Friday, July 3, 2009

God has perfect timing..

Serious I have pheobia of driving..
always think after so many years not driving..I will keep my license just for emergency case like I need to drive to send someone to doctor etc.

Hee..never know the first one to send is myself.
With the 'Suspect' of one will want to send you to hospital..
even family members will try to keep distance away from you..afraid they might get to rely on?

Wednesday nite..had high fever 38 degree C. Drove my car to find if any clinic still drove myself again to visit the clinic for 2nd opinion..
Then to office to pick up my charger.
Now I know why God gave me a car at this time..
imagine if I got no car..I will be so miserable..and have to face lots of trouble to settle this by myself...
God has good timing for everything...
Maybe even this that I can grab some time to study..

But one sad thing partner to take care of me..have to see doctor myself..feed myself..sponge myself to let fever goes down..but grateful to receive endless phonecalls and sms to make sure I am feeling better..but that also means I have no time to have proper sleep cuz sms and calls keep coming in...haiz...

pray that I can have a little good rest and then wake up to start doing some revision for my week more to exam...pray for me ya????
I seriously needs this..


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