Monday, July 13, 2009

Consumer Behavior Exam

I am going crazy studying Consumber Behavior Exam...
The thing about this paper is..
Its not say difficult but its indeed confusing...
Its endless studying..
so many chim terms...and all looks similar...and how to relate all these topics together...what is memory..what is knowledge..what is motivation...what are the type of motivation...what is learning...what are the type of learning..
what are the type of motivation...what are reference group...blah blah blah..
the list goes on and on non stop...
Oh mine...
feeling so stress...
chest pain..overstress...
Finally the paper for today is over...
Well..what can i say..
cannot recall everything...
only wrote about 4 pages of answer for each question...
cannot recall too much..did my best..
just leave the rest to God..

Now have to focus on my other 3 papers...Jiayou...
God help...I pray...
May all the glory be given upon God..
I just pray I can pass all my papers..and glorify God's name..that's all..

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