Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Are you ready????

Are you ready???
This is a frequency question which I got lately...esp when exam is just next week...
My answer is...I have started revising...but well..never will be ready enough till I sit for my exam...

Today bosses asked me a question..."Are you alright Angeline?"
I kind of figure out why they ask so..
Cuz yesterday...I actually committed a mistake in my work...which surprises my boss and myself as well...I feel upset with myself for that mistake...
This is the 3rd mistakes I made within my one year plus in the company I think...till none is really serious mistake...
My bosses instead often turn around and comfort me as they know I take my mistake very seriously...which is good and bad in a way...
Boss told me.."Hey its alright...I am just surprised that you made such a mistake...becuz you are always very careful...Just thot wanna check with you..."
I told my boss..lately I cannot focuz..I felt very exhausted...perhaps...too much things going on in my mind..
having VIP coming in...on top of my work...I have so much planning to do...
and my exam is next week...trying to grab time and focuz in my revision esp when I have to OT all the way till one day before my exam...
I have not been sleeping well..couldn't relax...
Brain got over active...couldn't sleep in much thing going on in my mind...
Thus I told my boss I need to go home earlier after go straight to bed..and he said okie..

And just before that yesterday..I was doing backup of all my working stuff saving a copy for my bosses..telling them in case one day God decided to call me back to heaven..they will still have the data to continue my work....
and I asked about insurance agent...hahaha..
So I guess they must be thinking..something must have happen to I down to serious illness..hahaha...

I explained that men should always be prepared..becuz life is never a matter of AGE...sometimes in life...I will just feel that my mission might be done anytime in this world and might be called up to heaven anytime...
Thus..its always good to be prepared and leave each day as if its the last...thats why I will try to do my best in things I do..and try never to leave any burdens for others..

My boss agreed as in that way..we will always do our best and treasure, appreciate everything we have...
I am ready for life...and life after death...
how about you???
Are you ready?????

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