Monday, October 27, 2008

The Final Picture

Marriage might not be for everybody...
But Death is .. (Everyone has one death)..
Death is not created by God for men..It was Sin that brought death into this world.

You must be thinking..why suddenly talk about Death...

Last night, I attended my godchildren's grandpa's wake service..
Holding the book 'Hymns of Comfort' which took me a few years to design and finished..I went into deep thots..

This book..meant for comforting families and friends when they lost their love ones..Suddenly become even more meaningful...
Thot I been through alot to finally got it done and finished..
now holding in everyone's hand in the wake/funeral during the service..
as we sing songs and read verses of comfort in it (extract from traditional hymns of comforts and bible)..I realised and give thanks to the Lord for giving me the previledge and the honor to be involve in the design and publication of this book which brings comfort at times like this.

Many thots went thru my mind..
I longed for marriage which might or might not come..
But one thing for sure...
One day..I will be lying there..resting in peace..ended my journey on earth..
Meeting my Lord in heaven...The day of great happiness..tho many will be sad at points like this...

Reflecting my entire life...I asked would my wake and funeral service be? I want my wake and funeral service to be one of happiness...
I want to wear a smile and leave this world..letting the whole world knows..
I have painted my last and final picture on earth.
I am entering into a world of happiness, back with the Lord, Jesus Christ (Our Heavenly Father).

Many plans their wedding...No much people really plans their funeral..
If wedding is the happiest (Big) occasion in our life..
Funeral for those in the Lord (Christians- who truly believed & saved by the precious blood of Jesus) will be the Happiest things on earth..
It should in fact be the celebration of entering into eternal Happiness..even tho on earth it seems like a depart..but for those in Christ..we will meet again in Heaven.

Asked I have walked my life...I told myself..tho I am not perfect..tho some may disagree/disapprove or even dislike the way I react or handle certain matters in life..but..I am not accountable to them. I lived for myself and for the Lord (tho not everytime I was able to live out the best for the Lord).
Reflecting on the ways I lived my life and my past conduct, I did no wrong and even if i did any wrong, I have confessed my sins and the Lord has cleanse it away.

If I were to chose how my funeral might be..I wish that it will be filled with songs and praises and thanksgiving to the Lord. Let the air be filled with good and wonderful memories of me and songs...........
If I could, I wish to record my own album, singing all those christian songs I love so much and which have been my help during this journey of my life..
I told the Lord, I give thanks for the good voices to sing but I will only sing for the Lord.

I wish..on that children choir and my youth fellowship buddies and even my church student fellowship and my church choirs will take turns to fill the air of the funeral service with beautiful hymns (those hymns in our Hymn book we used in our normal sunday service..and songs which is not in it like, "God will make a way", "We are the reason" & many other chinese hymns I played here in my blog.

As the congregation held and sing the hymns of comfort which was designed by me..I believe I will probably be filled with tears of comfort and happiness witness this in heaven.

You probably think, Angeline is thinking too much. Why am I mentioning this as if its my last day???
Seriously think about it...Do any of us have any idea when will be this day?
On the last day..will we even get a chance to write this on our blog telling people how we would want our last day to be?
Death do not go in order..
Its a secret locked in the Hands of God.

So why fear to talk about it and think about it before its too late.
Take some time and ponder about it my dear ones..
esp where will you be when this journey on earth ended?

Trust in the Lord, believe in Jesus, confess your sins and accept Jesus as your saviour so that your sins be cleanse. Heaven is a holy place where no sins are allowed..Only people without sins can enter.
Everyone has sins..according to the and I.
The only way to salvation is to believe in Jesus Christ and be cleanse by His precious blood which He had shed for you and me on the cross, 2000years ago.

Jesus loves u and me.

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