Sunday, June 29, 2008

Busy Sunday..

For some reason, I took over the chairing role as well for the Children worship in church today.

The children were well behaved today as I got them ready for the worship..
They sang happily during the service and were very attentive when I shared on the biblical story...
They got even more attentive when I shared on the story book The Dogs Day by my buddy Bill Calhoun.

However, due to time constraint I din managed to finish off the story...but well..thats good cuz this will make the children look forward to me speaking the time round...
I added christian value to the Dogs Days just the way I shared with Bill.
Not one can share the same way as I did cuz its based on individual understanding of life and biblical knowledge.
And of cuz I shared it in Mandarine tho the book is in English.
The children enjoys it very much!

After church, as usual, brought my mum and youngest brother to a cafe for set lunch.
Thereafter as I was on my way classmate Khim called me..saying that she will go to my place to pick my up to study together at White Sand.
She reached much earlier than me...
And waited till I was ready and then we set off to the Mac in White Sand to study our Statistic.
She is very patient and went thru the steps on how to analyse the questions and how to work on the exam questions.
Thanks Khim.

At about 5plus, we went to pick Aries (SIA girl) up as she has an overnight flight tonite. And they drop me at the airport so that I can meet up with Frank.
Aries helped me to check on Frank's flight.

God is gracious, I managed to ti-gam and saw Frank arrived...but he din see he left in a hurry with another man in a suit..
I din call up to him just watch him left in a rush...I din wanna held him up..

Thereafter I took the bus home..
As I was on my way home...Frank called least I felt better that he did called me up after he settle his stuff at the hotel...
He said he felt bad and that I should have called up to him just now..I told him..its alright...I can sense that he is in a rush anyway...
He haven't got his Singapore hp fixed up and said will do it tomolo..
He promised to call me again tomolo...
Well that's good..cuz anyway...i am too tired today...

Will have an early rest tonite..cuz din sleep well last nite..too stress...I had to wake up at 4plus 5am to take my stress relieve medication in order to have proper sleep.

Before I say good nite to you is some nice photo taken on the same day of Yama's his brother..
I did some effects on them tho..

Hope you enjoy these pics as much as I do..

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