Monday, July 7, 2008

Start from the Little things

Today something funny happened...

As I was with my mum on our way rushing home from church at the Bus Interchange..

I noticed that a lady dropped something as she was dashing for her bus..which was just about to leave...

I went forward to pick up that 'thing' trying to return her...
As I bent forward...and picked it up..
I realised that its only a handphone pouch...
and worst of all..that lady has gone..up into the bus and leaving..
There is no way I can return her...

Holding that flowery hp pouch in my hand...I was thinking...oh No...what am I going to do with that I can't return her?
I can't put it back onto the floor where I picked it up...(Its like sooo bad..and people will step onto...)
I can't throw it into the dustbin..since it doesn't belongs to me...and its very sinful to do so....
Thus...I only resolve to bringing it..all the way to the Bus Interchange Lost and Found counter which is at the other end of where I was...
Mum was tired..and told me to go myself as she will stay put to wait for my return..

Tho I found it abit 'kua-zhang' or kind of bring just this HP pouch and report that I found it somewhere and someone drop it..knowing for sure that the owner most likely will not come back for it...however, I got no choice since I have already picked it up..

All the bus-drivers in that office kind of looked at me..with a funny expression..esp the nice looking chap who was on duty at the lost and found counter..
he looked at me and laugh and ask "only this hp pouch?"..
And I say ya??? Then I told him...since someone dropped it and that person is gone..I can't return to that person...
I dunno what to, I have to bring it here to you lor...
(I kind of gave them a ..what u wanna do with this is no longer my issue..hahaha.. :P since I have done my kind part to pick it up..thus since its was to be left in this LOST AND FOUND counter.)

They kind of got my expression..and the other senior guy say..okie..we will handle it from here...and I smile and walked out...
Thank God Luffy called me during that moment so that I can handle this with smile on my Luffy was on the phone with me..
if not I will feel so paisay or shy..even tho I did a kind deed..

I guess...even tho its just a HP pouch but kindness and care starts small and begin with little things.

From young, I am taught 'lu bu shi yi', that one must return what one found that does not belongs to you..
Sometimes something might seem useless to us..but to others it might be a whole lot or have some significant value in it which no other knows.

What will you do if you were me at that point of time?
a) put it back onto the floor...people might step on it..or something bad will happen to that nice flowery pouch
b) leave it anywhere...but the owner if return can't find it..
c) keep it for yourself or give it to someone else?
d) bring to the lost and found counter like me...
f) bring it to the police
g) other...(state your answer)...

:) haha..
lesson: kindness starts from little things..

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