Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A season for everything

Today an African student came, again after printing request me to help him to punch his stack of notes for him. I told him "No, I will teach you and you have to learn and do it yourself. A person can leave you anytime. But a skill will be with you forever." His friend heard what I said and give an awakening look and agreed.
This might seems to be a simple task. But if you rely on others to do simple task, what Big task can you handle. Like the Bible said, those who are faithful with small task, can be entrusted with Greater task.
Being a stubborn person, he tried to argue back saying God will help.
I just gave him an answer "God only help those, who help themselves."
He was then convinced and started to learn this simple task of how to punch hole on his notes step by step. (For your information he is not a young boy but a young man. But perhaps they have no come across this small simple tools in their countries, thus most of them have problems doing it..and lazy to learn too.)

My point is, like the bible says "There is seasons for everything. Season to cry, Season to laugh, Season to lost and Season to gain."
People cannot be with you forever, thats something really true I learnt in my life.
No one knows when each season will pass. So treasure each season, appreciate the people around you, treasure them, love while you can, forgive while you can (like the show I just watched, the boyfriend fell for another woman and realised his mistake and repent. For years, this gf did not forgive him, even tho they are still deeply in love. Till the moment when this gf finally forgive her ex-bf which is years later and sent him an email, but he met an accident before even getting the chance to know that he was finally forgiven.)

The reason that I start writing diary and blog expressing myself freely, sharing everything in my life is becuz, since I almost die of dengue many years back, I know how does it feel like when you got no chance to do many things you think you should do or say and have not done it. That's why I prayed in tears asking God to extend my life and I miraculously recover.(That's what make me who I am right now.)

Many times in life we take things for granted, thinking we always have chance to do it and they are always with us. But we forgot that the season is not in our hands.
So treasure it while you can. Live the most of your life. Live your life to the fullest. Tell the one you love that you love them before its ever too late. Tell the one you are angry with whom you have forgiven them but too stubborn to admit, before the season has passed.

Live each day without regret in your life. Do your best. Experience and enjoy the most out of this life. Be it bitter or sweet, salty or sour, this is part of life.

Dance with the rhythem of life while you can. Observe and appreciate the beauty of this life. How much this life worth, depends on how much you treasure it, appreciate it and use it.

Cheers my dearest..

I love you guys always, this life is beautiful.
Thank God for each brand new day and a brand new page of sketches each day.
Sketch your life, giving thanks for each season and face each season with Faith, Hope and Love...not forgetting courage.
Remember, a Loser is one who takes no courage to fight and not one who lost in the battle. Each failure is a lesson to make us stronger.

Nite, Sweet dreams.

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