Friday, June 27, 2008

Lesson on Stress...

Today's OBSW (Organisation Behavior & Socialogy of Work) class was teaching on STRESS..
Indeed this relates to me very much...

Recently in deep stress...tho learning and reminding myself to rely on God.
As Jesus said "Do not worry about Tomorrow.." Cuz by worrying we will not change anything...Everything is in the hands of God. God will make a way where there seems to be no way...remember???

Lately I faced stress from uncertainty in work...again..yes..again..
and Exam is near..
and personal bgr but its not about B-angel anymore..he is in my memory lane already...just that I dun want any guy to have any special feelings for me now or make me feel obligated that I should have time for them..u know what I mean..esp when my time is sooo tight..i need time to rest, relax, visit my grandma, study, family and blah blah blah..

Today's lesson mentioned that we need wider circles of friends..not just best friends or co-workers..they must not be the same people within your work and friends or kakis..why??? Cuz you will feel very stress...there will be conflict when you face the same group of people everytime...and it is very stressful...
Lecturer said Group A people cannot do stressful job or cannot cope with stress..not like Group B people..
I am A- .

You wanna do the personality test too? To find out which group are you? A or B?
I will post in up maybe in a few days time..cuz too tired now..

Whenever I am stress..I will either eat alot...esp things with high sugar level...
and I will go some dancing and have some drink with a friend or two..
and of cuz spend time with God...esp listening to hymns...
That's the first thing I will do..whenever i am stress..
Thank God I always have my hp with me..whereby I can play the hymns to make me relax..and I will start talking to God.

Here are just some nice hymns to share with you...
tho they are not in my hp..
christian songs

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