Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Rainbow after the rain

There is always rainbows after the rain...

There are days of sun, days of rain, days of clouds, days of rainbow...
And of cuz days of snow...

God is gracious and lovely, always reminding us each day that He is always watching over us even after each raining day...showing us the rainbow...

The rainbow not only is beautiful and colourful...
The bible says that the rainbow is God's promise to us, His grace towards us.
He will never leave us and He is forever watching over us.

To me, it also symbolise Hope, bringing us from one extreme to the rainbow which starts from one end and goes to another.

I dunno what God has install for me, but surely I know there is something better and good on the other end...and I have started sliding towards that end as the rain begin to stop.

Today, my boss as usual, talked to me, wanting me to stay and help him just like the previous times when I tendered. This time he proposed to invite me to join so-called another company which is still under our church in Hougang in a so-called "New Dept" doing publications for him. He asked me to considered. He sound very kind and understanding...

As he told me that he understand that now i am undergoing alot of stress esp in this working environment and having to cope with my study at the same time, thus if I have not found a better job yet, I am welcome to join him in that dept which he mentioned. Or if I have better plan or if God leads me to a better place, don't worry about this side, just go for it.
Let whatever unhappiness be by-gone. I am free to leave as and when I want..don't need to serve one month..and he is ready to welcome me over to the other side.

Hee..I know what you guys are thinking....
You guys must be thinking " better dun be so soft-hearted again....
hee...don't worry...
I told him...I dunno what is ahead but I know that God is leading me.
He will prepare for me..a better place...

Before he left he said "I will wait for your good news after you decide.."
I told him "No, God will decide."

I told Billy what happen and asked for his advise again..
Billy says "Trust & Follow what You Want to do. That's the only way to be sure."
Words of wisdom.
He has been emphasizing in Doing what I do...
So did many of my classmates and friends told me...

Yes, this is the right time to really think..what do I want...what will make me happy..

Finally...something came to my I was talking to my client whom I did web design for her...
Yes, I want to write....
Maybe this is the area I should go into..

I love writing..
Recently someone approached me to do some writing for XXX fact to do up the entire Quarterly Newsletter for them...well..we shall see how the Lord leads..its still in negotiation.

As mentioned..when I first knew Billy...I often write to him about my life story..He finds them really interesting..and told me I should write into books for people out there to read. Back then I told him, Nah..My English is not up to that standard..

But as I start writing blogs..many gave me good feedbacks...
I see how it touches people's heart...I was greatly encourage...
That doesn't mean I am good..
but that's what I really want to write and share about things in life..

Today, an 'uncle', one of my elderly client whom I often do letter and document typing service for him told me that I should write books.. esp when I am good in both English and Chinese. He is a very kind man. A very knowledgable yet humble man. Very poliet, understanding and encouraging.

Thus, if God allows and opens a way for me, I would like to write articles, be it for Newsletter or Magazines..
Let the Lord leads...
or perhaps, God might have something even better in mind.
Afterall, He is the Lord who created everything.

Well...least I am happy now cuz I see the rainbows after the rain...and I decided to face whatever is done as the perfect will of God and handle them positively.

Thanks all of you for your wonderful support, love, concern and encouragement.

Thus, let's not grumble when we see rain (hee...reminding myself this too..) cuz there is rainbow after each rain falls...

Nite nite..

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