Sunday, June 29, 2008

Busy Sunday..

For some reason, I took over the chairing role as well for the Children worship in church today.

The children were well behaved today as I got them ready for the worship..
They sang happily during the service and were very attentive when I shared on the biblical story...
They got even more attentive when I shared on the story book The Dogs Day by my buddy Bill Calhoun.

However, due to time constraint I din managed to finish off the story...but well..thats good cuz this will make the children look forward to me speaking the time round...
I added christian value to the Dogs Days just the way I shared with Bill.
Not one can share the same way as I did cuz its based on individual understanding of life and biblical knowledge.
And of cuz I shared it in Mandarine tho the book is in English.
The children enjoys it very much!

After church, as usual, brought my mum and youngest brother to a cafe for set lunch.
Thereafter as I was on my way classmate Khim called me..saying that she will go to my place to pick my up to study together at White Sand.
She reached much earlier than me...
And waited till I was ready and then we set off to the Mac in White Sand to study our Statistic.
She is very patient and went thru the steps on how to analyse the questions and how to work on the exam questions.
Thanks Khim.

At about 5plus, we went to pick Aries (SIA girl) up as she has an overnight flight tonite. And they drop me at the airport so that I can meet up with Frank.
Aries helped me to check on Frank's flight.

God is gracious, I managed to ti-gam and saw Frank arrived...but he din see he left in a hurry with another man in a suit..
I din call up to him just watch him left in a rush...I din wanna held him up..

Thereafter I took the bus home..
As I was on my way home...Frank called least I felt better that he did called me up after he settle his stuff at the hotel...
He said he felt bad and that I should have called up to him just now..I told him..its alright...I can sense that he is in a rush anyway...
He haven't got his Singapore hp fixed up and said will do it tomolo..
He promised to call me again tomolo...
Well that's good..cuz anyway...i am too tired today...

Will have an early rest tonite..cuz din sleep well last nite..too stress...I had to wake up at 4plus 5am to take my stress relieve medication in order to have proper sleep.

Before I say good nite to you is some nice photo taken on the same day of Yama's his brother..
I did some effects on them tho..

Hope you enjoy these pics as much as I do..

Saturday, June 28, 2008


Got the articles for the newsletter about 3plus yesterday afternoon...rushed immediately to get it the newsletter published by 5.30pm..then rushed to my elder brother's place to get ready to accompany my mum for the wedding dinner at Shangrila Hotel of a distance relative.

The entire Wedding dinner was very Grand...esp in one of the most expensive Hotel in Singapore. The Ballroom is so Grand and fairytale like...WOW...
The food is great too...
Its Roy and Samathan's Wedding.
Roy is my Aunty's husband's brother's son....see..its soooooo far distance relative right...He looks like the Korean Celebrity Pei Yong Jun..and his wife looks like a princess...
Even the door gifts are really nice..its two Forever Friends Wedding bears..and a nice LOVE deco..

After dinner, my aunty got her friend to send me and my mum back to my brother's house where I stayed over for the nite.

Woke up this morning about 8plus..heard little princess 'talking' to my mum, my brother and his was tempted to get up and join them...
played with little princess..

Then my brother brought us out to have breakfast together...

After breakfast..he drop me off at the MRT station as I am meeting my classmate to study at 12pm before our class at 1.30pm.
Met Lutfi and 'study' OBSW outside starbucks..
Lutfi was very funny..he noticed that many times I looked away from him when talking to him..he told me it was rude not to look at people when I talk to them.
Till an extend he drew a face on his palm and put it up to the direction which I was looking when I talked to him so as to 'tell' me I wasn't looking at him again..

Later Khim and Cat joined us.
At 1.30pm we went for our OBSW class, today's class ended interestingly as we did personality test again..which is very accurate..will try on u guys another day when I am not so tired..

At 4pm we went for Accounting class till about 6plus...
Then Khim drove Aries, Gabriel, Yama and me to Geylang to the Ba Kut Teh stall recommended by Yama to have dinner.

Khim was very nice..
after dinner, she and Aries drop me at Tan Tock Seng Hospital to visit my grandma about 9pm..
I was very exhausted when i reached Hospital..

Grandma is still quite sick.
Could not open her eyes and talk..
had to eat thru pouring milk into the tube that connects to her nose.
She couldn't really response to me.
Since I couldn't do too much there..and I was very exhausted..I went home about train..tho very tempted to take cab..but very broke already..
its month end...
over spent this month..

May God provide me...
time to sleep
I am speaking for the Children Worship tomorrow morning in Church.

Thereafter most likely meeting Khim and maybe Gabriel to study as exam is 2 weeks away..
Then maybe go airport to Meet Association Prof Frank who is my friend from Perth Royal Hospital whom I knew last year..a very nice and humble friend..his son is coming tomorrow nite as well...will be here for a week...
I think he is teaching in PSB (UWA) for a week.


Friday, June 27, 2008

Lesson on Stress...

Today's OBSW (Organisation Behavior & Socialogy of Work) class was teaching on STRESS..
Indeed this relates to me very much...

Recently in deep stress...tho learning and reminding myself to rely on God.
As Jesus said "Do not worry about Tomorrow.." Cuz by worrying we will not change anything...Everything is in the hands of God. God will make a way where there seems to be no way...remember???

Lately I faced stress from uncertainty in work...again..yes..again..
and Exam is near..
and personal bgr but its not about B-angel anymore..he is in my memory lane already...just that I dun want any guy to have any special feelings for me now or make me feel obligated that I should have time for them..u know what I mean..esp when my time is sooo tight..i need time to rest, relax, visit my grandma, study, family and blah blah blah..

Today's lesson mentioned that we need wider circles of friends..not just best friends or co-workers..they must not be the same people within your work and friends or kakis..why??? Cuz you will feel very stress...there will be conflict when you face the same group of people everytime...and it is very stressful...
Lecturer said Group A people cannot do stressful job or cannot cope with stress..not like Group B people..
I am A- .

You wanna do the personality test too? To find out which group are you? A or B?
I will post in up maybe in a few days time..cuz too tired now..

Whenever I am stress..I will either eat alot...esp things with high sugar level...
and I will go some dancing and have some drink with a friend or two..
and of cuz spend time with God...esp listening to hymns...
That's the first thing I will do..whenever i am stress..
Thank God I always have my hp with me..whereby I can play the hymns to make me relax..and I will start talking to God.

Here are just some nice hymns to share with you...
tho they are not in my hp..
christian songs

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Extreme Surprise..

Its pretty my dad explore into cookery...
Each day surprises awaits us...
The EXTREME surprises....hahaha....

I remembered the first time he cooked my favourite ladies finger..he actually added 10 chillie padi..(mini-chillie)-extremely hot..Even me who looooooooooove Chillie would find it hot...
Few days later...he tried to improve the taste....this time...the spicy taste is just became very salty...

We often give feedback to my dad hoping that he can improve in his cooking skill and he is a deligent learner..he would often make calls to my mum to learn how to cook certain dish over the phone...

Monday, he cooked my surprise again..the beansprouts was really puzzels me..hee...

Today he cooked steam fish....My youngest brother told us that the fish is very tasty and nice....and so we ate....
We enjoy the dinner except that its too salty...

Well...this adds colours to our life isn't it....

Monday, June 23, 2008

Looking at Panda...

Looking into the mirror today...
I found myself looking at the panda....
dark eye rings.....
Din sleep well............

Woke up at 7.15am bath and then go off to work...reached office around 9am...cuz forgot this and that..ended up returning home 3 times to get my stuff...

Went to office earlier to photocopy the sociology texts which me and my study group bought for yama...We thot its a good gift..cuz we can photocopy for ourselves and we can study it as well..just that the birthday boy will get the nice orginal copy la..

So stress up this morning when my sup came..saw my photocopy my text book...and start asking me if I have photocopy and bind the books for sales...I told her NO! Whole week I was tight up with Publication...
Deep in my heart I was sooooo angry...she could have get my co-worker to do the photocopy as I rushed my publication which is really important and the priority.
How to let me alone do so much work...

She went for holiday for one week...I also have to cover part of her job in a way..
I am already doing so much job...Quotation...Purchasing....Publication....Reply enquires....Delivery.....Go to collect good from suppliers....sales....printing...I am overloaded.....soooo stressed out..

I think later on..she overhear me told my shop tenant to pray for me..cuz I am going to break down soon....
Too much work...exam is near....grandma in hospital....
I really cannot cope with it..

My mood is extremely low today...almost break down...
Asked my Pastor to pray for me cuz I too stress..and got my pastor to go hospital to visit my grandma today and pray for her as well...

Later part today she is transferred back to normal ward..but still...the test report have not come out..Doctor say she got High protein in her brain..something like that..might be some fluid blockage in her brain or might be cancer..
Pray that she will be well soon...

I love this grandma alot....She is the closest to me...Even if she is about 80years old..To me..she is always the young grandma of mine...young at heart...
The one who loves my most and take good care of me since young...
I love her alot...
The Lord loves her very much and as she always say..Jesus loves her so much, always give her everything she prayed for...which is really true.

Back to where I was...after my sup and my co-worker knows that I am overstress...they started to talk my gently to me..and treat me better....Thank the Lord Jesus...and my pastor also prayed for me..
And even my boss who came down my surprise...din really rush me..only ask me about the progress of the publication I am working on..and say he can understand how much trouble it is for me to amend word by word according to the previous edition...

Now its time to sleep...
Today..everyone in our class seems very tense up...
and my poor classmate this moment....after class....went back office and still working at this hour...12 midnite...
Oh pray that Lord will give her strength..poor girl...

nite everyone..

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Its Amazing

Do it, now
You know who you are
You feel it in your heart
And you're burning with ambition

But first, wait
Won't get it on a plate
You gonna have to work for it
Harder and harder

And I know
Cause I've been there before
Knocking on the doors
With rejection (rejection)
And you'll see
Cause if it's meant to be
Nothing can compare
To deserving your dreams

It's amazing
It's amazing
All that you can do
It's amazing
Makes my heart sing
Now it's up to you

Patience, now
Frustration is in the air
And people who don't care
Well it's gonna get you down

And you'll fall
Cause you will hit a wall
But get back on your feet
And you'll be stronger
And smarter

And I know
Cause I've been there before
Knocking down the doors
Won't take no for an answer

And you'll see
Cause if it's meant to be
Nothing can compare
To deserving your dreams


Don't be embarrassed, don't be afraid, don't let your dreams slip away.
Don't be scared of using your gift -- everybody has a gift.
Never give up, never let it die,
Trust your instincts, and most importantly...
You've got nothing to lose, so just go for it!


Grandma in ICU

I received an sms from one of my aunt that my favourite grandma was admitted into Tan Tock Seng Hospital on Friday.

I called her ask what's wrong with ah ma..
According to Aunt Jenny.. Doctor suspect grandma to have cyst growing in her brain which affected her brain function recently.

After settling down some office stuff...I dashed down (cuz was worried) to have a quick check on her before I go to my supplier's place to collect books and do delivery.

I saw ah ma (grandma) in the normal ward when I reached. She was resting on bed with one of her hand being tight up, I guess doctor is afraid she will move.
She can't recognise me (her favourite grand daughter). She couldn't talk properly either. Then she tried to say something and I bent forward to listen..and she spoke in Cantonese which tho she was from HongKong but she usually speaks only Hokkien to us as my grandpa is Hokkien. She said in a soft voice "Faster go to sleep." - in cantonese. Then I reply her in simple cantonese that I have to work cannot go to sleep now.
And then I rushed off to my supplier's place.

On Sat morning which is yesterday, I received another sms...saying Grandma has been transferred to ICU as she is not responding to Doctor..and they need the device to check her brain.

Together with my youngest brother, we went to visit her in the afternoon.
She had lots of tubes and wires all over her hands and head..
She couldn't recognise me again..
This time..she could speak louder than the day before.
But she simply repeat what I say.
I spoke to her in Hokkien..ask her who am I? and she say "Who am I?" then I ask "who are you?" and she said "Who are u?"
Then she say "I am hungry" (but of cuz she can't eat, she is on drips.)
I told her can only eat if she recover. So she must be good, listen to doctor and nurse and then she can get well..and I will buy lots of nice food for her. And she smile and agreed. And I smiled :)

Suddenly she spoke in Hokkien and English this time "Mi See very good" - which means..the nurse is very good. I reply in Hokkien again "Orh..wa ga mi see gong ah ma gong mi see very good." hee..which means..ok, I will tell the nurse that my grandma say nurse is very good. And she smiled.

About 5plus 6pm my Elder brother and my mum came just after my youngest brother left.
My sister in law and the baby was waiting outside cuz baby's immune system not so strong better dun come in. Still...Grandma couldn't recognise anyone.

After staying for an hour, we left for dinner.
Little princess isn't in good mood...didn't really wanna play with me..couldn't she sees me only once a she is scared...

She allows my dad to carry her dad visits her every other that she will get familiar with him..but me...can't afford that time..haiz..
Little princess loves to watch my dogs each time she comes over to our place.
She also look at our cat Timmy too...but poor Timmy..I think Princess Ting Ting loves dogs more..

:) Ting Ting loves to look at Electronic TV and cameras...
And she makes this funny face with her lips tuck in..whenever I wanna take a pic of her...It make us all laugh....

Finally after watching the dogs..she is in good mood and started to smile at me..Phew....(if not I will be sooooo sad...)

I hope if I ever get to see my god son Eugene one day..he will not treat me sooo cold..
Sorry darling Eugene...didn't managed to get your waterbottle this time...too rush..
Will have to buy for you the next time yea???

Happy Birthday Yama!!!

Yesterday we celebrated Yama my present classmate cum my study group buddy's birthday at St. James.

We met up at about 7pm..then walk around Vivo till everyone reached. And we have a quick dinner together..

Thereafter we went to St.James Power House. Its my first visit. I have often heard of that place but never got a chance to visit.

Thanks to Veron and her friend..that we got two tables esp reserved for its Yama's birthday.

The party didn't really start till 11plus 12 midnite..but we had to enter by 9pm to get free entries...
Yama gave us a treat of vokas...

Poor birthday boy got 'drunk' of cuz in the end after so many buddies cheers drinks with him...

Well here are some pics we took last nite..
We had great fun...!!!

My classmates and I bought a really nice cake for him from Baker's Inn..

Dan (my Sunshine) came about midnite and joined us in the fun...
Then Dan and I went into the Dance Floor to dance..
Dan was very playful...
in the mist of dancing..he actually carried me up the dance platform to make me dance up there with a few people..and I of cuz did not let him off that easily...Pulled him join me in the dance..(its really good to have him around..he never fails to light up my face..putting on smiles on my face. I thank God for a good friend like him.)

It was a great fun..
However..after our dance..we went back to our table..
found that my classmates all left...except the birthday boy and the rest of his and his brother's friend...and we stayed a while the birthday boy continue to do funny stuff jumping around "forcing" everyone to dance with him..

Tho we were worried..but..well..he is fine..and sure having fun..
Its a great nite..
Then me and Dan went off about 2am..
** Should have take a pic with Dan last nite...Oh dear...slipped off my mind...hee..well next time last...

BTW these pics are taken by my LG Viewty camera..not bad huh...just set Night mode and Auto Flash on..I think...

Pardon me for some repeatitions of pics cuz its really hard to remember which u have insert and which not..since each time can only put 4.