Thursday, January 1, 2009

Relaxing New Year

Thank God for the wonderful long holiday weekends last week...

Finally got to pack my room...
Keeping away all my past semester's books and notes..which was laid everywhere.
Used my mum's new expensive vaccum cleaner to vaccum my room..
Now my room is clean and tidy...
Well at least good enough for normal days...and comfortable stay in..hee..
Will do a thorough spring clean when Chinese New Year is near..

But becuz of this...I can spend today..relaxing at home...sleeping and blogging in my room...
Its really been a long time since I really get to rest and relax at home, enjoying my huge room while I can..before we move to our new place perhap end of this year in Sengkang.

But..guess what...
Most of my Youth Group people will be moving to Sengkang area too..
haha..thus we can have more suppers then...hahaha..except for poor Rongfa..hee..

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