Friday, July 3, 2009

A test of Faith

Its time for Faith again...
Exam is one week away..yet to start revising...not that I didn't wanna start earlier but never had the chance to..always sooo busy and tired..
Now..down with fever..

This reminds me..its time for FAITH again...
Remember how Jesus fed the 5000 people with only 5 loaves of bread and 2 fishes..just when everything think its impossible...nothing is impossible with God.
and guess what..God gives more than that event..not only did he fed 5000 people and they even have how many??? can't remember 11 or 12 baskets of left over reminding...conclusion..God gives amazing...and those who trust and follow him...

So..its really time to trust in the Lord..and try my best to focuz on my revision all the way till exam..Maybe God knows I need more time to give me study..just need to pick up my textbook which I left in office tomorrow to study over these few days...Jiayou Angeline...You can do it..
Just take one step at the time..go by faith..Jiayou Jiayou!!!!

Definition of faith in the bible: Believing without seeing..
Those who believe without seeing is more blessed than those who sees then believed...

Whatever the result maybe...I trust that the Lord has prefect plan for me..

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