Thursday, January 1, 2009

Perspective for 2009

Many told me that 2008 is a bad year for them.
For me, 2008 is a great year for me.
It might started off with many hipcups..but it ended off really well..
peaceful, joyful and blessed...

What is define as a good year?
To many, 2008 is a bad year..many bad things happen...
But think about it...
Many times, we only focuz on the bad and forgot to give thanks for the good.

The more bad things happens in my life..the more I focuz and give thanks on the good.
Everything happens for a very good reason behind it.
Its all in the mind.
Think positive, act positive, achieve positive result.
If one keep dwelling on the bad...
believe it or not..the good will not come..or in fact the good is just waiting for your acceptance that's all.
What is good?
Good to many of us, is when things goes our way.
But in actual fact..GOOD is not when things goes our way...
because human are limited creation..with our limitation..we do not know what is ahead of us..thus we do not actually know what is really good for us..
we see only part of the picture but not the entire picture of our life.

Thus, each time when I fall..I looked up to God...trusting in Him, I stand up again and again...regaining my strength, faith and trust...
not in myself..but in HIM who created me.
I trust in the Lord Almighty.
Knowing He loves me like He always do.
Knowing everything that happens in my life is for my benefit..even tho I might not be able to see it and figure out Why Why Why.

But with faith, I step out again, each day in trust..putting forth my best in things I do and things which I am entrusted with. Even if at times, I am lack of confidence..I just simply 'bite my lips' and push it thru..with prayer to be my support. And each time, God granted me with a way or another..

In fact, I got so much surprises in my life...esp when I started to smile again..
I felt that I am falling in love....
haha..with who? Our Creator, Our Savior, Our Love, Our Father in Heaven, Our Counsellor, Our Friend, Our Brother.....Lord Jesus Christ.
He is the only one who is always with me..
esp when all seems to abundant me..or when things seems to go wrong...
when there seems no road ahead...
He is my light and my strength....helps me to step out in faith..even without seeing the road or path ahead...
Trusting in life, my 2008 went well...

Thank you Lord Jesus for everything.
One don't give thanks for the good and also for the bad.
Its better to lose the love of the man you love than to be marry then lose the man you love. But if you did not lose probably will not gain something even better. So, do not be discourage if you feel that you have lost or did not gain what you wanted so much...becuz God probably wants to give you better than you never expected.

Life is a surprise. A time to lose and a time to gain. A time to cry and a time to be Happy. (Words of wisdom from the Bible).

Smile :) 2009 is gonna be Great! Its all in the mind...just put your trust in the Lord! I pray that this year...more people, esp those I love, will get to believe in the Lord, the Source of Love, Hope, Peace and Salvation.


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