Thursday, October 15, 2009

Does true love exist in BGR?

Today I asked a friend...
Does true love exist?
Does he believe in true love?

How does he know if his feeling towards his gf is love/lust/passion?

He said, the feeling he had for his gf and wife to be is love.
Because when a guy is after lust or passion...
he will only think of having sex with that woman and nothing else..
But for him..
he feels comfortable, happy and satify just to be with his gf.
I don't seem to recall any part of the man who have such a feeling with me..

It seems so far away...
I almost forget and give up believing that simple true love does exist.

From that friend of mine he said..his experience is..
don't think of it..
he and his gf didn't think they will be together...
it was not in their plan..
but it just happen naturally...
nothing like what we normally aim for those perfect date..

So in happens when its less expected..

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