Sunday, June 22, 2008

Grandma in ICU

I received an sms from one of my aunt that my favourite grandma was admitted into Tan Tock Seng Hospital on Friday.

I called her ask what's wrong with ah ma..
According to Aunt Jenny.. Doctor suspect grandma to have cyst growing in her brain which affected her brain function recently.

After settling down some office stuff...I dashed down (cuz was worried) to have a quick check on her before I go to my supplier's place to collect books and do delivery.

I saw ah ma (grandma) in the normal ward when I reached. She was resting on bed with one of her hand being tight up, I guess doctor is afraid she will move.
She can't recognise me (her favourite grand daughter). She couldn't talk properly either. Then she tried to say something and I bent forward to listen..and she spoke in Cantonese which tho she was from HongKong but she usually speaks only Hokkien to us as my grandpa is Hokkien. She said in a soft voice "Faster go to sleep." - in cantonese. Then I reply her in simple cantonese that I have to work cannot go to sleep now.
And then I rushed off to my supplier's place.

On Sat morning which is yesterday, I received another sms...saying Grandma has been transferred to ICU as she is not responding to Doctor..and they need the device to check her brain.

Together with my youngest brother, we went to visit her in the afternoon.
She had lots of tubes and wires all over her hands and head..
She couldn't recognise me again..
This time..she could speak louder than the day before.
But she simply repeat what I say.
I spoke to her in Hokkien..ask her who am I? and she say "Who am I?" then I ask "who are you?" and she said "Who are u?"
Then she say "I am hungry" (but of cuz she can't eat, she is on drips.)
I told her can only eat if she recover. So she must be good, listen to doctor and nurse and then she can get well..and I will buy lots of nice food for her. And she smile and agreed. And I smiled :)

Suddenly she spoke in Hokkien and English this time "Mi See very good" - which means..the nurse is very good. I reply in Hokkien again "Orh..wa ga mi see gong ah ma gong mi see very good." hee..which means..ok, I will tell the nurse that my grandma say nurse is very good. And she smiled.

About 5plus 6pm my Elder brother and my mum came just after my youngest brother left.
My sister in law and the baby was waiting outside cuz baby's immune system not so strong better dun come in. Still...Grandma couldn't recognise anyone.

After staying for an hour, we left for dinner.
Little princess isn't in good mood...didn't really wanna play with me..couldn't she sees me only once a she is scared...

She allows my dad to carry her dad visits her every other that she will get familiar with him..but me...can't afford that time..haiz..
Little princess loves to watch my dogs each time she comes over to our place.
She also look at our cat Timmy too...but poor Timmy..I think Princess Ting Ting loves dogs more..

:) Ting Ting loves to look at Electronic TV and cameras...
And she makes this funny face with her lips tuck in..whenever I wanna take a pic of her...It make us all laugh....

Finally after watching the dogs..she is in good mood and started to smile at me..Phew....(if not I will be sooooo sad...)

I hope if I ever get to see my god son Eugene one day..he will not treat me sooo cold..
Sorry darling Eugene...didn't managed to get your waterbottle this time...too rush..
Will have to buy for you the next time yea???

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