Saturday, October 18, 2008

Memories are like sand by the beach

Memories are like sand by the beach...............

Ever try drawing a nice picture on the beach or building up sand castles?
What do you realised as the tides starts to get higher and higher..
each wave that hits the sands on the beach seems stronger and stronger.. realise that the seawater is touching you feet and washing away those beautiful pictures you have drawn, or words like I love you starts to fade away each time the wave come splashing onto it..

Even the sand castle which seems strong at one time cannot escape the strength of time splashing onto our life..
causing many sweet fade into what we known as PAST.
But at the same time, sorrows, hurts and any unhappiness are also washed away as time goes by..

Sooner or can only recall the event, no longer in full detail or at least the emotion has begin to lost its effect..

This is the power of time.
That's also why people often says..'let time heals'...
'let time reveal...' let shells hidden under the the wave hits the beach..those hidden underneath will one day be out in the sun again..

There is no secret in this world...
Everyone has the hidden past which they do not want to reveal...
What if those past are revealed one day?
I guess the only thing we can do is..confess and be courageous when time comes..
meanwhile..the rest is in the Lord's hand.
What is to be know will be known...
What is not to be known in His will..should not be known..
Afterall....who knows better than the Lord...

Remember..Because God is love, thus everything happens for the good of those He loves and that loves HIM.

Trust and Believe.
What is suppose to be 'washed away..will be washed away..'
whatever is to be revealed will be too..
This applies to everyone.

Remember one story mentioned, one day a group of people caught a woman who committed adultary and brought her to Jesus, asking if Jesus think they should stone her to death. Jesus replied those who has no sin can be the first to do that... he started writing on the ground..One by One these people left...and then Jesus told that woman..since no one is judging you, neither will I..go in peace and do not sin again.
Do you know why these people leave and did not judge her? What did Jesus do?
He probably wrote all the different sin which these people do..
And when each of these people saw their sins..they realised they were also they have no right to judge others...and so they walked away.
Everyone has sins in this anger, selfish, lazy, greed..doing what you ought not to do...not doing what you ought to do...and so on..

Wow even Sea, sand and wave...teaches us..a whole lot of lessons...Who can then say..there is no God nor Creator? Every creation is the wisdom of God. :)

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