Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A whole new perspective

The 'angel' was surprised by my new image on monday when he saw me in class.
Asked if its after our little 'trip' outside my crystal ball brought me shock and got me into this 'extreme' change.

I laughed and say 'no-lah' (singlish). Just wanna do something 'normal' to look 'normal' again..hahaha..
Asking my bestfriend, you will find out that Angie has been changing her image almost every 3 months last year...Its been 6 months since I last did my hair with Joyce in Shanghai on 1 Jan 2008 (first day of this brand new year).
Thus its time to do something to my messy dry hair...

Seriously I told Wendy my hairstylist that I am not used to seeing my hair black again..and ask if it looks 'weird' hahaha..crazy right..???

Our hair is orginally black and I still ask if it looks weird in black..
I guess sometimes we are so used to changes that we have lost the feel of being/look normal again.

okie back to where I was...
After realising that everyone change according to their needs at all times so as to meet and satisfy their needs and be happily motivated to improve themselves..
I no longer stay at the stage of sadness or disappointment.
Like my 'angel' say dun have expectations and you won't feel disappointed.

Yesterday was a stressful day for I worked on the new publication...
I wasn't feeling well..think I was coming down with flu...
At noon, I got myself once again into this nice cafe which I had once mentioned and visited when I was stress from work.
This place has nice designer chair..sells nice cupcakes and coffee, remember???
If not you might wanna check out my previous blog ..hee..

I sat down feeling really cold...
order a cup of camomile tea with honey...
and an All time favourite American Breadpudding... for lunch.
After a few sips of the body started to heat up and I feel relax and comfy again.

I thank God for a wonderful place..
Total lunch cost $10.40 (tho slightly more than normal day lunch but...its worth..and it meets my need at that moment.)

Today is my off day..finally..
Got myself to sleep till 11plus...then woke up talk to my sis..
she works from home every wed cuz too stressful for her to work at her workplace..thus her boss esp allow her to do her work at home on wed.
I cooked instant noodles for her and myself to eat..
Then sun my clothes which my dear daddy has washed for me..
really thankful that God has changed my dad to become such a caring daddy now..
din imagine he could have such great and good change.
That's also when happiness, appreciation and gratefulness comes in...
when you did not have any expectations and it just happen..

Now writing my blog..
will do some revision today..
tho told Alan..that guy I met for dinner together on sunday that I should have a few hours off for coffee if he really wants to meet up..cuz he called me just before I even reached home, after our meeting asking me..when are we coming out and meeting up again...
Seriously..I do not have enough time and exam is need lots of time to do revision and as to keep in good health..

Alright..I need to take a break then do some revision later..and also...hee..finish watching my new korean dvd acted by Korean celebrity Rain...

Ciao..have a wonderful week ahead..!!!
God bless

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