared, the love you showed me; a love I never knew until you came into my life... that I know is real.

True Love is a fantasy you feel in reality.

There is only one thing that lasts longer than time, and that is true love.

Love comes from the heart, but true love comes from the mind and soul.

Love endures not for a time or season. True love simply loves and knows not the reason.

True love is out there and it looks for no one. So go get it.

True love is the strongest emotion that cannot be broken

I love you


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Just the other way round..

I had a wonderful time with my classmate I went to dinner with her after class...We had wonderful time sharing...
Really happy to know that she is opening herself to a way or her bf who she recently got engaged a Catholic..

She asked and I shared..about faith..about my family..about what I been thru..and how much I appreciate and how thankful I am for everything I have right now...

Probably to those who are earning much more..might seem that what I have right now is nothing in comparison to what they have...
But seriously...True Richness comes from the heart. It comes from within..
What you might seem to have might not be what you really have...
Not all rich people are happy people...
Money cannot buy thru happiness...

In fact, like for my case..
Its because of what me and my family been thru....
Those tough times...times of sufferings and worries....
that makes what we have now..seems soooo precious....and priceless...
All I could say is...if its not for God's grace and blessings...
If not for what I have once lost.....or suffered...
I will never know what is true happiness...
and perhaps..will never appreciate and treasure what I have right now...

Remember..Happiness is from within...its not based on what seems to be...and its not based on what others see...that you have or not...
True happiness is....even if you are in the will know...the rainbow will come out to meet you really really soon...

In conclusion...try looking the other way round...Happiness is right there waiting for you...and if happiness is knocking at your door now:) say hello...and come it in!
Praise, Glory and Thanksgiving to our Lord forever and ever...Amen!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The most beautiful verse..Psalm 23

Today's service Pastor Zheng Wei Sheng spoke on Psalm 23, a psalm which is so familiar to almost which give fresh thots and lessons of life each time when you dwell in the verse...

A beautiful psalm of (King)David.
1 The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,

3 he restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness
for his name's sake.

4 Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.

5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.

6 Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD

As Pastor start sharing on the first verse "The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want." Lots of thots flashes across my mind..

Indeed..Our Lord Jesus is like the shepherd in my life..
Like a shepherd who knows his sheep well...knowing every need of his sheep...
knowing what kind of choice we will make in our life..what kind of path we would chose..knowing that like the sheep..we often got so engross with what is infront of us..missing out the BIG PIC..and the Danger that is involve...
Many times like the sheep we lost our way...
by the decision we made..we lead ourselves into danger...

Even tho we know what we ought to do and what we ought NOT to do...
we give in to our sinful desire...we follow our desire and the 'seduction' of this world... God love us freedom..but many times we misused this freedom and got ourselves into Danger...and at the end..we ended up like the sheep..often attacked by the wolf or even fell down the cliff..
And our Lord ended up rescuing us and protecting us from further harm...
pulling us up from the cliff...chasing away the wolf that is ready to devour us..

How thankful I I recall my life...
Many Lord my Shepherd protects me from those danger..which seems attractive and good for a moment..due to my the sheep..
Many times..when 'bad' things happen..God is there to do the remedy..

Looking at what I have right now...everything is the grace from Lord which I do not deserve..and everything is a blessing..which our Lord gives to me generously..
I know very well..that all this is given by God..and if the Lord is to take away..I have no credit to claim for it nor will I ever blame God for it.

I, Angeline is born with everyone..coming into this world naked..and one day..leaving this world..not bringing anything with me..but only the most precious thing..that is the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ when He was nailed on the cross for us..

Indeed having the Lord as my shepherd...I have no wants...(Having the Lord..means having everything I need..with no all). Losing Christ is losing everything I have..

I truly and faithfully important Jesus Christ stands in myself...
I am a CHRISTIAN..which I can say proudly...

Sad to say..many claim to be Christian..but their life is without Christ..
and let me share with u again something meaning which I learned....
CHRISTIAN..if u take away the CHRIST in the word CHRISTIAN...

What do u get?

Answer: You get nothing...

Because.. If you take out the 'CHRIST' in the word CHRISTIAN...u left only I. A. N. (Which stands for I am Nothing).

A Christian's life without Jesus Christ is NOTHING!
Because Christ is the everything in a Christian life.

I experience the near death..the near of losing even a room over my head...
but I held one very important thing in my hand..that is the hand of the Lord!
The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.

And this is the reason why...I insist my future life partner has to be a devoted Christian and a God fearing man like me...I am not prefect at all but I am a sinful..but I admit and know very well I am a sinful...yet the only different is..I have confessed my sins..I know I am a sinful..and I asked and have received the forgiveness of my sins from our Lord Jesus Christ..I am now HIS CHILDREN..
I will never be prefect and no one is prefect till the day..we are back to the Lord..

People asked "Why you insist your partner to be Christian? I see many christian marrying non-christian.."

My answer is "I follow what the Lord teaches me and He knows what is best for me..Bible says TWO MUST BE EQUALLY YOKED. What does that mean? This means that both must have the same belief to fall back to.

In life..there is no eternal life except the love of God. Everyone is been created uniquely and differently. Everyone has different background, different principals they set in their they want their life to be..what they believe..This often caused lots of conflict or disagreement esp in marriage..when a couple quarrel..both refused to give in..insisting only each's opinion is this point of time..if both are God-fearing Christian..they will fall back to the what is right in God's eyes and not their own eyes..and come to an agreement..because bible has the overall authority in their life..the Word of God is the lamp of our feet and the light of our path."

Many Christian and non-Christian married..but ended up in an unhappy marriage..because their yoke is not enough.
What does it mean by equally yoked in the bible? Yoke is the a wooden bar which is fastened over the necks of two animals, especially ox..if two are not equally means you are putting one end of the yoke over the neck of an ox..whereas the other end over the neck of a cow..Do you think they can have enough pace..and get a land plow?

This is exactly what it means..and this is why..two must be of the same religion..esp if the religion means everything to one of the party in the relationship. Hope this gives you a clearer pic.

Thus..I will continue to look and wait upon the one which the Lord has prepared for me..the God-fearing Christian man who truly loves me...
Otherwise..I am willing be stay a happy single..

Pastor once shared..Happiness doesn't comes from marriage..Marriage doesn't create Happiness..Happiness is what a couple must bring into their order to be happy..thus..happiness comes first..before a marriage starts:)

Monday, September 21, 2009

See u soon Daphne

Daphne was my my workplace..
Last Friday was her so-called last day at she has to settle some personal stuff back in Malaysia..which would take months..
however, we love her and enjoy her presents at work..
She is simple, direct, warm and sweet person..tho naggy at times..hee..
Bosses asked us to go for dinner with her on that day and we went for bowling after that..
We took lots of pics in our new office...and enjoyed the time together...
I am really gonna miss her..
Come back soon Daphne...we will be waiting for you at Vital Vision...!!!
Love you and missing u.......
Take care..
See u soon!!!

Time is a luxury

One of the master piece which I love most is this:
The Persistence of Memory
Artist Salvador Dalí
Year 1931
Type oil on canvas
Dimensions 24 cm × 33 cm (9.5 in × 13 in)
Location Museum of Modern Art, New York City
For the novel by Tony Eprile, see The Persistence of Memory (novel).
The Persistence of Memory
Artist Salvador Dalí
Year 1931
Type oil on canvas
Dimensions 24 cm × 33 cm (9.5 in × 13 in)
Location Museum of Modern Art, New York City
La persistencia de la memoria (1931) or The Persistence of Memory – also known by some as Melting Clocks – is the most famous painting by artist Salvador Dalí.

The painting has been in the collection of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City since 1934. It is very widely recognized, and is a frequent reference in popular culture.

On contrary, to me..The melting clock symbolise that time is melting away...
slipping thru our hands like melting ice..turning into water...
you cannot catch hold of it..

There are many people around me who care for me and wanting me to caring for them..
So much that each seems to want a part of me...which I cannot afford...
as time is no longer a common thing I have in hand...its like a luxury that I can hardly afford at this present moment...
so much so...I started to behave like a man I loved in the past...
he knew I loved him deeply but knowing he couldn't give me what I want of him..and he started to keep himself away from me....
I discover myself doing this since I started studying...or even earlier..
The more that person wants a part of me...the more I will keep myself away...becuz I know I can never satisfy him/her or the expectation on me..
their love and care became a weight which weights heavily on me...
No doubt the soft part of Angie is reproaching her each time she knew she had to spend some time with A or B or C..people who are important in her life..and has been thru with her in her life...

But the Angie now, who has learnt to love herself finally...realise..its time to live for herself and not others..there are too many people expect her to be there for them at all the time..which she can no longer cope...she need to focuz in her life and accomplish what she has to do now...i.e Her job, her study, family, her faith and her finance...She needs to learn that its her life..she needs to live for herself not matter how others might feel...she really cannot do much but to squeeze out part of her precious for one at a my dear ones..pls do not expect much for Angie now..becuz she does not have the luxury of time. I guess eventually..everyone has to learn to respect each other life and decision in life.

Time is the best test for all things..if anything should fade away as the time goes by...that just well that foundation was built.
Last but not least...the time if I ever squeeze to meet anyone of really the best I could do for you right now.
I hope u can understand and appreciate..otherwise..there is nothing much to say but what we have just isn't strong.

Take care!
p.s. There are so much to be done and yet to be done..and I missed time for myself too...Oh and remember..never rely on men but only God alone..becuz Men will disappoint you, as we are not PREFECT!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Love quote#1

"Love is like quicksilver in the hand. Leave the fingers open and it stays. Clutch it, and it darts away." - Dorothy Parker

Getting off the wrong side of the bed

Ever had this feeling that you got off from the wrong side of the bed?
I felt that way today..
Except that I had the Lord Jesus with didn't turn out too bad ..
But heartache couldn't be avoided tho :)

Well..just like my bosses say...MOVE ON..don't be discourage...thank God for giving me good and understanding bosses...
May our Lord bless my bosses..:)

When my true love comes

Days ago..I had strange dream..
I was married on my 40th birthday instead of 20th May of my 40th birthday..

Angeline is always very bad with numbers..
but this dream..I actually remembered that outside a was written Happy 40th Birthday Angeline..

But as I enters the turned out that it was my wedding..which was supposed to be on 20th May instead of 9th May..i.e. My birthday..
I was totally caught off-guard..

What a sweet but strange dream...hmmm............

Roller coaster

Talking about Roller Coaster...
The sweetest love letter was the love letter written by my 1st date (bf-to-be)..
The nicest guy whom I loved and loved me back then..

We parted because he knew he couldn't be a christian whom I needed and wanted my life partner to be..Tho he went to church with me..but he just couldn't feel the way I felt for my Lord Jesus Christ. He mentioned that he wish he could experience what God let me went thru and he can feel that strongly for God..eventually I guess he just wasn't the chosen one by God.

He has done many sweet things in my life..
He took funny passport pics to make me laugh when I thot I probably frightened him away during our very first date when he came to pick me up from work..and my gastric started to hurt so badly that I went back to my workplace and vomited..We had to postpone our date to the next day. I thot he probably will wanna say to break up with me..even tho we are at the 'probation' period..

His sweetness and sincerity touches me. So did the love letter he wrote to me..
It was the sweetest anyone could have written to me..
He said..days with me were like a journey on the Roller felt like on the top of the roller exciting..filled with happiness..he wished each moment could last forever..
However when he was back to his own world felt as if he has fallen to the bottom of the roller hit the ground..Back to reality he had to face teasing by his friend for becoming christian..and the fear of his family's reaction as he comes from a very traditional chinese background..He felt lonely..and struggled. He looked forward to each new adventure with me..but he had lots of worries and fears to overcome..We were pretty young then.. the end..he left the decision to me..willing to take whatever the decision I made...
After lots of struggle....I decided to let go of his hand...We parted by the beach with lots of our buddies waiting for that critical moment of my decision.
I told him to go for his happiness...and even persuade him to court after a woman who is now his happy wife..because..I felt that this man loves me more than I love him...I do not deserve him..An antique needs to be in the hand of the beholder (collector) to have its worth. In a layman's hand..its value can never be appreciated as much..neither can it shines...

Each one is an antique and a collector..and one day..I will find my collector and my antique too! :)

I thank God for this precious moment that will always stays with me..forever..and thank God for him that has ever been in my life..ever so sweet..and still we are friends forever....

Monday, September 7, 2009

Here comes the new spice in life..

Life seems to be pretty dry recently..occupied with work,study and freelance designing...feeling really exhausted...
Was hoping for a new love and romance to come along the way to spice up my life alittle.. :)

New romance brings new excitement..its thrilling...but can be exhausting in a way as if one rides on a roller coaster...
One feel like you are at the top of the world..
the next moment you may feel as if you have fell to the pit..when that person seems to be silence and not responding..The heart seems to pounding seems to lose a moment as if you have entered into a complete new world...You seem to lose focuz of what you are doing for a moment..then HEY WAKE UP..!!! Back you went into reality again..

Something I learned from the past..If its yours its won't run away..
And even if he does run probably means he is not the one for you.
Chinese has a saying "Mian qiang shi mei you xin fu de!" Right?
Hee.. anyway, its better to have a new romance than none..Something to look forward to each day I guess...Love or not? Nah..not at this moment..just a little spice in my life..who knows..the next moment it could be gone with the wind..


Friday, September 4, 2009

Paintball outing

Hey guys sooo sorry that I have been sooo busy with work, study and freelance designing...Finally this issue of newsletter is done..hopefully no futher changes and they can proceed for printing straight away...
Rushing it for nites sleeping only at 2.30am for a few nite..
really exhausted...I had proposed to draw out from this project as time is really not on my side..

Just a quick sharing..of the pics taken during our recent class outing few weeks ago with my 1st year classmates/buddies..
Look..its soo fun..tho the Huge bruise took me abt a week to go off..and trust me the bruise turn out to be as big as 8-9cm..haha..looks scarly..but hey its fun!!!
I sure wanna go again..!!!

Here are some interesting pics to share with you...
The one with pink helmet and red tshirt is ME!!!

THE BATTLE BEGIN.................



Thanks Derek for organising:)

Monday, August 24, 2009

3rd issue design..

Rushed thru yesterday and today..
finally finished 10pages of design..
having a hard time retrying to log into my windows..
wasted an hour trying to go into my window to start my programme..
not sure is it i accidently deleted something yesterday while trying to solve my design software programme..
i had problem with my changes my " " and ' into boxes when I convert into path...
If anyone of you knows how to solve this problem pls advise..
Its killing me.. otherwise I have to cut and paste and replace every single " " and ' bit by bit with the one I draw..its so taxing...
Anyway I am asking to change the meeting and submission date to this sat..hopefully they will allow...
Its abt 2am now..just finished the 10th page..
I need to sleep now..
I have a long day tomorrow.
Pray for me ya..
Have a great week ahead!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Quick update

Hey guys

Sorry that I have been soooo busy that I haven't got time to update my blog.
Thanks for your support and patient to follow thru..
I guess some probably might have left cuz i haven't been update as frequent as before.

Currently i am busy rushing my 14 pages of Newsletter for Marine parade GRC.
Need to finish by tomorrow midnite as Monday nite I have classes and tuesday will be the meeting for the committee to go thru before printing.

Actually I haven't got time to work on the newsletter after I recieved the articles last Monday, because I had oversea supplier who came over the whole of last week..I had to arrange meetings, fetch him from hotel and went for meetings with him thru-out the day..and then bring him for dinner and go for my class and sent him back to hotel. After sending him back to hotel..I had to go back and start checking and reply office email from midnite till 2-3am..then continue this routine till he went back. After sending him off to airport on last thursday..i rush back to office to start packing up for our office shifting..then rush for my class again.

Last Friday was busy with packing in the office till about 10.30pm or so..and sat continue with packing and shifting in to our new office..worked till 8pm..whole body wanna break..then bosses treat us to back massage..
Finally gotta rest on sunday..
Due to the overworking for the whole of last week...this week..I was no able to do on any design after work...
And I have been working till pretty late my evening classes..
Finally gotta sleep till start to fix my pc problem before I can work on my design...
There are lots more to do..
but i am exhausted..for today..
will probably continue after church tomorrow to finish all the 14 pages..
Probably will have to work till midnite or 2-3am again...

i am seriously considering to give up this freelance project after this is i am too packed..I really seems to have no time to rest..Pray for me ya?
I thank God for the opportunity to work on this project..Its really a gift from God and good experience and profile.


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Rainbow Souvenir on my arm..A wonderful sunday outing..

Today I had a great fun with my ex-classmates and present classmate..
Derek, my buddy organised a class outing today..i.e Paintball Outing..

Here are the informations:

Dark coloured long sleeve tops (eg. long sleeve sports jerseys, cardigan), long pants (eg. track pants, jeans) and covered shoes (eg. soccer boots, running shoes) are recommended. Bringing a change of clothing is advisable as we will be there for you, rain or shine.

We took the package called Rambo
PACKAGE D - RAMBO (250 paintballs per pax) - $49.90 per pax

One man with one mission: Destroy the opposition and survive! With 250 paintballs assigned to you, you are fearless and dangerous. Immerse in a fun day of shooting, hiding and capturing the flag! As our most popular package, this will guarantee you with a full paintball experience. Suitable for team building games amongst friends, colleagues and families. Estimated game duration is about 2 hours which includes safety briefing.

There were 3 guys and 6 gals who went today..
Initially we gals wanted to challenge the 3 guys i.e. 6 against 3..hee..
then the guys 'objected' we play 'Or Ah Bei Ah Som'..and ended up...I was with the 3 a was a great fun..

We had fun shoting each other and the target object and avoid ganna hit...
Funnie thing is..I actually shot my own team mate...which the girls wanted to hit..hee..just for fun..I din not do it deliberately..just that as I was attacking the target he suddenly came running he got hit...another of my team mate also almost got hit from me..for the same incident..thank God only hit his gun..
Good thing about this game one will actually die..once you got simple run to your safty board to touch and you are alive and can play again..

There were total 3 rounds..
I managed to shot down the target while the guys ran to snatch the flags...
1st round we won...2nd round..all no more bullet..3rd round the gals win..
It was really a fun outing...we should organise such outing more often...hee..
We had a great time..
Good time about this is..everyone tho grumbling but we are really cool about it..and know its just a game..even tho we shot each other with a number of bruises..
One is the gals got 9 bruise..I only got one..but a huge one..
The person in charge say the bruise will take one two weeks to recover..
But we had a great fun!!!!
Thanks Derek for organising this game..Sorry lutfi that you could't join becuz you are unwell..It would have been even more fun if you could join..
I like being in the same teams as the guys (James, Jeff and Derek) they are very cool about it..esp James..he just make a joke of me shooting him from behind..and laugh it off.

After the game we went for dinner at a nice chinese restaurant at Yishun..then I sent James back..
What a wonderful sunday!!! :)

p.s. you guys should try out paintball at Bottle Tree Park near Khatib MRT sometime..
check out their website. :)
Exact location;,%2081%20Lorong%20Chencharu,%20S769198).jpg

Have a great week ahead! cheer:)

Friday, July 24, 2009

One more to go...

Finally FPOM paper is over..
left one more to go....
Lord pls help me to prepare well tomorrow for my Monday's Marketing Exam (last paper for this semester.)

o(^u^)/ GANBATTE!!!!

Monday, July 20, 2009


This semester is crazy for
The topics are really tough to prepare..took about a week to prepare each topic unlike yr we took about 2 days or so to prepare for each topic..
Its essay essay still essay...

Currently preparing for ODTW (Organisation Design and Transformation of work)..
As I need to write to remember...I targetted a few topics for OD and TW..about 6 each since we need to do 2 each...however only managed to finished the 4th one last midnite..each topic I wrote from 5-8 pages or more but in actual exam we only have 45 mins to write 4-5 pages of answers...and answer 4 questions..(2 from OD 2 from TW). Two difference subject which is somehow lumped together..

God I have started preparing for my TW essays revision...jiayou..aim for 5..then tomo before exam revising everything again..God pls give me understanding..pass and do well in my exam..
Thereafter on Fri is my supplementary paper which I flunk..FPOM (Foundation of Production and Operation management..)
Again essays...jiayou bah..and had to work on wednesday..
Ganbatte!!! All the best everyone!!!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Consumer Behavior Exam

I am going crazy studying Consumber Behavior Exam...
The thing about this paper is..
Its not say difficult but its indeed confusing...
Its endless studying..
so many chim terms...and all looks similar...and how to relate all these topics together...what is memory..what is knowledge..what is motivation...what are the type of motivation...what is learning...what are the type of learning..
what are the type of motivation...what are reference group...blah blah blah..
the list goes on and on non stop...
Oh mine...
feeling so stress...
chest pain..overstress...
Finally the paper for today is over...
Well..what can i say..
cannot recall everything...
only wrote about 4 pages of answer for each question...
cannot recall too much..did my best..
just leave the rest to God..

Now have to focus on my other 3 papers...Jiayou...
God help...I pray...
May all the glory be given upon God..
I just pray I can pass all my papers..and glorify God's name..that's all..

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Consumer behaviour

For those studying for Consumer behavior exam,
I found this website which can help me to understand better.
Hope it will help you as well...

Monday, July 6, 2009

Drowsy day..

Feeling drowsy today...
After 5 days of rest..I am going back to work tomorrow..
Tho fever left..but silly flu haven't ..
Medication made me feel drowsy..
Wanted to grab some time for revision but the drowsy state keeps me away...
I only managed to check and reply emails from work...working from home basically..during mc...
still feel that numbness in my head...
God help me to totally recover by tomorrow..
I need to start full focuz in revising for next monday's exam...
tough subject...CONSUMER BEHAVIOR..
not really sure how to start but gotta start somewhere..
all those terms used is so...chim...Oh dear..
Now i seriously need a short nap..
cannot focuz any longer..

Sunday, July 5, 2009


Reading the book given by my Youth Fellowship as my birthday present Becoming the Woman God Wants Me to Be- by Donna Partow.

God spoke to me thru the devotion passage.
Again He reminded stop and refocuz...
Not only God wants me to be back in good physical health but also good spiritual health.
Like in the devotion passage- there is a bible verse that says " A joyful heart is good medicine but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." (proverb 17:22)
Joy and Laughter are healers. Negativity-and the stress it creates is a destroyer.

Another verse which hits me is "Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your mind in Christ Jesus." "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is execellent or praiseworthy-think about such things...put into practice..And the God of peace will be with you.."

Guided prayer:"Dear Lord, I rejoice in you! Let the joy and rest I find in knowing you be manifested in my life as a gentle and quiet spirit. Thank you for being near. Today I choose, by faith, not to be anxious about anything. Instead, I am presenting it all to you and trusting you to work all things together for my good. Thank you Lord. You've been good to me.

Holy Spirit, teach me how to recognise and remain in the peace of God, even when my circumstances are anything but peaceful. I know that peace guards my heart, my mind and my health, too. God, forgive me for those times when I get so focuzed on everything that's wrong with my life. That gets me nowhere. Instead, I'm fixing my thoughts on what is right in my life: everything that's true, noble, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy. Since that sums up Jesus perfectly, All I really have to do is fix my eyes on you. Thanks for making it so simple. Lord. Amen!"

Today's devotion helped me alot. Hope this bit of sharing helps you as well.
Now I know why devotion is so important.
God has prefect timing prefect plan.
Just in time to reminds me to trust in Him, rely on Him and not myself.
With God, all things is possible.
The LOrd is my strength and my fortress.

Praise the Lord Almighty!

Take a Break!!!

Thank you sooo much for all your concern.

Fever seems to get under control, my body system seems to be flushing out the virus day by day..which is a good sigh to recovery..
Tho body has no strength now ...but no problem...Should be back in good health in a day or two..

You are right,exam is only one week away, thus other than checking office emails,
I will try to do some revision on my exam thot its hard to focuz with the head feeling heavy (medicine cause drowsiness too) but will try...

Sometimes I think life becomes too busy..that we lost our initiate focuz.
This fever comes in time, God probably wants me STOP, TAKE A BREAK and REFOCUZ on positive viewpoint (optimistic).

Today did my devotion at home since I cannot go church have to avoid the crowd till fully recover.
A meaningful phrase HIT ME “By believing the best (of people/things), we bring out the best!
Its a matter of choice if we want to see a cup that is half empty or half full.

“ A joyful heart is good medicine but a crushed spirit dries up the bones” (Bible)
Joy and laughter are healers. Negativity-and the stress it creates-is a destroyer.
Thank God to remind me to be positive again!!! Jiayou!!!

I took all your advise, drinking plenty of water like never before.
I can't wait to be back in health.


Saturday, July 4, 2009


A statement triggers me to write this.."I am not a true friend"

Undeniable, Angeline has changed. Not that she doesn't care for people around her anymore but rather, she learnt that its time to be responsible for herself and her life. She cannot live for others anymore. She used to live to please others and helping others as priority over herself, only to realised that its time to live for herself. No one is responsible for another person or have any obligation on others.
Eventually one has to determine how he or she wants her life to be.

At this age, half my life is gone..
I started to realise that I need to progress in my life and stop staying on the same spot and become a burden to the family. One day my parents will be gone, if I remain single, I need to do something about my life. I need to start planning for my future, esp in finance aspect. I need to start off by getting myself a good degree and education to safeguard my income for the future. Thus I need to do well not just in my present job but also manage my study well to get my degree. Its no joke having to manage work and study at the same time. Its always easier say than done.
Esp with more than half the school fees supported by my family..the responsibility on my shoulders is not one who can imagine.
At the same time, I need to grab hold of opportunity that can brighten my future in career aspect as well. I realised only if I can help myself, will I have the ability to help others. I used to place others esp friends as priority giving them whatever I can till I am overstressed...and remaining where I progress in life..

Age is catching me up...I no longer has that stamina to handle so much things at the same time..I need to place priority to get things done. Thus I am sorry that I neglect my best friends and buddies..but all I can say is...I really cannot afford to let all these hardwork and effort go to waste. All I can do is..I will try to give you apart of my time but never like before because I can no longer affort that time and energy..I am be frank..Having to cope with life, advancement and make sure all goes not an easy task. Thus I hope you guys can understand..I can try my best to squeeze out some time for you and eventually its really up to you. I can be there for you but eventually the only person we can rely on is ourselve and God.

I wish I could have more time in the world to cope well with my work, study, family, friends and so on...but unfortunately...I do not have that leisure right now. I can only endure till I graduate. That's all I can say.

If you are to call me selfish..self-centred...I have nothing to say..but to say..Let's respect each other's life. We probably might disagree with each other and might live on different principles, different responsibility, different perspective...thus the only way relationship remains true is to let time prove...if separation destroys the friendship or only means its not strong enough for the test.

Life goes on....There is a time for me..its time to focuz on my study, my work and my family..and of cuz...keeping my faith and walk with God that I will not depart from HIM.

Last but not least...I do treasure all of you in my heart...and give thanks for you..I can be there for you when you fall..but will have to rely on yourself to get up again and walk..becuz I cannot be there for you one can..except God. Rely on God and yourself rather other men, because men is limited,they cannot be there for you forever, not even life partners. So be Strong and courageous!!!

Friday, July 3, 2009

A test of Faith

Its time for Faith again...
Exam is one week away..yet to start revising...not that I didn't wanna start earlier but never had the chance to..always sooo busy and tired..
Now..down with fever..

This reminds me..its time for FAITH again...
Remember how Jesus fed the 5000 people with only 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes..just when everything think its impossible...nothing is impossible with God.
and guess what..God gives more than that event..not only did he fed 5000 people and they even have how many??? can't remember 11 or 12 baskets of left over reminding...conclusion..God gives amazing...and those who trust and follow him...

So..its really time to trust in the Lord..and try my best to focuz on my revision all the way till exam..Maybe God knows I need more time to give me study..just need to pick up my textbook which I left in office tomorrow to study over these few days...Jiayou Angeline...You can do it..
Just take one step at the time..go by faith..Jiayou Jiayou!!!!

Definition of faith in the bible: Believing without seeing..
Those who believe without seeing is more blessed than those who sees then believed...

Whatever the result maybe...I trust that the Lord has prefect plan for me..

God has perfect timing..

Serious I have pheobia of driving..
always think after so many years not driving..I will keep my license just for emergency case like I need to drive to send someone to doctor etc.

Hee..never know the first one to send is myself.
With the 'Suspect' of one will want to send you to hospital..
even family members will try to keep distance away from you..afraid they might get to rely on?

Wednesday nite..had high fever 38 degree C. Drove my car to find if any clinic still drove myself again to visit the clinic for 2nd opinion..
Then to office to pick up my charger.
Now I know why God gave me a car at this time..
imagine if I got no car..I will be so miserable..and have to face lots of trouble to settle this by myself...
God has good timing for everything...
Maybe even this that I can grab some time to study..

But one sad thing partner to take care of me..have to see doctor myself..feed myself..sponge myself to let fever goes down..but grateful to receive endless phonecalls and sms to make sure I am feeling better..but that also means I have no time to have proper sleep cuz sms and calls keep coming in...haiz...

pray that I can have a little good rest and then wake up to start doing some revision for my week more to exam...pray for me ya????
I seriously needs this..


Down with fever..

I have been down with high fever since wednesday nite..
At first suspected if I got H1N1..Swine Flu..cuz I had dinner with Professor Frank from Perth Royal Hospital on sunday..

Went to see doctor at 9.30pm..
clinic all close...
went into one clinic..told me they are close..I asked them how then..i am running high fever..then they relunctantly took me in..
After checking doctor say..should not be lungs/breathing is clear..
and the signs for H1N1 will only appear one week later after I got into contact..
and since my friend Frank is alright when I met him..I should be fine..
So he gave me three days mc..

However after resting a day..fever went up from 38 to 39 then to 38.3 to 38 to 37.7 then 38.1

Though fever subsided this morning to 36.6 after I apply the cool pad last nite..then it rise to 37.3 to 37.5 and then I think its time to consult another better doctor Green Cross.

Gave them a call and went down.
Doctor used that eye infrared thermometer to scan my eye and took high..Doctor checked..and a sign for need not worry..
But....need plenty of rest and water...and fresh air..
Cannot get into contact with people until next I might spread to them or get H1N1 at this period of time if I touch wood happent to get in contact with anyone who carries that virus..cuz body very weak now.

so..MC till Monday..Tuesday then can work.
I rang up bosses..drove to pick up my laptop chargers from office..asked my senior Daphne to bring downstair for me. I was wearing no worries..
I need to work from home just to avoid any inconvenience to my office. This is what I call commitment to work..if anyone doubted my committment to work.

Its one week to exam..yet to study..God pls help me..pray that I will feel better and can grab this MC days to study tho I still have to work from home and rest to get well..Pray for me ya? That God give me extra grace and mercy and power..
All in All I believe, God has a prefect plan for me for whatever that happens.

All the best to our exam everyone!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Late than Never

Life has been so busy and tense up for me...
Seriously I must apologise for missing out in my buddy Sandra's blog reading..
Really missed reading her blog.

I always enjoy her blog...just that as life got sooooo busy that I seem to lose that simply happiness which I had...

Its good to visit her blog again for soooo long...
Will make an effort to read her blog.. :)

As usual...Sandra never missed out sending me birthday greetings on my birthday tho she is way in Auz...she never fails to remember dates like birthday, anniversary...and so on...I am the total opposite...
I am hopeless when coming to numbers.....

Here is something really sweet I saw which she put up on her blog on my birthday...
Angeline (Godma loves you too!)

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

loooooooooong pause...

Hi guys...sorry for the looooooong pause...
I have been wanting very much to write as usual...however life just gets so busy and exhausting that I have lost my remainding energy to really do what I want...

The sky is no always blue....
There are times where you are hit by HUGE WAVE IN LIFE...
and are hit by the little ones....

Work is good as usual except meeting more cunning people who try to squeeze the very bit out of you or even accuse you for things you did not do...
This is what I hated most!
Well..there are some little hipcups in work with boss lately....just pray that the weather will turn good again soon....

What have I been busy???
Let's see...
Mainly my new little precious which is giving me a little excitment, headaches, worries, happiness and so on...
that is my car...
Sometimes I feel that she is like a little baby of child of mine that needs care and concern..there seems like no end to worrying about what will happen to her...
will the tire get puncture again...will things occurs on the road and so on...
Like the parents having to keep worrying abt their kids...
This is exhausting...till I get use of having her in my life and as part of me...
This baby eats alot too tho she is such a tiny baby...

So much abt car...
I was busy rushing 2nd issue newsletter like mad...for weeks..with full time work and study to cope with...
rushing over midnite to meet deadlines...finally submitted and printed 2 weeks ago..
Today is the meeting for the 3rd of the newsletter...
lots of bombs flying everywhere in the meeting....feels so tenses...
as if my heart is like the wet clothes that got twisted dry...phew..
eventually ended well with smile...

Next month is exam..yet to really study..
must start burying myself in books..pray that I will pass and do well in studies..
God bless...

More updates sooon :)

Friday, June 5, 2009

Days of Adventure

Since I start driving again after many many years not driving...
Each day is like a new adventure for me...
Each morning I will wake up early to get ready for my adventure on the road...

Tho Singapore is small..even if you get will somehow find a way to your destination..its only a matter of time consumed...

The adventure of the road around Singapore is thrilling and exciting..not knowing what might be coming up next...
You have to be aware of traffic, people and route...
Needs lots of focus...
Travelling too fast you will missed your turn and go a big round....
tho to people who are experience..they might laugh off...but..well..for me..I just take it as if its another chance to explore and learn new areas/route...nothing to be shameful about...

Drove to unicampus last nite...missed the exit..which was not shown clearly on the map...went further then thank God managed to make a detour..and got to my Uni in time :)

As usual drove one of my gal friend back to Hougang since she is not in a hurry and willing to explore the way back to her place with me...and so..we had a thrilling drive back last old house in Queensway..Bukit Merah...Alexendar...World Trade Centre...ECP...KPE...PIE (Paya Lebar) Eunos...Hougang...then back to where I stay...Where??? Hee...Secret...

The drive was fun and thrilling...first time driving on the ECP from the city...hahaha...

Lots of thots went thru my mind...while driving...
will share with u another time..

Now..time to get back to work...
Wish u a Blessed and happy weekend!


Monday, June 1, 2009

1st Drive

Yesterday was my 1st drive to our present church since we moved our church to Geylang.

Today was my 1st drive to work and to school.....
Its was nervous, exciting and fun.....
The more I drive my little Nissan March...the more I start to feel that its part of know the entire part of that 'me'...hee...

Let's see...1st drive to work...consider very smooth...just like driving to my sister say "Did God parted the red sea for you today?" Ya indeed HE DID..haha HE clear the road for me to drive..hahaha...

The traffic was very slow from my place to work..esp when I work in Ubi area...which is well-known for slow traffic....

1st time driving to school in Dhoby Ghaut..followed exactly wat daddy told me...but missed a right turn..ended Fort Canning then..had to drive all the way to orchard..make a turn at somerset and then back to Dhoby Ghaut...then to my school...
Thus at the to pay for 2 ERP which costed me $3. And the parking at near my school is $2/entry...consider cheap liao...

After class sent one of my classmate 'home' near her place..then headed home...
We went thru little india..the traffic is very challenging and we were not so sure about which lane to keep to...had a number of hipcups..but finally reached the destination peacefully and happily..
Tho there are hipcups but my classmate Emily enjoyed the ride...She seems to like my little humble car...
The first thing she saw my car cute...cuz I dolled up my little car with my bears...soft toys and bright looks cosy...hee..she likes it..

I asked if my driving will cuz she to vomit..she said no..she fact she hardly sit in any car without feeling dizzy..but she feels good in my car...hahaha.. relieve to hear that....

Still...there are lots of rough edges to smoothen out...
Since its my own car...I got no choice but to drive it and practice my driving everyday...

But one thing I discover when driving for this few days....
The way people drive the car..tells what kind of People they are...
Their car is just like them....
Some people will be very impatient and honk at you without allowing you to make any mistake...
Some people are more patient and kind...they give way to you...allowing you to amend your mistake...and change to the correct lane....
Doesn't this reminds you of the people around you???

Some people are hot-temper...some are cool and relax....some are forgiving...some are simply 'bo-chap'...some are nervous....some are very obedient....some like to take risk....etc....

Isn't it interesting????

Okie...time to go to sleep..go to wake up early, amend my newsletter design...and go to work...We have guest from Germany tomorrow...have to go with him and my bosses to attend meetings with clients tomorrow.

Nite nite :)
Before I sleep...praise and thanks to God for the smooth and safety journey today once again...

Nite..sweet dreams everyone...muck!