Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Just wanna be at ease..

Recently only wanna hang out with people who are close yet not too close with me..so as to feel at ease...

Reason is simple...
If I spend time with people who are really close to me...I will feel bad and obligated to spend more time with them which is not possible now..
I would care very much how they will react if I spend not enough time with them..
Thus I rather not to spend any time with them..if I dun have enough time to spend with them like I usually do..
Hope you guys can understand what I mean..
Like things I do..My ex-supervisor used to tell me "Angie, you know..you are a very good teacher..and set very high expectation on your students and yourself..that is very good...but you know..the only bad thing about this is...if you think you cannot reach the standard you set for yourself..you would rather not do at all...which...hmm...is not very good...cuz I rather you do at least something..even if you think its not the Best of what you can give."

Well..that's really true..
Thus if I can't give my sincere and quality cum quantity time with my best friends and buddies...I rather not to give at all...

And those guys I go out with recently..be it my classmates or other guys...
they are people I feel at ease with...
mainly becuz...they are people who I like...yet have no special obligation..to impress....you know what I mean???

Keep it simple is...they are like my buddy Gilbert...we can be very close like couples..even after he is married...yet..nothing will happen...cuz we know we just enjoy each other as buddies...thus there is no stress or tension between us...no need to impress each other...no need to worry if we will fall for each other...
Totally treating each other as if it doesn't matter you are a man or woman...we are just great friends.

I like this type of feelings...NO OBLIGATION...AND I CAN FEEL TOTALLY AT EASE.

SO...guys...if Angeline ask you out for a movie or whatsoever...dun dwell too much into it...okie...just keep it simple....FRIENDS...or accompany is just what I needed and looking for...Yah...
So dun worry if I will fall for any one at this moment..
cuz...Angeline is not that powerful to juggling between work, study, family, exams, friends, church and Relationship???? No way...I am not Wonder Woman..

Just wanna make it clear here so that we can all be comfortable studying and going out with each other okie..esp those with girlfriend.. :P Don't even be scare..cuz I will never chose to be a 3rd party.

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