Friday, June 6, 2008

Making a Profit out of ur Loss

Ever think that you can actually make a profit out of your Loss?

In number-wise..perhaps not..
but in theorectical works...

Today as I was pondering about life....
calculating my loss in "relationship" lately....
I worked up to a NET PROFIT instead....
Strangely...I discovered that my recent loss has in fact brought me profit..

How could that be...
Well...let's see.......

after "investing" all I have into what I treasured Most..
I still lost him in the end...
However, becuz of this Loss brought me more than what I lost...

In losing him...
I learnt to treasure,value and LOVE myself...
I start to live for myself...
I gain more friends...since I dun have to reserve all my time waiting for him to be free and spend it with him whenever he has some time...
I started to be independent and enjoy watching movies by myself..
I get to enjoy the most of my freedom of being single....
I have more time with family and have wonderful bond with my family now esp with the arrival of our princess...
I gain more friends....and good ones....
I have lots of wonderful classmates to study with me....
And my best friend and buddies are still very close to me...always here for me...
I have more time to study and make the best out of my life now....
and lots lots more..............

Now is my best life now...
God has indeed blessed my all aspect....
Thus I actually made a huge profit out of this loss....

However, One thing I still wanna say to 'him'....
I have loved him very very much..........
Too bad that we couldn't be together forever.....
But I wish him all the best and well....and long as he is happy..and good....

And I am grateful for having him with me...for 3 years..thot he may not always be physically here with me in Singapore over these period of time ..but he is always a line away whenever I needed me lots of encouragement, sincerity and trust...always stand by me ... I will never forget his goodness..
Thanks for giving me all the supports and motivations when I needed

Thanks for going all the way to make my life with you beautiful...

Thanks for doing things that you have never done before to make me happy...

Thanks for the little cute and sweet gifts you bought for me...

Thanks for all those funny cold jokes.....which confuse me....

Thanks for every effort made just to see that Angel gets her happiness.

Thanks for all the hugs when I needed..

Thanks for calling me when u sense I must be crying underneath my blanket again..

Thanks for the advises you gave me, helping me to see clearer ahead...

Thanks for the patient you have for me....

Thanks for watching movies with me....attending my church with me..esp when my
children choir are performing....

Thanks for always being so supportive..just the way I have been towards u as well..

Thanks is all I could say...

I appreciate all these little simple yet more precious things u have done for me.

Everything happens for a reason...

Many times it happens without us knowing why...
But I guess that's where and when Faith comes about..
I have had my happiness becuz of him during my worst period of time..
He brought smiles, laughter, anger, tears, sadness to me..and so did I...I guess that's part of what one should experience when you care and loved someone..

Trusting God that whatever happens..happens for a good reason... dearest B-Angel has done his mission...being there for me..when I am in deep depression....and now Angel is back on her feet...this B-Angel has to move on to his 2nd Mission...

Bye B-Angel...U will always be my Angel forever..and I wish I could stay in ur heart as ur angel forever as I once was.

Take care and stay healthy and happy forever!

with luv, hugs and kisses..

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