Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Roller coaster

Talking about Roller Coaster...
The sweetest love letter was the love letter written by my 1st date (bf-to-be)..
The nicest guy whom I loved and loved me back then..

We parted because he knew he couldn't be a christian whom I needed and wanted my life partner to be..Tho he went to church with me..but he just couldn't feel the way I felt for my Lord Jesus Christ. He mentioned that he wish he could experience what God let me went thru and he can feel that strongly for God..eventually I guess he just wasn't the chosen one by God.

He has done many sweet things in my life..
He took funny passport pics to make me laugh when I thot I probably frightened him away during our very first date when he came to pick me up from work..and my gastric started to hurt so badly that I went back to my workplace and vomited..We had to postpone our date to the next day. I thot he probably will wanna say to break up with me..even tho we are at the 'probation' period..

His sweetness and sincerity touches me. So did the love letter he wrote to me..
It was the sweetest anyone could have written to me..
He said..days with me were like a journey on the Roller Coaster..it felt like on the top of the roller coaster...so beautiful...so exciting..filled with happiness..he wished each moment could last forever..
However when he was back to his own world again..it felt as if he has fallen to the bottom of the roller coaster...it hit the ground..Back to reality he had to face teasing by his friend for becoming christian..and the fear of his family's reaction as he comes from a very traditional chinese background..He felt lonely..and struggled. He looked forward to each new adventure with me..but he had lots of worries and fears to overcome..We were pretty young then..

So..at the end..he left the decision to me..willing to take whatever the decision I made...
After lots of struggle....I decided to let go of his hand...We parted by the beach with lots of our buddies waiting for that critical moment of my decision.
I told him to go for his happiness...and even persuade him to court after a woman who is now his happy wife..because..I felt that this man loves me more than I love him...I do not deserve him..An antique needs to be in the hand of the beholder (collector) to have its worth. In a layman's hand..its value can never be appreciated as much..neither can it shines...

Each one is an antique and a collector..and one day..I will find my collector and my antique too! :)

I thank God for this precious moment that will always stays with me..forever..and thank God for him that has ever been in my life..ever so sweet..and still we are friends forever....

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