Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Courage makes a different!

Its human nature to avoid and run away from problem or unhappiness.
Many times in our life we often find ourselves in unpleasant situation which we chose to run away, hoping that the problem will die down or resolve itself.
Not sure if I am right about this..
but Man seems to do this often esp if they have an disagreement with his wife, he will just avoid the issue and pretend nothing had happen the next day.
Whereas woman (wife) most of the time would want to resolve the issue with her hubby to find out where goes wrong to fix it.
This many times makes we women really upset.
No wonder they said Men are from Mars and Women from Venus.

Talking about that...
even I myself...hate to find myself in situation which I have to solve..and many times..feel exhausted even just thinking that I have to solve it..and afraid that it might not be solved.
But I realised..the more I didn't want to face it or deal with it..
the more I am lack of confidence to handle it..
the more I feel stress about it..
I just need to force myself to go ahead..pick up my courage and deal with it..
who knows I might succeed...even if I don' least I try..
If will only be a stressful 'WHAT IF' that never has an answer to whether its workable or achievable..

Conclusion is...
Be Courageous..face your problem..and even if it doesn't not have gained extra experience in life!
If we chose to run away..the problem will always be the problem and hinder in our life.
Courage turns our problems into experience, knowledge and even success in life.

If you fail to climb the mountain, you will never discover the wonders on the other side of the mountain.

First step is never easy.
If a child is afraid to take his first step..will he even be able to walk for the rest of his life? Where has that courage we have gone to when we first learning walking..taking our step step to life?

Tho facing the problem might not necessary resolve it but at least you can give yourself a pat on your shoulder and say "Well Done! At least you tried! Otherwise you never know!"

Do by faith and pray, not by our own might. God see what we cannot see.
His plan is greater than ours. Like the 5 loaves and 2 fishes miracle which Jesus did. He fed 5000people with just 5 loaves and 2 fishes when his disciples thought they will never have enough to feed these people.
Jesus proved to them..nothing is impossible to God.
Not only was it enough..and they left 12 baskets of left overs from the 5 loaves 2 fishes after feeding the 5000 people.

Never say never when you have the Lord Jesus with you!

Like this beautiful display I have on my office desk..which writes "Life is full with Miracles! For nothing is impossible with God"

p.s. Just last night..I was feeling one side of my car's window and door was not in working condition and I had to send them for repair this morning..
I prayed for the last time before I make my way to the workshop..and then..Miracle happens..God heard my prayer..and suddenly all can work again!

Praise the Lord! Life is filled with Miracle!
Thank you Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior!
Life is beautiful becuase You are here with me!

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