Sunday, December 6, 2009

Finally home again...

Phew...what a long journey to make myself travel back 'home' to this blog again.
Strange feeling tho..
a sense of happiness, a sense of lost, a sense of missing..a sense of....
But whatever it is...
Its good to finally be with you guys again..

Now, what has Angeline been doing during this period of 'MIA'???
I remember attending Joyce my best friend and Cindy my buddy's birthday party at bala few weeks the mist of my them a surprise as well as giving myself a short break in btw of my exams...
My friends were surprised to see me there...and most of them said almost that same things that its good to see me..and I have been soo soo busy..always seeing msg on my facebook saying I am tired...dead tired..exhausted...its exam many more papers to go and so on...

Well..ya...basically thats what my life is about right now...WORK, STUDY, EXAM & mostly FAMILY should I have anymore time left..I do missed those times when I can stick around with friends and buddies in and so on....
Thinking of it..those seems like a luxury to me right now...
For now..should I have any time...what I need and wanted most is sleep...
I haven't had time to read my many books in my room..which I will be donating to our church library in few months time...when we shift to our new place which will be a much much smaller place..

It will be a great headache for me I think..
Well..I guess..there will always come a time, whereby such decision of keeping and removing has to be made...Frankly speaking..if not for such moments I guess..I will continue to keep everything that I have imp memories for me..
But goes on..and we have to move on...

Cont' in next post..if not this will be a long post for u guys to read..

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