Monday, July 21, 2008

What's the difference?

In everything there is two sides of the coin. Head or Tail.
In everything there is good and bad...its all a matter of perspective.

Many times, we focuz too long at the one tiny little dot on a white piece of paper and missed out that that piece of paper is still white and has lots of space for writing even tho there is a tiny black dot at the middle of it.

Men often focuz on the negative side of the things and thus afraid to do this and that thus not willing to share about themselves thinking that is that best way to protect themselves.

Do you actually think by doing so, you can stop bad things from happening to you? NOPE. The answer is NO. That's the truth and reality I learnt from my life and sharing once again to you.

Many years back, I told myself, I will not be that few unlucky one who got dengue fever. And guess what? Ha..I ended up almost dying in hospital with Dengue. And I see God's answer behind it.

There is the will of God in everything that happens. Men has 100% freedom and responsibility but God has 100% authority and Will. Things happens for the Best of us. Even tho it seems bad and difficult for us to bear at the period of time.
But we all learn thru failure.

There are many people out there who wrote their life stories into books as well. So what do u say about it. I read lots of books. A good friend of mine told me that I should write all these into books to benefit many people out there. Difference people hold different perspective.

Why I write a public blog not a private one, reason is simple.
Believe it or not, everyone is created in this world with some missions in hand. One day when our missions are completed, we will bid goodbye to this temporary world entering into eternity.

When that day comes, only words will remain.

That day when my mission is completed, people can continue to learn from my life experience, be it good (success) or bad(failure). Like a baby, he/she falls many times before he/she starts to walk.

Blog will be a place whereby people can be reminded of you and continue to be encouraged by your words.

This is not negative thots but POSITIVE. A christian is sure of their final destination. Thus we have no fear. And we prepare for things with eternal value. What is life? Life is given by God.

Bible taught us not to worry. Cuz by worrying we cannot change a single thing.
Just commit into the hands of the Lord.

If we were to worry for each statement we say, we actions we made, we lost our own identity and eventually we lost our happiness.

Value things with eternal value is more important.
In conclusion, everything is in God's hand.
If one stop doing something due to fear and deny being herself, what is one's value of life?

I trust in my Almighty God and thus I shall not be in fear.
Our Life is in the Hands of Lord and not one else.
Nothing will happen to us if the Lord does not permit. and if He permits, its for the Best of us.

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