Thursday, July 10, 2008

Exam preparation..

Today is my off day..

Was really upset abt work got really exhausted...
woke up by a phone call at about 11plus..
A friend called to ask for advise...

Packed one luggage of Organisation Behavior and Sociology of Work books of study..after my facial outside..

Reached my friend's place to have my facial...
She is really good in doing facial and massage...
I was totally relaxed and enjoyed the whole process at her clinic..
Its newly Hougang near Lorong Ah Soo..
I have my eye lashes permed again..
Very nice...hee..a way to make myself to make myself look beautiful.

After the facial...about 5pm...I took a bus to airport T.3 Mac to study..
I order Mac Wings meals with tea and Hot chocolate (cuz I realise my gastric starts to hurt)..

See the Hot chocolate looks so nice...
I even order a 2nd cup and the Large one..see how much effort they put in to make it look nice..Din expect this from Mac...Wow..Good Job! Keep it Up!

Took out my one whole stack of OBSW and study revising...
compiling all the notes on Motivation and the theory of Fredrick Herzberg-2 factor theory (Motivator Hygiene Theory) and Abraham Maslow's (5)Needs Hierarchy Theory.
Flip thru all the them..understand and drew into diagram and pic and words so that I can share with my study group to ease their study on these two people's theory.

studying in Airport Mac is I can observe the surrounding and the people as well as the staffs in Mac and backup my theory with what i see...
One of the topic we need is study is MACDONALDIZATION....under Scientific Management.

Okie better stop here before I bored you guys with all these theories..
Tho they are very interesting to me...

Half way thru my study just now I had gastric...I think overstress..
recently too many upsets..and over much reading and study and practice to do..yet so much work stress to handle..esp those unreasonable my organisation...
Oh really good examples for me to back up for my writing when I answer questions like for Team, Motivation, Leadership, Culture, Conflict, Stress, Job Satisfaction, Prejudice, Control, Social Skill, Impression Management...hahaha..
Almost can use it as eg in my OBSW.
Maybe this is the help of God for me so that I can write 4 pages for each questions.
Can you imagine that..we need to answer 4 pages of A4 for each questions in order to pass OBSW...hahaha...

This explain why I need to read so much books just for one subject today..
Have a long way.. to go...

thus there is no way I will go back to office to work if they call me to go back next week during my exam week...
Its totally unreasonable...
I will off my hp for whole of next week...
and tender if I need too...for worst case....

Pls pray for me ya???

Btw, just now the taxi uncle was speeding at 140km/hr on my way back...
I was telling Lutfi thru sms..
And due to our exam stress...Lutfi and I had a little 'over-tone' just now..and we apologise to each other immediately after we realised it...
Friendship is still first..
and afterall..we all study hard and prepare hard for everyone of that we all can do well...

God pls help us all to pass and with flying colours..considering all these hard work...and sincerity which my group and others are putting in....

Thank you Father in Heaven.
nite nite..

its 2am now..need to wake up early to study in the train tomol...
sweet dreams...

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