Friday, June 13, 2008

Dun be too persistence..

Today...Someone frightened me away.....

During of the Nigerian (African) guy who is doing his MBA now...near my workplace..came and dated me for a movie for this coming sat or sun...which I already told him...I am not exam is near...

Then he asked for my hp and email...well...I gave it to him..thinking its fine to have him as friend...anyway he is not the only one asking for my number or asking me out....
Not sure why African seems to like me alot...
In the past...I got lots of Africans or African American who are interested in me..
even proposed to me before actually really getting to know me...
I have nothing against the colours...
In fact the man I was deeply in love was an African American...
But seriously sometimes I asked myself...
Am I being nice to these group of Africans becuz they reminds me of him??? Seriously I can't answer that...

Okie back to where I was...
As I was telling my classmate about this student who wanted to date me out...and even wanted to follow me into my class today..which of cuz I told him..outsiders are not allowed in my uni..
An sms came in....
yes..its from him.....
asking me..where am I? Am I still in class or at home???
I havent reply him...
my Hp start ringing....
I saw his number...
picked up and answer...being poliet...

Then he asked me out and insist for a date this sat...
which I told him I can't..gotta work and study...
One thing about African is that they are very aggressive...insist to have it their way....and becuz they are often discriminated...
I din want them to feel that I discriminate them which of cuz I dun....thus I treat them all very nice..
Dun wanna hurt them like many did...

But nice Angel will gets upset or angry if they keep insisting to have their way when I already told them cannot..

I turned him down...and in the mist of our conversation..the line broke..
then he start sms-ing me...
insist me to go for this movie date on this sat after work at nite...
I was getting pressurize...and upset...
I get stressed up....
Discussing with my classmate how to reject him without hurting him...
But no conclusion...

Thus I ignore his 2nd call...
and smses...
finally he sent me a last text at least for tonite...saying "No change of mind....ok..Have a good nite rest..."

Oh me..
I hate being court after in such a manner..
any good feelings will immediately become ZERO..and NEGATIVE..

In the past..I had a guy friend who I had good first impression during our first date..
but after that when he start courting after me so persistently...
it actually make me fear...
I mean really shivered...
till an extent my boss saw...and then sat beside me...ask me to call that guy friend immediately to tell him its impossible between us and give me a break...
with my boss (who is always like a brother to me) beside me supporting me..I made that call...and finally I threw away the stone...
No more in fear...

My point is...
if u are really interested in a girl....give her enough space to breath...
not to give her pressure and frighten her away....
Any guy that gets too near to me tooo fast....
I will immediately back out..and feel frustrated....any positive feelings will become negative...

Oh I pray that God..this African guy can really give me a break and not to add on any pressure on me...
if he is to come to my store and pressure me for a date again...I will really hit it back this time....
Give me the words of wisdom to reject him and not hurting him.
Already I have an African guy who came to my church with me once...and told me he will come to my church again..(making it as if he is doing it for me...I am already feeling so stress...) All I want is to let them experience God's love and salvation. The chance to experience the important of Salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.

I never want to hurt anyone in my life... God please give me wisdom and direct my path..Father In Heaven I ask....All I did was to walk the extra mile that YOU taught me to..and sharing the gospel to everyone...esp the minorities...

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