Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Today was my OBSW Exam, again I couldn't sleep last nite.

After much prayer, God really hears my prayer, and I was able to focuz and finished my 4 questions within 3 hours, writing only 3pages each..or less...Can you have to write 3-4pages of A4 answers for each question within 40mins, which bascially need to write non-stop for 40mins..for 3-4pages. Writing 1 A4 of Essay within 10mins, not leaving any we have to write 12-16pages continuously for 3hours. Can you imagine that. No time really to stop and think for answers. They should actually give us 4hours instead of 3hours for 4 questions.

After exam you can see everyone basically shaking their hands...cuz too tired...over exhausted writing non-stop for 3hours...
They should not actually ask us to finish our exams within 2-3 hours for a degree course. Even for accounts. Cuz end of the day, they just wanna know if we have got and understand that knowledge given to us. Its not about time but answers.
Most of us know the answers just that got not enough time to write or analyse.

Its been years that I find myself in a huge Exam hall. Stepping into that huge exam hall cuz one's stress level to goes up. And hands starts to shiver.
Today is much better. At least I was more prepared knowing its gonna be in EXAM HALL.
Thank you for your prayers.

Pls pls continue to pray for me. Statistic (Quantitative Methods of Information Technology) paper on Fri. Tho its open book, but seriously I am not confidence. Really scare.
Will try to get some nap before start reading and analaysing the notes Lutfy did for us.

God pls help us all to pass.
Thank you Jesus! Amen!

Oh before I forgot, I wanna share with you some pics we took just now after our OBSW paper, when we went to Anchor point to have our lunch at Secret Receipt to destress. We really needs this. At least after that we all felt much better.

You see those pics with a funny guy (with funny actions) that is Gabriel. Beside him is Lutfi, my wonderful tuitor cum mentor I should say, giving me lots of encouragement when I needed most...and beside Lutfi is Yama...The rest are also parts of my buddies...Its really good to have such nice classmates who always stands by me giving me supports...we are basically there for one another.
Thank God for all these...
Look at all the yummy food we eat..are u hungry?

Guess which is mine?

Pls pray for my Friday Exam okie..Just pray that I can pass and I will be happy.

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