Thursday, January 1, 2009

Laugh or Cry???

Did anything ever make you not knowing to laugh or cry about?

Yesterday, a close friend shared something with me which she heard from someone..
After hearing...I was amused...
I don't know if I should laugh or cry....haha..

What happen was...
I believe its out of concern from that somebody..
that she asked my buddy about me...
She was concerned because she saw me in a shopping mall the other day...
She thot I was selling clothings...
and feels sad for me...
A Designer...quit her job to sell clothes...
with my talents and education..she felt a great pity....

I didn't know if I should cry or laugh about it...
thank God my buddy came to clarify this with me....if not I am not sure how many people will be misleaded by this misunderstanding...haha

I guess what this person saw the other day..could be that I was with my colleague in the shopping mall..
My colleague wants me to be her fashion advisor and thus we went shopping together..
We went into many boutiques and of cuz I picked clothes which suits her and wants her to go try on..

I guess that person happen to see that scence and thot I was the sales person selling clothes there...hahaha..(What you see might be the truth but not the entire truth.)

Looks like Sales is indeed my cup of tea..hee..

hmm..I told my buddy..the next time if anyone should say they see me anywhere...kindly get him or her to walk up to me and say hello..
that will be better... :)

Afterall, even if I am to be selling clothes in boutique..
There is nothing to be ashame about.
Angeline can take up any job that is righteous, as long as it is not against the law and my belief, not sinful..every job is honourable, isn't it?
No job is meant to be regards as a lowly job.
Its all in the heart!

Happy 2009 everyone!
Cheers! :)

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