Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Just the other way round..

I had a wonderful time with my classmate Emily..as I went to dinner with her after class...We had wonderful time sharing...
Really happy to know that she is opening herself to Christ..in a way or two..as her bf who she recently got engaged to..is a Catholic..

She asked and I shared..about faith..about my family..about what I been thru..and how much I appreciate and how thankful I am for everything I have right now...

Probably to those who are earning much more..might seem that what I have right now is nothing in comparison to what they have...
But seriously...True Richness comes from the heart. It comes from within..
What you might seem to have might not be what you really have...
Not all rich people are happy people...
Money cannot buy thru happiness...

In fact, like for my case..
Its because of what me and my family been thru....
Those tough times...times of sufferings and worries....
that makes what we have now..seems soooo precious....and priceless...
All I could say is...if its not for God's grace and blessings...
If not for what I have once lost.....or suffered...
I will never know what is true happiness...
and perhaps..will never appreciate and treasure what I have right now...

Remember..Happiness is from within...its not based on what seems to be...and its not based on what others see...that you have or not...
True happiness is....even if you are in the rain....you will know...the rainbow will come out to meet you really really soon...

In conclusion...try looking the other way round...Happiness is right there waiting for you...and if happiness is knocking at your door now:) say hello...and come it in!
Praise, Glory and Thanksgiving to our Lord forever and ever...Amen!!!

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