Wednesday, July 30, 2008

It is well with my Soul

May this song comfort you the way it did for me..knowing that God knows everything you are going thru and been thru. And the Lord brings comfort and healing to us if we just open our heart to the Lord and accept Jesus as our Saviour and our Comforter.

Jesus Loves you.

Grace is for all

Grace is for all, like the notes on the keyboard..there are White notes and Black notes..this video shows us that each of us, no matter black or white is all precious in the eyes of God. We should not emphasize on one and neglect the other.

Surprised Call

Got a surprised call from someone who was my first date donkeys of years back.

He is one of the nicest guy whom I gave up becuz I felt that he was too good for me, it will be a waste if he is with me cuz he needed someone who treasure him much much more than me, and thus I encouraged him to go after this nice lady and yes she was the collector and she became his wife. Of cuz there is also religion matters involved because he is not a christian tho a very good man. He came to my church a number of times and was very very good to me..He even came to watch my first small piano performance during then. He appreciate me very much..we can talk for hours and hours even after we no longer together..

I am really happy for him. The most decent and honest guy I came about.
I remember one of his buddy told me this..."yes..he is like a tea-pot which will never ran dry...if he loves someone...he will love and give in his all, making this woman the happiest woman in this world." Well...I agree..

I don't recall we have any fights..He always makes me laugh...we have endless things to talk about..We often wrote love letters to each other even tho we talk every night during then..He will often gives me surprises putting on smiles on my face which really touches my heart.

But well..of cuz from the day he got married, we seldom keep in touch but we always keep each other in our heart as true friends.

True and good friends doesn't have to be together everyday and seeing or talking to each other every now and then. Its all kept in the heart..
Same thing as all his buddies...we still sms each other once in a while..
Now..most of them are parents already...

Really happy for them.
LIke I always say (Angeline's copyright illustration): Everyone is an antique, each is precious and vaulable...priceless...An antique needs to be in the hands of the collector who truly appreciate his/her value..taking every single care to protect this antique and maximise its value. But if this antique falls in the hands of a layman- someone who doesn't know or appreciate antique, from priceless it became worthless or the value of the antique will drop tremendously..Its not appreciated for what it is. Even sometimes taking it as a substitute or trying to modify to fit his/her needs..This antique is ruin.
Thus, each of us, needs to find our collector, be it in Love/Relationship or in Career. It works the same way.

People say bad things about you, did not appreciate you or sees your value, not becuz you are worthless but becuz they are not the collector who can identify your true value.

One day the antique will meet his/her collector and be happy...getting what he/she deserve.

(to Susan Lau..hee) That's why I said I have moved on because I finally accept the fact that XXX is not my collector and my collector will come by one day.

Its like point to work in a place where you are not appreciated and your value and effort is not appreciated. You and me deserve something better.

This is loving ourselves isn't it.

Well..Theory is theory..come to actual fact, its not easy to carry out, this is human's nature.

I truly thank God for all these wonderful people thru-out my life..Thank U LORD!

The Time of my life (lyrics)

I've been waiting for my dreams
To turn into something
I could believe in
And looking for that
Magic rainbow
On the horizon
I couldn't see it
Until I let go
Gave into love and watched all the bitterness burn
Now I'm coming alive
Body and soul
And feelin’ my world start to turn

And I'll taste every moment
And live it out loud
I know this is the time,
This is the time
To be more than a name
Or a face in the crowd
I know this is the time
This is the time of my life
Time of my life

Holding onto things that vanished
Into the air
Left me in pieces
But now I'm rising from the ashes
Finding my wings
And all that I needed
Was there all along
Within my reach
As close as the beat of my heart

And I'll taste every moment
And live it out loud
I know this is the time,
This is the time to be
More than a name
Or a face in the crowd
I know this is the time
This is the time of my life
Time of my life

And I'm out on the edge of forever
Ready to run
I’m keeping my feet on the ground
My arms open wide
My face to the sun

I'll taste every moment
And live it out loud
I know this is the time,
This is the time to be
More than a name
Or a face in the crowd
I know this is the time
This is the time of my life
Time of my life
More than a name
Or a face in the crowd
This is the time
This is the time of my life.


"The fruit of silence is prayer
The fruit of prayer is faith
The fruit of faith is love
The fruit of love is service
The fruit of service is peace."
~ Mother Teresa ~

Somewhere over the rainbow

Ooooo oooooo ohoohohoo
Ooooo ohooohoo oooohoo
Ooooo ohoohooo oohoooo
Oohooo oohoooho ooooho
Ooooo oooooo oooooo
Ooooo oooooo oooooo

Somewhere over the rainbow
Way up high
And the dreams that you dreamed of
Once in a lullaby ii ii iii
Somewhere over the rainbow
Blue birds fly
And the dreams that you dreamed of
Dreams really do come true ooh ooooh
Someday I'll wish upon a star
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me ee ee eeh
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney tops thats where you'll find me oh
Somewhere over the rainbow bluebirds fly
And the dream that you dare to,why, oh why can't I? i iiii

Well I see trees of green and
Red roses too,
I'll watch them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world

Well I see skies of blue and I see clouds of white
And the brightness of day
I like the dark and I think to myself
What a wonderful world

The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky
Are also on the faces of people passing by
I see friends shaking hands
Saying, "How do you do?"
They're really saying, I...I love you
I hear babies cry and I watch them grow,
They'll learn much more
Than we'll know
And I think to myself
What a wonderful world (w)oohoorld

Someday I'll wish upon a star,
Wake up where the clouds are far behind me
Where trouble melts like lemon drops
High above the chimney top that's where you'll find me
Oh, Somewhere over the rainbow way up high
And the dream that you dare to, why, oh why can't I? I hiii ?

Ooooo oooooo oooooo
Ooooo oooooo oooooo
Ooooo oooooo oooooo
Ooooo oooooo oooooo
Ooooo oooooo oooooo
Ooooo oooooo oooooo

Rainbow after the rain

There is always rainbows after the rain...

There are days of sun, days of rain, days of clouds, days of rainbow...
And of cuz days of snow...

God is gracious and lovely, always reminding us each day that He is always watching over us even after each raining day...showing us the rainbow...

The rainbow not only is beautiful and colourful...
The bible says that the rainbow is God's promise to us, His grace towards us.
He will never leave us and He is forever watching over us.

To me, it also symbolise Hope, bringing us from one extreme to the rainbow which starts from one end and goes to another.

I dunno what God has install for me, but surely I know there is something better and good on the other end...and I have started sliding towards that end as the rain begin to stop.

Today, my boss as usual, talked to me, wanting me to stay and help him just like the previous times when I tendered. This time he proposed to invite me to join so-called another company which is still under our church in Hougang in a so-called "New Dept" doing publications for him. He asked me to considered. He sound very kind and understanding...

As he told me that he understand that now i am undergoing alot of stress esp in this working environment and having to cope with my study at the same time, thus if I have not found a better job yet, I am welcome to join him in that dept which he mentioned. Or if I have better plan or if God leads me to a better place, don't worry about this side, just go for it.
Let whatever unhappiness be by-gone. I am free to leave as and when I want..don't need to serve one month..and he is ready to welcome me over to the other side.

Hee..I know what you guys are thinking....
You guys must be thinking " better dun be so soft-hearted again....
hee...don't worry...
I told him...I dunno what is ahead but I know that God is leading me.
He will prepare for me..a better place...

Before he left he said "I will wait for your good news after you decide.."
I told him "No, God will decide."

I told Billy what happen and asked for his advise again..
Billy says "Trust & Follow what You Want to do. That's the only way to be sure."
Words of wisdom.
He has been emphasizing in Doing what I do...
So did many of my classmates and friends told me...

Yes, this is the right time to really think..what do I want...what will make me happy..

Finally...something came to my I was talking to my client whom I did web design for her...
Yes, I want to write....
Maybe this is the area I should go into..

I love writing..
Recently someone approached me to do some writing for XXX fact to do up the entire Quarterly Newsletter for them...well..we shall see how the Lord leads..its still in negotiation.

As mentioned..when I first knew Billy...I often write to him about my life story..He finds them really interesting..and told me I should write into books for people out there to read. Back then I told him, Nah..My English is not up to that standard..

But as I start writing blogs..many gave me good feedbacks...
I see how it touches people's heart...I was greatly encourage...
That doesn't mean I am good..
but that's what I really want to write and share about things in life..

Today, an 'uncle', one of my elderly client whom I often do letter and document typing service for him told me that I should write books.. esp when I am good in both English and Chinese. He is a very kind man. A very knowledgable yet humble man. Very poliet, understanding and encouraging.

Thus, if God allows and opens a way for me, I would like to write articles, be it for Newsletter or Magazines..
Let the Lord leads...
or perhaps, God might have something even better in mind.
Afterall, He is the Lord who created everything.

Well...least I am happy now cuz I see the rainbows after the rain...and I decided to face whatever is done as the perfect will of God and handle them positively.

Thanks all of you for your wonderful support, love, concern and encouragement.

Thus, let's not grumble when we see rain (hee...reminding myself this too..) cuz there is rainbow after each rain falls...

Nite nite..

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Life is like a Roller Coaster

I told my friends and they all agreed...
My life is like a Roller Coaster..the only different is ...Mine has more Ups and Downs (One after another...even before you have time to take a breath..)

A friend told me today "Yes, but this makes your life more interesting isn't it?" I said "Yup, my friend. That's why I have never in my life grumble or blame God for any of these...I just find God very Humorous...and I will laughed to myself and say "Oh God...Not again...You must be joking..."
Like what this friend say "There is down because there is going to be Up dear.." He is right...
In a Roller Coaster Ride, the Up is normally not the exciting part...Its the Down or you know you will be going Down..that caused ones heart to pump heavily..and your heart will seems to fall off as the roller coaster speed all the way down. Normally your heart reaches the ground before you physically 'hit' the bottom of the track.
But guess what? You will never fall to the ground...each time you thot you are going to hit the ground...the next moment, you are Up again...

This is just what always happens in my life...
Thus this makes me stronger because each Down is because there is going to be an Up..
like my friend say, its what you think...many of us when we are Up there we start to worry about the Down part and start worrying and frighten ourselves...we forgot to enjoy the most of the moment when we are UP there.

I thank God for this Roller Coaster Ride...I guess each Roller Coaster Ride actually makes my heart stronger and a point I laughed and ask God, "God, is it because You know I am Strong and gets stronger after each failure that You allow so much Ups and Downs in my life?" I guess God only gave me a smile.
I guess perhaps God wants me to learn like what my friend said...Dun think about the Downs when you are Up there...Enjoy the most out of the Ups as if its forever. And when you are down there...remember..the next wonderful thing is going to come soon..which is..soon you will find yourself UP there again...
He is right....God is Love. Everything He does is for the Good of those who love HIM.
And Surely I do.

Just as I was recovering from one event another event hit me. I was Hit by a Huge wave...It hitted me Hard enough this time that I tender, handed my resignation letter on the spot.

I know its time to leave, tho I tendered a few times, but each time I was soft-hearted and stayed back..but I told more soft-heart..if this time I tender..its really time to leave..
God really let it hit me hard enough to make the "MISS NICE LADY" to quit on the spot. Still I was kind enough I gave them till end of next month.
I guess I need a break too...
I tender without having a job offer this time...unlike other times..when I had job offers waiting for me...
But guess what...
I go by Faith..I know the Lord will prepare for me in due time.

B-Angel said "Perhaps for the better"...Since the day I knew he, he felt that I should consider other job options...He saw and felt my hardwork and my passion for my work..and often help me to sort out my thots..I remember he once smsed me this "This is what I like about you, your passion for things you do."
Others said I should left long did all my family members...

Bro reminded me that our dignity and integrity is most important. And we must always keep them. One day I will find a boss who can appreciate me.

Billy say "Seek out what you want to do and have confidence, you will succeed."

Others said, God knows and that's enough.

I believe so. So thru-out the whole conversation with my supervisor, I let her threw whatever she want onto me..and remain calm.
I only ask calmly for her to explain her points...after knowing that she points are totally nonsense..God helped me to remain really calm..and I only say one thing to her "You don't have to leave. Save that trouble. I will leave. That's it."

Indeed I was very upset caused she made a remark that no one can ever imagine, never in my entire working life anyone told me this "You made no contribution to this company." The moment I heard this, I smiled and that's it "I Quit!" That's Final, no more soft-hearted nice lady..cracking my brain thinking all the time how to help improving the business, bringing more business..that's it finally!!! No contribution??? Thank You very much!!! (Thanks for slapping me hard enough to wake me up for being Miss Nice Lady, Thank U! Thanks for helping me to make up my mind right away! Thank U Thank U.) This is what goes on in my heart.

God knows the truth. That's enough.
I just wrote a resignation letter on the spot and give it to her.

Alright, its time to leave.

I believe God will guide me to a better place...He probably just want me to be firm and no more soft hearted thats all.

If I am like what she said "Worthless, no contribution, my same boss won't not have asked me to stay back so many times, telling know you cant leave because you are handling 3-4 people's job at the same time. Nobody can take over. I compromise and went to this newly took over company for nearly two old position at my old place still nobody can take over. That speaks for itself. I need not say much.
Saying that my design is not good enough...let the customer tells..
Customer came and question me why the design nowadays so 'U..y' I said, well..its not done by me anymore..and they reply immediately..that is very obvious..the previous design is so nice..

So..that tells it all...I will let those people to say what they want...eventually..the fact will tell the truth.
I am no longer that little timid girl who has no self-confidence who you can step on anytime you like. But I won't waste my effort if its not worth it..eventually time will tells..

So thank you for your harsh accusation..dun worry...I will not do those nasty things.

Just Be truth to yourself and be kind to others.
Just pray that the Lord will open her eyes one day to make her realise what she should and should not have done.

Its never good to be mean to others..NEVER!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Strange Dream

I had strange dream again.

this time, I found myself in a huge shopping mall.
On the left side of the shopping mall, there is a lift.
And on the other side of the shopping mall is the stairs leading from Basement to Level 5.

What is interesting about this dream is...the different level of the shopping mall will shuffer as and when moving the basement to either of the levels, likewise the other levels. Thus if you wanna go to the food court at the basement using the stairs, you would like to 'run for it with all your might in one breath' if not you would probably find yourself ended up in another store instead of the foodcourt.
Its really exciting...

When I finally reached the foodcourt, I found myself sitted down with 3 girls and Dan (Mr Sunshine) talking about those women in Dan's life thats really interesting..

Not sure why Mr SunShine is in this dream...probably, I started to miss the sun in Auz already..hahaha..

I had another dream just now, as I was on mc resting at home, Doctor said I overstress thus need to take some medication to have a good sleep at home today.
In this dream...I was not feeling well too...
I ended up finding myself in the old childcare centre which I worked in.
Thereafter I bid goodbye telling them I am fine cuz they were very worried about me, my house is just nearby.
As I search my way back to my place, I felt so exhausted and not sure why I just couldn't find my way back home.

Suddenly, I found myself in an alien place. In my panick state, I fainted....
and then I woke up from my dream..

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Must check this out!!!!

Hey Sandra must ask Peter to watch this at home okie?
I think he will love it.
With or without you

This is a WOW..Impressive!
I like this.

Missing You (His own song- must touches the heart..)

California Dreaming - Sungha Jung

Living On A Prayer - Sungha Jung


Your song

Moon River

(watch his skill)



More than words

Wu Wei

A season for everything

Today an African student came, again after printing request me to help him to punch his stack of notes for him. I told him "No, I will teach you and you have to learn and do it yourself. A person can leave you anytime. But a skill will be with you forever." His friend heard what I said and give an awakening look and agreed.
This might seems to be a simple task. But if you rely on others to do simple task, what Big task can you handle. Like the Bible said, those who are faithful with small task, can be entrusted with Greater task.
Being a stubborn person, he tried to argue back saying God will help.
I just gave him an answer "God only help those, who help themselves."
He was then convinced and started to learn this simple task of how to punch hole on his notes step by step. (For your information he is not a young boy but a young man. But perhaps they have no come across this small simple tools in their countries, thus most of them have problems doing it..and lazy to learn too.)

My point is, like the bible says "There is seasons for everything. Season to cry, Season to laugh, Season to lost and Season to gain."
People cannot be with you forever, thats something really true I learnt in my life.
No one knows when each season will pass. So treasure each season, appreciate the people around you, treasure them, love while you can, forgive while you can (like the show I just watched, the boyfriend fell for another woman and realised his mistake and repent. For years, this gf did not forgive him, even tho they are still deeply in love. Till the moment when this gf finally forgive her ex-bf which is years later and sent him an email, but he met an accident before even getting the chance to know that he was finally forgiven.)

The reason that I start writing diary and blog expressing myself freely, sharing everything in my life is becuz, since I almost die of dengue many years back, I know how does it feel like when you got no chance to do many things you think you should do or say and have not done it. That's why I prayed in tears asking God to extend my life and I miraculously recover.(That's what make me who I am right now.)

Many times in life we take things for granted, thinking we always have chance to do it and they are always with us. But we forgot that the season is not in our hands.
So treasure it while you can. Live the most of your life. Live your life to the fullest. Tell the one you love that you love them before its ever too late. Tell the one you are angry with whom you have forgiven them but too stubborn to admit, before the season has passed.

Live each day without regret in your life. Do your best. Experience and enjoy the most out of this life. Be it bitter or sweet, salty or sour, this is part of life.

Dance with the rhythem of life while you can. Observe and appreciate the beauty of this life. How much this life worth, depends on how much you treasure it, appreciate it and use it.

Cheers my dearest..

I love you guys always, this life is beautiful.
Thank God for each brand new day and a brand new page of sketches each day.
Sketch your life, giving thanks for each season and face each season with Faith, Hope and Love...not forgetting courage.
Remember, a Loser is one who takes no courage to fight and not one who lost in the battle. Each failure is a lesson to make us stronger.

Nite, Sweet dreams.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Sugar for my Brew of the day

Life is like a cup of coffee, strong enough, bitter enough to keep one awake and at his/her feet, producing the fragrance of life..

But I enjoy coffee with sugar and more sugar esp to start off my day.
This morning, the Lord adds sugars for me in my coffee to start off my day.

A short and sweet email from someone unexpected...
this sweeten and warms up the heart as well..

"Dear Angeline,
Just wish to drop you a simple note, to let you know that you are always being remembered in prayers. Although you felt that you have not done well for your exams this time round, do not give up, God's grace is sufficient for you. All this is not empty promise, maybe human being may disappoint you, or even we are angry with ourself for not hitting our own targets, but just move on and cling on to our gracious Lord Jesus is always faithful, may He continue to shine upon you."

Thanks Lord and thank you for this email. You made my day!

Have a blessed day everyone!

God bless,

Monday, July 21, 2008

Words to ponder

A friend just sent me this to encourage me re: my exam.

it means: one can lost battle but cant lose his conscience

This comes just in time.
That's just what I wanted to express..

It doesn't matter that i fall..there are lots of battle in this world...
there are times we win, times we lose...but the most important thing is
I do what is to be true and clear to my conscience. And I stand up stronger each time.

What's the difference?

In everything there is two sides of the coin. Head or Tail.
In everything there is good and bad...its all a matter of perspective.

Many times, we focuz too long at the one tiny little dot on a white piece of paper and missed out that that piece of paper is still white and has lots of space for writing even tho there is a tiny black dot at the middle of it.

Men often focuz on the negative side of the things and thus afraid to do this and that thus not willing to share about themselves thinking that is that best way to protect themselves.

Do you actually think by doing so, you can stop bad things from happening to you? NOPE. The answer is NO. That's the truth and reality I learnt from my life and sharing once again to you.

Many years back, I told myself, I will not be that few unlucky one who got dengue fever. And guess what? Ha..I ended up almost dying in hospital with Dengue. And I see God's answer behind it.

There is the will of God in everything that happens. Men has 100% freedom and responsibility but God has 100% authority and Will. Things happens for the Best of us. Even tho it seems bad and difficult for us to bear at the period of time.
But we all learn thru failure.

There are many people out there who wrote their life stories into books as well. So what do u say about it. I read lots of books. A good friend of mine told me that I should write all these into books to benefit many people out there. Difference people hold different perspective.

Why I write a public blog not a private one, reason is simple.
Believe it or not, everyone is created in this world with some missions in hand. One day when our missions are completed, we will bid goodbye to this temporary world entering into eternity.

When that day comes, only words will remain.

That day when my mission is completed, people can continue to learn from my life experience, be it good (success) or bad(failure). Like a baby, he/she falls many times before he/she starts to walk.

Blog will be a place whereby people can be reminded of you and continue to be encouraged by your words.

This is not negative thots but POSITIVE. A christian is sure of their final destination. Thus we have no fear. And we prepare for things with eternal value. What is life? Life is given by God.

Bible taught us not to worry. Cuz by worrying we cannot change a single thing.
Just commit into the hands of the Lord.

If we were to worry for each statement we say, we actions we made, we lost our own identity and eventually we lost our happiness.

Value things with eternal value is more important.
In conclusion, everything is in God's hand.
If one stop doing something due to fear and deny being herself, what is one's value of life?

I trust in my Almighty God and thus I shall not be in fear.
Our Life is in the Hands of Lord and not one else.
Nothing will happen to us if the Lord does not permit. and if He permits, its for the Best of us.

This is just what i am trying to uphold here.

Philippians 4:8

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable...if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things.


I agree with Joyce and XXO's advise. But whoever that has evil thots will have evil thots whoever the victim is. All I want is to share my life experience with people out there, be it happy or sorrow cuz this is life and this is TRUTH.

In this world, too many people hide themselves behind a mask, afraid of being hurt. I HATE THIS FEELING OF NOT BEING ABLE TO SPEAK THE TRUTH. I am the children of GOD (Truth, LOVE and Light). There is nothing that I did that I should be ashame about or hide from anyone. Thus thanks for your advise. I will keep in heart and put into extra consideration for what I share.

God will deal with these devils at the due time, be it you believe or not.
I did what I did is right for me and what is pure and true to me.

I follow what the heart and spirit tells to do.

So, Let's keep a positive thots of goodness.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Happiness = IF?????

Many times in life, we think and believe that Happiness always comes with 'if'.
E.g. If I earn $8,000/mth I will be a happy man. If I have a man I love and who truly love me then I will be a happy woman. If I have been promoted, I will be happy. If I get this deal, I will be happy. If I can afford this car, I will be happy. If my boss appreciates me and understands me, I will be happy.
This list can goes on and on...and never ends.

As I was watching a Chinese Movie on the TV just now called THE CITY OF MONSTER.
Its talking about the war between Monster and Men. Each thinking that the other is happier or each thinking that IF ONLY THE OPPOSITE PARTY DOES NOT EXIST THEY WILL BE HAPPY. At the end of the show, it threw me a question "WHAT IS REAL HAPPINESS? WHERE IS REAL HAPPINESS?"

Finally, once again, the Lord reminded me thru this 'Friction' Movie.
True Happiness comes from within, given by God.
Jesus is the fountain and the source for all LOVE, PEACE, JOY and HAPPINESS.
True Happiness comes from should not be affected by people, things or circumstance around us.

This entire week, I gave myself lots of stress. I became unhappy.
Before exam was due to work. During Exam was that mishap I met the day before Exam and the pressure I faced from the Exam, forcing myself to pass and do well, so that all my hardwork can be justify.
I forgot one important thing......

Result does not justify anything...Exam is there to test if we have known and understand what we are taught so that we can proceed on.
Thus it really doesn't matter if I fail this exam or not. If I pass, I give all the thanksgiving and glory to God. And if I failed, it doesn't mean I am lousy or bad.
It only tells that I am just not ready at this period of time to proceed on and needs more time to get myself ready to proceed on.
Its just that simple. I shouldn't have lost my happiness over what has happened the day before my exam, or what happens in that unfamilar Exam Hall.
I know I did my BEST. I need not prove to anyone for God and myself know, how much effort I have put in. Even people around me sees just how much effort I have put in.
So, whatever the result is, I should accept it with a happy heart and a thankful heart. For God knows it BEST!

This reminded me of what Billy once told me, Happiness is not about IF..."if I have this and that then i will be happy...and Happiness is not about if this and that has not happened..I will be Happy." He said "Angeline, I am asking you, are u happy now? Not are u happy later? Its just that simple a question."

He is right. I guess God has been using Billy to bring this msg across. But I just didn't get it till Billy left for his next mission elsewhere. But again, like Billy told me..Happiness comes from within (given by God) it does not rely on people and happenings, thus no one can affect you. Its a matter of choice, whether you chose to be happy or not.

Thanks Lord for helping me to realise this and no longer let what has happened affects me. Thank You Father in Heaven.


Night night.
Luv you guys always,

I wonder

Sometimes I wonder...Why me? Why Me again????

I know and trust that everything is in Lord's hand.
He will protect His children from harm.
Even tho Mishap happens..but I thank Him that no greater harm was done. For that I thank God, knowing and trusting that everything happens for a good reason.
Worst things could have happened in that scenario if not I could not possibly escape.
Thank God for all these.

Tho Exam was over, and i was really disappointed becuz I couldn't reach the goal I set for myself..didn't expect my emotion and mental level would affect all those effort I put in.

All I ask now is that I can pass all my subjects that's all.


Whatever God's will is, I will submit and obey.


Saturday, July 19, 2008

Last day of Exam

Yesterday was my last paper for this semester.

Didn't do well for my 'first' exam after ten years.. I guess I wasn't mentally prepare for all these. The shock of entering the huge EXAM HALL could cuz one to reach the peak of the nevious system. Whatever I studied suddenly could not be recall..the mind could calm down and think straight...All I ask now is no more A but a Pass.

After exam, I was feeling really down...I went out with other classmates who are not in my group..Lai Ming and James for a BATMAN Movie Dark Knight.
I was yawning thru-out the show..din sleep for almost entire week.

After Movie, I went home to take a short nap..then went out with my classmate to Bala to have some drinking session.
Reached Balaclava about 9plus 10pm.. For the first time Kwany (my bala kaki) was earlier than me...haha..
Din see any other Bala Kaki around last nite.

At about 10pm, Yama, Radhika and her friend came..
Aery and Khim reached about 10plus..
And my wu-gui shifu Lutfi came about 11plus I think..
Finally its time for some relaxation.

Everyone enjoyed the band as much as I do.
I remembered that even Billy like this Band the one time he came to Bala to look for me a year ago. He was impressed by them as much as we do.

We took two group pic to remember this fun we had.
There after when the band ended..I was kind of tipsy...we went to Lao Pa Sa to have supper, we had Tom Yum Soup, Satay, Stingray etc.
Then Yama drove to send everyone of us home. He is indeed a very nice guy.
Still single and available..
hahaha free advertisement for him...any girls interested in him let me know, I will help you to pull string.

He was very nice..I asked him to send me to my lift and make sure I reach home safely. Esp after that incidence which happened to me last sunday.

We were supposed to go to Sentosa to relax today but in the end we were all too exhausted after a week of two of not enough sleep due to preparation for this exam, we all slept till one plus in the afternoon today.

Now we are still at home resting..not sure if we would be meeting up to go for a coffee or what.

Last night, Sunshine sms me saying he is in Auz for Business trip. Will be back only in Aug. He gave his mum a shock when he reached home. hee..Gonna miss this sun for a while.

I had strange dream last nite..
Dreamt of Sandra, Peter and my godson..they gave me a surprised (came back to Singapore to visit me..) gave me a paper wrapped with red seeds- Xiang Xi Tou (what the chinese say as a seed which represent missing someone.. this seeds is red and in heart shape. I love to collect this seeds when I was younger..
Just before our Mother's Church was rebuilt..we had a tree which often produce lots of these seeds..

I guess I really missed them..

Friday, July 18, 2008

Last Paper Tomorrow

Tomorrow (Friday) is my last paper QMIM (Quantitative Method of Information Management)-basically what we call statistic.
can't wait for it to finish...
Have been burning lots of mid-nite oil still two weeks ago...
Working really hard...
God pls pls help me to pass this paper and able to score well...
Help me to understand the question and apply the right formula and get the right answer Lord...

Its 1.31am now...will probably take 4 hours nap and then wake up to revise again..
Keep me in prayer okie..

Will probably go out with my classmate to Bala tomorrow nite to relax thereafter to O-bar..and sat will be sentosa...
We really need a break esp me...after so much happening..
I need this...

"God I do my best..and commit the rest into Your Almight hand Lord. Thank you Father in Heaven, whatever the result maybe. Cuz eventually I know everything is in Your Hand. Men can only do their best at the given time they have.
May all the glory be given onto your name Father. In Jesus Name I pray again..Amen!"

Bala kakis see u at Bala tomorrow, esp Joyce okie..hug hug..but no questions tomo nite..just wanna enjoy and relax ya?
Oh and pray for Sunshine, Dan. He has not been well for a week or so...had flu, throat is not well..God bless him for his care and concern too..despite he himself not well..he still send me regards. Thank you Sunshine.

Conclusion: Only know who are your true friends during tough time. Thanks Lord for making this clearer to me. Thanks.

Nite, wish u all well in all aspect of life.
Persist for ur happiness...Lord be with U.
Remember...without Lord, all is in vain.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Today was my OBSW Exam, again I couldn't sleep last nite.

After much prayer, God really hears my prayer, and I was able to focuz and finished my 4 questions within 3 hours, writing only 3pages each..or less...Can you have to write 3-4pages of A4 answers for each question within 40mins, which bascially need to write non-stop for 40mins..for 3-4pages. Writing 1 A4 of Essay within 10mins, not leaving any we have to write 12-16pages continuously for 3hours. Can you imagine that. No time really to stop and think for answers. They should actually give us 4hours instead of 3hours for 4 questions.

After exam you can see everyone basically shaking their hands...cuz too tired...over exhausted writing non-stop for 3hours...
They should not actually ask us to finish our exams within 2-3 hours for a degree course. Even for accounts. Cuz end of the day, they just wanna know if we have got and understand that knowledge given to us. Its not about time but answers.
Most of us know the answers just that got not enough time to write or analyse.

Its been years that I find myself in a huge Exam hall. Stepping into that huge exam hall cuz one's stress level to goes up. And hands starts to shiver.
Today is much better. At least I was more prepared knowing its gonna be in EXAM HALL.
Thank you for your prayers.

Pls pls continue to pray for me. Statistic (Quantitative Methods of Information Technology) paper on Fri. Tho its open book, but seriously I am not confidence. Really scare.
Will try to get some nap before start reading and analaysing the notes Lutfy did for us.

God pls help us all to pass.
Thank you Jesus! Amen!

Oh before I forgot, I wanna share with you some pics we took just now after our OBSW paper, when we went to Anchor point to have our lunch at Secret Receipt to destress. We really needs this. At least after that we all felt much better.

You see those pics with a funny guy (with funny actions) that is Gabriel. Beside him is Lutfi, my wonderful tuitor cum mentor I should say, giving me lots of encouragement when I needed most...and beside Lutfi is Yama...The rest are also parts of my buddies...Its really good to have such nice classmates who always stands by me giving me supports...we are basically there for one another.
Thank God for all these...
Look at all the yummy food we eat..are u hungry?

Guess which is mine?

Pls pray for my Friday Exam okie..Just pray that I can pass and I will be happy.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Exam preparation..

Today is my off day..

Was really upset abt work got really exhausted...
woke up by a phone call at about 11plus..
A friend called to ask for advise...

Packed one luggage of Organisation Behavior and Sociology of Work books of study..after my facial outside..

Reached my friend's place to have my facial...
She is really good in doing facial and massage...
I was totally relaxed and enjoyed the whole process at her clinic..
Its newly Hougang near Lorong Ah Soo..
I have my eye lashes permed again..
Very nice...hee..a way to make myself to make myself look beautiful.

After the facial...about 5pm...I took a bus to airport T.3 Mac to study..
I order Mac Wings meals with tea and Hot chocolate (cuz I realise my gastric starts to hurt)..

See the Hot chocolate looks so nice...
I even order a 2nd cup and the Large one..see how much effort they put in to make it look nice..Din expect this from Mac...Wow..Good Job! Keep it Up!

Took out my one whole stack of OBSW and study revising...
compiling all the notes on Motivation and the theory of Fredrick Herzberg-2 factor theory (Motivator Hygiene Theory) and Abraham Maslow's (5)Needs Hierarchy Theory.
Flip thru all the them..understand and drew into diagram and pic and words so that I can share with my study group to ease their study on these two people's theory.

studying in Airport Mac is I can observe the surrounding and the people as well as the staffs in Mac and backup my theory with what i see...
One of the topic we need is study is MACDONALDIZATION....under Scientific Management.

Okie better stop here before I bored you guys with all these theories..
Tho they are very interesting to me...

Half way thru my study just now I had gastric...I think overstress..
recently too many upsets..and over much reading and study and practice to do..yet so much work stress to handle..esp those unreasonable my organisation...
Oh really good examples for me to back up for my writing when I answer questions like for Team, Motivation, Leadership, Culture, Conflict, Stress, Job Satisfaction, Prejudice, Control, Social Skill, Impression Management...hahaha..
Almost can use it as eg in my OBSW.
Maybe this is the help of God for me so that I can write 4 pages for each questions.
Can you imagine that..we need to answer 4 pages of A4 for each questions in order to pass OBSW...hahaha...

This explain why I need to read so much books just for one subject today..
Have a long way.. to go...

thus there is no way I will go back to office to work if they call me to go back next week during my exam week...
Its totally unreasonable...
I will off my hp for whole of next week...
and tender if I need too...for worst case....

Pls pray for me ya???

Btw, just now the taxi uncle was speeding at 140km/hr on my way back...
I was telling Lutfi thru sms..
And due to our exam stress...Lutfi and I had a little 'over-tone' just now..and we apologise to each other immediately after we realised it...
Friendship is still first..
and afterall..we all study hard and prepare hard for everyone of that we all can do well...

God pls help us all to pass and with flying colours..considering all these hard work...and sincerity which my group and others are putting in....

Thank you Father in Heaven.
nite nite..

its 2am now..need to wake up early to study in the train tomol...
sweet dreams...

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Strength in Weakness...

Sorry for not writing my favourite blog for a couple of days..
cuz was very down and stress with work..
facing all kinds of nonsense from work...esp when exam is next week..
Really makes this happy angel drop tears for a couple of days..
But was very touched that I have my wonderful study group classmates helping in each and every way. I must not let them down. I must not let myself down..I must not let my family down..and I must not let God down..sine He is the one who provide me this opportunity to study.

Thanks to Dan, my sunshine who gave me sunshine when I see raindrops..
It set me thinking..
all these wonderful friends...
they are much much better than having a bf...
Thanks everyone.

Recently, I printed out part of my blog on how to be happy for a friend...
I was so touched when I see that her tears dropped as she read that portion of my blog. She said she is very thankful to me for sharing so light with her and for my positive aspect of life...when I face so much suffering in life..
My strength (From God) has become her strength as well.

She brought these papers with her and read it every now and then to motivate her and encourage to face her problem and how to be strong.
May the Lord help her just the way the Lord has helped me.
(my past sufferings becomes more meaningful now..) Only when one suffer the same way can one truly understand what others has being thru. For this, I thank God.

In thinking of these...
I should also commit my present situation at work...all those unreasonable and sadness from work...all those stress and hurtful remarks from work....into the Lord's hand and once again let the Lord help me again.

Lord gives me the happiness in me..instead of tears...
gives me the strength, knowledge and wisdom..and concentration/focus which I need to focus on my preparation for my coming exam next week.
Pray that I can do well and glorify God's name!

Keep me in prayer okie you guys..
All the Best to everyone of us whose exam is coming.
The Lord is with You!

Have a blessed day!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Start from the Little things

Today something funny happened...

As I was with my mum on our way rushing home from church at the Bus Interchange..

I noticed that a lady dropped something as she was dashing for her bus..which was just about to leave...

I went forward to pick up that 'thing' trying to return her...
As I bent forward...and picked it up..
I realised that its only a handphone pouch...
and worst of all..that lady has gone..up into the bus and leaving..
There is no way I can return her...

Holding that flowery hp pouch in my hand...I was thinking...oh No...what am I going to do with that I can't return her?
I can't put it back onto the floor where I picked it up...(Its like sooo bad..and people will step onto...)
I can't throw it into the dustbin..since it doesn't belongs to me...and its very sinful to do so....
Thus...I only resolve to bringing it..all the way to the Bus Interchange Lost and Found counter which is at the other end of where I was...
Mum was tired..and told me to go myself as she will stay put to wait for my return..

Tho I found it abit 'kua-zhang' or kind of bring just this HP pouch and report that I found it somewhere and someone drop it..knowing for sure that the owner most likely will not come back for it...however, I got no choice since I have already picked it up..

All the bus-drivers in that office kind of looked at me..with a funny expression..esp the nice looking chap who was on duty at the lost and found counter..
he looked at me and laugh and ask "only this hp pouch?"..
And I say ya??? Then I told him...since someone dropped it and that person is gone..I can't return to that person...
I dunno what to, I have to bring it here to you lor...
(I kind of gave them a ..what u wanna do with this is no longer my issue..hahaha.. :P since I have done my kind part to pick it up..thus since its was to be left in this LOST AND FOUND counter.)

They kind of got my expression..and the other senior guy say..okie..we will handle it from here...and I smile and walked out...
Thank God Luffy called me during that moment so that I can handle this with smile on my Luffy was on the phone with me..
if not I will feel so paisay or shy..even tho I did a kind deed..

I guess...even tho its just a HP pouch but kindness and care starts small and begin with little things.

From young, I am taught 'lu bu shi yi', that one must return what one found that does not belongs to you..
Sometimes something might seem useless to us..but to others it might be a whole lot or have some significant value in it which no other knows.

What will you do if you were me at that point of time?
a) put it back onto the floor...people might step on it..or something bad will happen to that nice flowery pouch
b) leave it anywhere...but the owner if return can't find it..
c) keep it for yourself or give it to someone else?
d) bring to the lost and found counter like me...
f) bring it to the police
g) other...(state your answer)...

:) haha..
lesson: kindness starts from little things..

Friday, July 4, 2008

How to be Happy?

Today I was very stressed out at stress that i couldn't concentrate in our OBSW class..I guess everyone noticed that esp I always sit infront of lecturer..
And I always voice out questions in the class..
But today i keep quiet and no mood to study even tho its the last lesson before exam
but dun worry..I already got what my lecturer said into my little mind..

At break and my classmates went to 7 Eleven to get some stuff and I seriously need some fresh air..
I bought chilled coffee and this little toy to cheer me up

in the class and Strawberry Poki to chew on..

After class I went to have late dinner with my classmates at East Coast..then they sent me back..we chatted till about nearly 2am..even tho we had to work tomo..

They asked me a question...
How can I be such a happy person as I am right now..even tho I faced sooo much 'bad'/sadness or difficulties in my life.

My answer to them is...
1)Problem is there to make you stronger..

2)To be happy is to learn to live for yourself and love yourself..
I told them it took me more than 30 years to finally learn this lesson.

3)To be happy is not to place expectation on others, understand that everyone is living for themselves. They need to change to feed their need at different times. We are not responsible to anyone for our actions except for God and ourselves.

4) Happiness is a choice.
-Happy or Sad, you still have to carry on your life. Then why don't you chose a lighter path and walk down this journey happily without a heavy stone called 'PAST' to drag you down .

5) Look around to see what you have right now. Don't focuz on that one thing which you dun have and you will realise just how fortunate you are. How much things God has given you and just waiting for you to discover them in yourself.

6) You cannot rely on anyone except yourself. Anyone and everyone might leave you one day somehow and somewhere. The only person that will always be with yourself and God.

7) All love will change and not last forever except the love of God.

8) If you want others to love you, you must first love yourself.

9) Only when you are a happy person, people will be happy to be with you.

10) To love others is to first love yourself. Billy once told me, you cannot love others if you don't even know how to love yourself. Bible saith, Love your neighbour as yourself. Which means..we must first know how to love ourselves then will we understand how to love others. Its like without knowing what is pain, how would you understand others pain.

For all the above answers I gave you..I am thankful to God for all the pains and suffering I have that I can share with people out there who suffers pains, be it little, more or same..

So my dear friend..remember..Life is about the decision you make..
Happiness is about the decision you make..

You know if you let will be happier...
If what holds you not give you eternal happiness...
why hold on..

Make the right decision today..

Step out into the light..

see the beauty of this world.

Remember..Failure is when you give up even before trying.

Success is when you get up on your knee again..and not how much you get in returns.
Success is never a success without contentment.
Be contented is the key to happiness, that's all I can conclude.

Live for yourself right now.
Give yourself the credit and the happiness you deserve.
If others treat you bad already...
why treat yourself worst?
The more you should love yourself isn't it?

Love u all always..forever..
Be strong!


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Some things are meant to be kept in the Memory Closet

Finally finished watching the Korean series called "Who are you?"
A very funny, touching, sweet and nice show..which I strongly recommend those who are crazy about korean series as me to watch it.
Can watch it FOC, if you download from

This show taught me alot of things...
Life sometimes seems unfair or sad.....that's becuz there are many unknown which we have yet to find out till we realise it ourselves when the time comes.
There is no way to rush...
The time will only come when the time comes...

Only thing we can do is...Live with Faith, Hope and Love...
Never to give up hope or Love.
Only with Faith, Hope and Love, can one find the true beauty of this life.

Life is only pathetic if you allows it to be...
In all circumstance....give thanks..and live the fullest my friend.

Today, I wrote to B-Angel sharing with him the similar thing..
Thanking him for the past...
Told him that will keep all the goodness that we ever shared in the memory closet and wish him happiness forever.
Told him that I will always be here for him as a buddy forever, even tho we are now busy persuing for diff things in our life right now.

Its good that he was ever around.
I thank God for that.
Thank you Father in Heaven.
I told him that God gave me many things more since he left..
and I am living a Great and wonderful life now..
With wonderful family, buddies, Super-good and caring classmates..and many many more things awaiting for me..
and of cuz, he is happy for me.
That's what friends are for.

Sometimes, even when things doesn't turn out the way we wanted it to be...
Just learn to smile and wait patiently to experience the joy and the happiness of what is to come...
