Sunday, July 5, 2009

Take a Break!!!

Thank you sooo much for all your concern.

Fever seems to get under control, my body system seems to be flushing out the virus day by day..which is a good sigh to recovery..
Tho body has no strength now ...but no problem...Should be back in good health in a day or two..

You are right,exam is only one week away, thus other than checking office emails,
I will try to do some revision on my exam thot its hard to focuz with the head feeling heavy (medicine cause drowsiness too) but will try...

Sometimes I think life becomes too busy..that we lost our initiate focuz.
This fever comes in time, God probably wants me STOP, TAKE A BREAK and REFOCUZ on positive viewpoint (optimistic).

Today did my devotion at home since I cannot go church have to avoid the crowd till fully recover.
A meaningful phrase HIT ME “By believing the best (of people/things), we bring out the best!
Its a matter of choice if we want to see a cup that is half empty or half full.

“ A joyful heart is good medicine but a crushed spirit dries up the bones” (Bible)
Joy and laughter are healers. Negativity-and the stress it creates-is a destroyer.
Thank God to remind me to be positive again!!! Jiayou!!!

I took all your advise, drinking plenty of water like never before.
I can't wait to be back in health.


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