Friday, October 31, 2008

Faith is the Driven Force!!!

Like a car needs Petrol to move...
Men needs Faith to move too..
Thus Faith is like Petrol, the driven Force which causes one to move on...


YES!!! U'R RIGHT..!!!!
LET'S GO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Life is never forever bed of roses

Watching my favourite Korean Series "The Golden Bride"...
I find lots of meaningful message within..

One which I totally agree is that "Life is not forever bed of roses".
There are good times and bad times in life..
Bad times often seens to make one discourage and lost faith or focus in life.

This series once again reminded me that when time is bad, what we have to do is perservere, keep your faith and FOCUS. BElIEVE IN WHAT U BELIEVE no matter how bad things might seems to be right now...
Everything might seems to change...but as long as we keep our faith and FOCUS...
soon all the bad times will be over and you will see the blue sky once more...



One of my favourite friend once say to me over and over again "ALL U HAVE TO DO IS KEEP THE FAITH."

Indeed, it might sound easy..but takes one many falls to finally learnt this lesson and appreciate, giving thanks for the life you have.

E.g looking at present economy...
if you think the economy is no good and start losing the faith you once have, you start to hold on tighter to the money you are in fact causing less cashflow in the economy and causing the economy to go bankrupt.
If everyone keep their faith and continue their life as matter what they heard..they keep their faith...economy will never crash..

Becuz economy is a flows/transactions makes this economy stay healthy.

Its like if you image you have internal bleeding somewhere and start pressing onto a spot in your body to prevent the blood from flowing..
Blood cannot circulate throughtout your body due to your 'imagination' and lost of faith..Finally you will find yourself collapse/sick..not becuz you are really having internal bleeding but because you have stopped the blood flow from bringing oxygen to part of your body becuz of ur lacking in faith.

So stay Positive.
How you want your life to be, is really how you chose to believe and face your life.

Treasure the Good, Work hard to keep!!!

Good things are hard to come by...
Today I received a good news!!!

My boss told me that they have been observing my past performance..and they are pleased with my they are going to end my probation today (i.e One month earlier).

Hipee Hurray!!! I was overjoyed!!!
Thank God for everything...
I thanked my bosses too of cuz...

She asked me to suggest some ways which we will look forward as a benefit to motivate us to continue to work hard for the company.
I really appreciate and treasure such 'open' and positive attitude.
She asked me to think about it and give her some suggestion other than the new benefit which she told me she is going to implement. I am very happy with that benefit of cuz.

Its really a blessing to have such good and understanding bosses and very motivating too. I always look up to them..hoping to be like them one day. I admire them for their positive attitude and knowledge..

Good things has been happening in my life one after another right now...
I am very very thankful and thus will work hard to keep the good coming...
Just do my best and God will do the rest...

Ganbatte everyone!!! esp my classmates...let's perservere...
Work hard and pray for good grades for all of us...!!!!

Emmanuel (God be with u).

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

1st deal celebration!!!

I was delighted!!!
Today after meeting clients, I went back to office for a short celebration for clinching my 1st Infrared Camera deal!!! Hurray!!!

As I am new in this company so, this is my first deal for Infrared Camera, a pretty new product for our company to distribute in Asia...yet its the world leading brand in the aspect of Thermal Cameras.

Boss mentioned that we will open a red wine to celebrate upon my 1st clinch of this InfraCam. And so, everyone was delighted when the PO came in today!!!

I bought some finger food back for a little celebration to give my colleagues and bosses a treat!!! And boss opens the red wine as promised...hee..

Hippee Hurray!!!
I am looking forward to clinching the others in hand too...

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Final Picture

Marriage might not be for everybody...
But Death is .. (Everyone has one death)..
Death is not created by God for men..It was Sin that brought death into this world.

You must be thinking..why suddenly talk about Death...

Last night, I attended my godchildren's grandpa's wake service..
Holding the book 'Hymns of Comfort' which took me a few years to design and finished..I went into deep thots..

This book..meant for comforting families and friends when they lost their love ones..Suddenly become even more meaningful...
Thot I been through alot to finally got it done and finished..
now holding in everyone's hand in the wake/funeral during the service..
as we sing songs and read verses of comfort in it (extract from traditional hymns of comforts and bible)..I realised and give thanks to the Lord for giving me the previledge and the honor to be involve in the design and publication of this book which brings comfort at times like this.

Many thots went thru my mind..
I longed for marriage which might or might not come..
But one thing for sure...
One day..I will be lying there..resting in peace..ended my journey on earth..
Meeting my Lord in heaven...The day of great happiness..tho many will be sad at points like this...

Reflecting my entire life...I asked would my wake and funeral service be? I want my wake and funeral service to be one of happiness...
I want to wear a smile and leave this world..letting the whole world knows..
I have painted my last and final picture on earth.
I am entering into a world of happiness, back with the Lord, Jesus Christ (Our Heavenly Father).

Many plans their wedding...No much people really plans their funeral..
If wedding is the happiest (Big) occasion in our life..
Funeral for those in the Lord (Christians- who truly believed & saved by the precious blood of Jesus) will be the Happiest things on earth..
It should in fact be the celebration of entering into eternal Happiness..even tho on earth it seems like a depart..but for those in Christ..we will meet again in Heaven.

Asked I have walked my life...I told myself..tho I am not perfect..tho some may disagree/disapprove or even dislike the way I react or handle certain matters in life..but..I am not accountable to them. I lived for myself and for the Lord (tho not everytime I was able to live out the best for the Lord).
Reflecting on the ways I lived my life and my past conduct, I did no wrong and even if i did any wrong, I have confessed my sins and the Lord has cleanse it away.

If I were to chose how my funeral might be..I wish that it will be filled with songs and praises and thanksgiving to the Lord. Let the air be filled with good and wonderful memories of me and songs...........
If I could, I wish to record my own album, singing all those christian songs I love so much and which have been my help during this journey of my life..
I told the Lord, I give thanks for the good voices to sing but I will only sing for the Lord.

I wish..on that children choir and my youth fellowship buddies and even my church student fellowship and my church choirs will take turns to fill the air of the funeral service with beautiful hymns (those hymns in our Hymn book we used in our normal sunday service..and songs which is not in it like, "God will make a way", "We are the reason" & many other chinese hymns I played here in my blog.

As the congregation held and sing the hymns of comfort which was designed by me..I believe I will probably be filled with tears of comfort and happiness witness this in heaven.

You probably think, Angeline is thinking too much. Why am I mentioning this as if its my last day???
Seriously think about it...Do any of us have any idea when will be this day?
On the last day..will we even get a chance to write this on our blog telling people how we would want our last day to be?
Death do not go in order..
Its a secret locked in the Hands of God.

So why fear to talk about it and think about it before its too late.
Take some time and ponder about it my dear ones..
esp where will you be when this journey on earth ended?

Trust in the Lord, believe in Jesus, confess your sins and accept Jesus as your saviour so that your sins be cleanse. Heaven is a holy place where no sins are allowed..Only people without sins can enter.
Everyone has sins..according to the and I.
The only way to salvation is to believe in Jesus Christ and be cleanse by His precious blood which He had shed for you and me on the cross, 2000years ago.

Jesus loves u and me.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I loooooooove Children!!!!

I felt really blessed recently..
I am very grateful to God for everything...
esp that things is getting brighter for me each day..
There is no words to express how grateful and thankful I am to God our Lord Jesus.

At times of difficulties and hardship..
when things doesn't goes well...
are we reminded that we have to and can only do our best and rely on God for the rest. God is good.

This week..I am really happy...not becuz I only have to concentrate in my preparation for this semester's coming exam..but I also got to meet up and spend some time with my godson Eugene and his parents, my buddies Peter & Sandra last nite.

I was overjoyed hearing my godson Eugene calling me gan ma (godmother).
I only get to see him once a year..

At first he was kind of shy..but after we went for dinner and I bought him a toy car..he started to get closer to me..we started talking and play the car together..This boy is soooooo real person...hee..
Poor Peter,Eugene's dad..was having fever yesterday..but he was feeling better after drinking the herbal drink I bought for him...And as for sandra, she was having sore throat..I bought a herbal drink for her too..but she didn't drink while I was with them..Hope they are feeling better.

This morning I wake up early to play with my niece Ting Ting..
and brought her downside for a swim.

I just enjoy spending time with children..
cuz I looooooooooooove children very much...
Many are amazed by my patient towards children...

To me, its not really about patient...
since I looooooove them so much...Patient comes naturally when you just love them soooo much...To me,being with them is the happiest thing for me..its something I always look forward to...
esp those very active and hard to manage ones...hee..
will have sense of satisfaction to be able to managed them.

Peter and Sandra told me..its must be my lucky day..
Eugene is very choosey who he mixed around with...
and he seems to like me alot...
we click so well..and becuz I understand about children...its easier for me to managed him...

Oh..Lord I pray that I can set up my own family and have my own children soon..

I was asking God and I starting to get greedy..??
Now that things is turning out well for almost every aspect...
except in relationship...still empty....
I started to look forward and long for it...
Well...just a thot...anyway..I have no time too...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

God is good!!!

This morning when my two bosses stepped into the office..
the first thing they said was...
I looked very exhausted...
and asked me everything okie??

I told them I was overstressed...din sleep for two days..
They asked if I was stressed by work or study..
I said both...

They were very concern..and understanding..before they left the office today..
they told me must relax and go back and sleep well tonite..

God is good...I called the school regarding my appeal to the examination board
to exempt me from retaking that two subjects..due to that 'unfortunate' happening to me back then.
Tho the UK University has not come to a conclusion..but they allow me to defer my supplementary paper till they bring up my case during their General Meeting in december..then decide..

Thus at least for this coming exam..I will just need to focus on my current 3 subjects..
God pls help me to do well for these subjects I pray.
Brother and Sister in Christ do keep Angeline in your prayer too okie..
God will bless you..and Angeline promise to work hard for this exam.

God is good and gracious..
I think I can finally get back to my sleep more nightmare..or bad dreams..
will try to relax myself and take it with a normal heart.

Thanks everyone for your prayer..
God bless,

Pre-exam stress...

I am experiencing Pre-Exam stress...
Feel dizzy recently...

Feeling out of breath...
Lost of appetite..
I guess I will be losting weight..
Don't feel like eating anything.....
Everything become tasteless....
Basically forcing myself to eat.....

Can't even sleep the entire night......
wanted to wait up and do some revision becuz I feel like its a waste of time..
laying there and can't sleep...
But for my health sake...I did some exercise and force myself to lay in bed the entire nite...

Exam is exactly one month or should I say less than one more away.
Tho already started revision...
But also trying to cope with my work.....haiz..

God pls grant me extra energy, strength and wisdom ..and most importantly..good health..

All I can do now is taking one step at a time to handle one by one.
God will never give us more than what we can handle.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Each day has a golden coin!!

Do you realise that you will get at least a golden coin each day of your life?
Don't believe? Search your pocket and see????
Am I kidding???
No..I am not!!!

Or at least I had a golden coin today!
A verse came to me "there are time to lose and a time to gain."
Indeed word of wisdom. Simple but so true!

As I was having the 'Tug of war' within me..if I should go for Econ's class tonite or not? Its definitely not becuz I don't like Econ, in fact I LOVE ECON.. ECON used to be one of my favourite subject during my school days..
Then what's the other end of the rope which pulls me away from Class?
That isolation thingy..I was afraid that our lecturer will ask us to find our group of 4 for discussion again like last sat..which is very tough for me..emotionally..cuz I was facing this 'strange' unknown isolation thingy out of the blue which well..seriously I dun want to think about it and let it affect me in any way. Everyone has their own freedom..why my previous group suddenly isolate me..without telling me the being sentence to death without being told what crime I committed..even prisoner got that 'yellow ribbon' 2nd chance dun they.
What great crime have I committed that I should be treated in such a way.
Never mind. Time will prove.

Thus I decided to drag myself to class to study my fav subject. Why waste my money becuz of others? I told myself, I am just going to be a happy me.
Just as I was still abit down before the class..
God dropped me a golden coin...
Suddenly saw in my email a notice from my facebook that my long lost 'fav' lecturer has added me to his facebook..
hee..its so surprise to be seeing a busy man like him to be in the facebook..

Thus this verse in the bible came to me.."Time to lose and time to be found."
I might have lost certain things I treasured very much in life..
but in due will come back..

When I start counting my pennies..I have more than what I lost...
I made a PROFIT!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Missed my freedom

Since studying...
Tho I like studying and learning new stuff, new knowledge, new skills..
just time just isn't enough...

I wish I can have more time to juggle with studies, work, family, friends (esp bestfriend-haven't seen her for a long time...really missing her..)esp when there is still this 'isolation' thingy going on in class..that more I missed my buddies..those who gone thru thick & thin together...despite we are very different, yet we basically accept each other the way we are, even tho there are times where there are some 'cat-fight' but true friendship can stand any test.

Anyway, really missed those time, where I can spend time with my buddies, be it best friend, good friends, church mates...Oh me..I really really missed you guys..esp..those in my Youth Fellowship..
Sorry that I haven't been turning up in YF or hardly had time to have lunch or supper with you guys..
Trust me..I really want to...
I missed you guys so so...much...
I will surely made time for supper with you guys next sunday okie..

Just of my dear 'bro' from YF asked me, saying its been a long time since I had lunch with them..I say..ya..nowadays not that often as I used to..because I have to take care of my younger brother and mum...keeping them accompany, to have lunch together..

Then it will be back home to study...
and checking my work emails..replying email...
basically this is my life right now...
I missed my freedom..which I used to have..
But seriously I am happy...

Just feel that..'if only..I can have more time..exam is not so near..'..haiz..
Pray hard that I can pull thru this time..
God pls help me..

Recently...watching tv shows and movies featuring dances..
I suddenly missed dancing sooo much..
tho dance class is never easy for me..due to self-conscious..
but I figure out..if I take dance class from someone who I dunno..perhaps..I won't be that conscious...even tho..'that' person is the best teacher one could ever have.

Well..we shall see..if I managed to pass my exams this round..I will go back to take up dance class..maybe after my short biz trip to Beijing in Dec, if nothing change.

Really excited...this buddies (Sandra & Peter)are coming from Auz, Melbourne
I can finally get to see my godson..Eugene...
I only get to see him once a year...
I hope he will accept me when he sees me..cuz he probably already forgotten who this godmother is...hahaha

Have a pleasant week!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Memories are like sand by the beach

Memories are like sand by the beach...............

Ever try drawing a nice picture on the beach or building up sand castles?
What do you realised as the tides starts to get higher and higher..
each wave that hits the sands on the beach seems stronger and stronger.. realise that the seawater is touching you feet and washing away those beautiful pictures you have drawn, or words like I love you starts to fade away each time the wave come splashing onto it..

Even the sand castle which seems strong at one time cannot escape the strength of time splashing onto our life..
causing many sweet fade into what we known as PAST.
But at the same time, sorrows, hurts and any unhappiness are also washed away as time goes by..

Sooner or can only recall the event, no longer in full detail or at least the emotion has begin to lost its effect..

This is the power of time.
That's also why people often says..'let time heals'...
'let time reveal...' let shells hidden under the the wave hits the beach..those hidden underneath will one day be out in the sun again..

There is no secret in this world...
Everyone has the hidden past which they do not want to reveal...
What if those past are revealed one day?
I guess the only thing we can do is..confess and be courageous when time comes..
meanwhile..the rest is in the Lord's hand.
What is to be know will be known...
What is not to be known in His will..should not be known..
Afterall....who knows better than the Lord...

Remember..Because God is love, thus everything happens for the good of those He loves and that loves HIM.

Trust and Believe.
What is suppose to be 'washed away..will be washed away..'
whatever is to be revealed will be too..
This applies to everyone.

Remember one story mentioned, one day a group of people caught a woman who committed adultary and brought her to Jesus, asking if Jesus think they should stone her to death. Jesus replied those who has no sin can be the first to do that... he started writing on the ground..One by One these people left...and then Jesus told that woman..since no one is judging you, neither will I..go in peace and do not sin again.
Do you know why these people leave and did not judge her? What did Jesus do?
He probably wrote all the different sin which these people do..
And when each of these people saw their sins..they realised they were also they have no right to judge others...and so they walked away.
Everyone has sins in this anger, selfish, lazy, greed..doing what you ought not to do...not doing what you ought to do...and so on..

Wow even Sea, sand and wave...teaches us..a whole lot of lessons...Who can then say..there is no God nor Creator? Every creation is the wisdom of God. :)

Line in the Facebook

There is a line in the Facebook which I like very much.
Either you call it the 'Punch Line' or some call in "Shout box" or whatsoever.
But my point is, I like to read these lines esp when I am busy and no time to really browse thru every single friend to see what's happening in their life..
but this line beside their names tells alot.
e.g XXX is enjoying her holiday in Paris..
XXX is sad becuz...
XXX is angry with XXX
Angeline is pampering herself and staying happy...

Simple sentence like that tells alot..dun you agree?
I do hope that this can be a place esp in my chatterbox by the side..that u can drop a line or two like let me know how u are feeling or what u are doing today..
Then..this place will become more interactive..rather than just one way expression.

Thanks to others who cares to click and drop a line or two so far.
Each click warms my heart very it only a word or two.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


Do you walk away during advertisement time or take this time to have a break, visit the washroom, drink a glass or water, find for food to eat?

Recently, I noticed the change in the local advertisement or at least those shown in our TV programme break-time.
I used to enjoy only advertisement in foreign countries during my visit to places like Australia, Hong Kong or China..etc..

I find their advertisememt really interesting and catchy..
each has their own it over exaggerating or simple/ straight forward..and effective.
What makes an ad effective?
Being a Graphic Designer myself, to me..
An Ad be it commercial Ad u see on TV or printed ad..
they must be able to achieve the followings:
1) Project the right/target message across to target audience
2) Leave deep impression
3) The simpler the better..too complex ad people are hard to focuz and not easy to get the exact message.
4) Think out of the box.

There are many other points of cuz.
But my point is..I have seen improvement in Local's ad..which makes me very happy.
It has shown the creativity which one should have in the creative line.

However, one point to note is..never be OVER-CREATIVE.. that layman (normal audience) cannot understand. Remember, your target audience are layman..common people who are not in creative field..

I have people coming up to me asking me what some advertisement is about..thinking becuz I am a designer..I probably will know better.. this aspect..sorry..these advertisement failed..
No advertisement should need another party's explaination in order to understand.
Get the point?
An Ad will have immediate if not digestive effect-meaning you might not react immediately but you have registered that ad and in due time when you need that item this will cuz the effect.

So Gambatte all those in creative line..!!! keep the creative juice flowing..
Thanks my humble advise..

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

When you are sick:-(

Feverish! Cold! Aching! Dizzy! Have you fallen sick before? How do you feel when you are sick or unwell? Me? On mc today. Wasn't feeling well since a week or two ago. Felt as if experiencing instant earthquake shake, unstable for a while every now and then. Doctor told me I must Rest. Not enough probable rest. But stubborn me insist to work from home to ease the inconvenient due to my absent in office. Even tho bosses, friends, colleague asked me not to worry just rest well but i have so much to do in hand, work study exam. Feels like wasting time. But God seems to force me to rest becuz din bring laptop charger home so can only work short time till battery flat. And body feels feverish once i start working a short while, head hurts eyes hurts. Tho heart is stubborn to towards taking rest but no choice. Can't wait to get back to work. I must be crazy. Maybe because i been thru alot, i treasure my present job and good bosses and colleague even more. Now must sleep to get well, tho i never sleep so early before unless very sick. Sickness makes one weak and impatient. I don't like! I guess only when i am sick, will i missed having a man by my side to shower me with love and care. If not I am a strong woman. Well, no special man right now, i just need to take care of myself. I have lots of things in hand, cannot afford to be sick:-) Angeline must get well soon, fully charged to run longer path! Gambatte. In this world family and friends are really important. But God is most important as He is the One who gives us all. Thank you Lord! Amen!

Saturday, October 11, 2008


by Max Lucado

They had a dinner for Jesus. Martha served the food, and Lazarus was one of the people eating with Jesus. Mary brought in a pint of very expensive perfume made from pure nard. She poured the perfume on his feet, and then she wiped his feet with her hair. And the sweet smell from the perfume filled the whole house.
- JOHN 12:2–3

Every church needs a Martha. Change that. Every church needs a hundred Marthas. Sleeves rolled and ready, they keep the pace for the church. Because of Marthas, the church budget gets balanced, the church babies get bounced, and the church building gets built. You don’t appreciate Marthas until a Martha is missing, and then all the Marys and Lazaruses are scrambling around looking for the keys and the thermostats and the overhead projectors.

Marthas are the Energizer bunnies of the church. They keep going and going and going. They store strength like a camel stores water. Since they don’t seek the spotlight, they don’t live off the applause. That’s not to say they don’t need it. They just aren’t addicted to it.

Marthas have a mission. In fact, if Marthas have a weakness, it is their tendency to elevate the mission over the Master. Remember when Martha did that? A younger Martha invites a younger Jesus to come for dinner. Jesus accepts and brings his disciples.

The scene Luke describes has Mary seated and Martha fuming. Martha is angry because Mary is, horror of horrors, sitting at the feet of Jesus. How impractical! How irrelevant! How unnecessary! I mean, who has time to sit and listen when there is bread to be baked, tables to be set, and souls to be saved? So Martha complained, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me alone to do all the work? Tell her to help me” (Luke 10:40).

All of a sudden Martha has gone from serving Jesus to making demands of Jesus. The room falls silent. The disciples duck their eyes. Mary flushes red. And Jesus speaks.

“Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things. Only one thing is important. Mary has chosen the better thing, and it will never be taken away from her” (Luke 10:41–42).

Apparently Martha got the point, for later we find her serving again.

“Here a dinner was given in Jesus’ honor. Martha served, while Lazarus was among those reclining at the table with him. Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume” (John 12:2–3 NIV).

Is Mary in the kitchen? No she is worshiping, for that is what she loves to do. But this time Martha doesn’t object. She has learned that there is a place for praise and worship, and that is what Mary is doing. And what is Mary’s part in the dinner? She brings a pint of very expensive perfume and pours it on Jesus’ feet, then wipes his feet with her hair. The smell of the perfume fills the house, just like the sound of praise can fill a church.

An earlier Martha would have objected. Such an act was too lavish, too extravagant, too generous. But this mature Martha has learned that just as there is a place in the kingdom of God for sacrificial service, there is also a place for extravagant praise.

Cast of Characters
© (Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2008) Max Lucado

Beautiful Girl

Just watched a show "BEAUTIFUL GIRL".
Acted by the main lead in the Hairspray.

I was looking up and down for that very meaningful lyrics and song of Beautiful Girl in the web..sad to say I can't find I couldn't share the beauty of this song with you.

However, what I can and wanted very much to share with you is the important message from this movie called "BEAUTIFUL GIRL" which I totally agreed right now! :)

Beautiful is ....
1) Being who you are! Not trying to be someone else..
2) Being confidence and proud of who and what you are..
3) Not looking at how others see you nor worrying about how others talk about you..just be who you are..
4) Not comparing yourself with others...Just knowing you are who you are..You are the unique and beautiful creation of God. God saith "It is good!" after he created this world, U & Me! ")

So Smile :) cuz you have no reason to frown...U R BEAUTIFUL!!!!
Smile adds glitters which brightens up the beauty hidden behind those frowns..
so....say CHEESE..............................................
hee... =)

So, thank God for being who You Are.

I remember part of the lyrics in that song mention something like this...No matter what others say...or what they think....
U know U are beautiful...because you are who you are. :)

Have a wonderful weekends...Beautiful People :) Smile

Friday, October 10, 2008

The beauty of the little ones..

Jesus said "Let the little ones come to me."

Many times in life..we often wanted to go back to our childhood days..
The time when things looks so bright, fun and beautiful..

People often using black and white to represent the childhood days..and colour to describe the present times...
What do you think?

To me...Childhood days should be in colours whereas present time should be in black and white..

Why so?
Reason is simple:
Children are happier because they only remember the good things and easily forgot the unhappy things..
But of cuz unless there are really terrible things that happens in their childhood..
Children are happy because they are simple and easy to satisfy.
As men grows up..the level of greed and wanting in men increase..
That's the reason why..many are lack of smiles on their face..esp at this time of crisis..(You should know what I mean right?)

Here are some pics found in David's facebook..
I believe he wouldn't mind me sharing a few nice pics he took during his recent trip to Australia as he visited my godson and my good friends in Melbourne..

Here are some pics I like:

Like Father Like Son (David & his son)

My Godson(Eugene) his dad & mum (my buddies-Peter & Sandra) and of cuz May(David's Wife, also my buddy) and her son, Declan.

The world has changed!!! Boys turn to do grocery shopping...hee...:P

Hope you enjoy the pics as much as I do!

Monday, October 6, 2008

Life is a grace!!!

Exhausted I was...resting my entire body onto the seat of the train as I travel back to my brother's place after class..

Listening to a mixture of christian songs..
just 3 songs, one sung by children, one jazzy christian song and another Chinese christian song which you probably are listening to it right now as you read this blog.

As I listen to these songs...
there are many flash backs of my life...
reflecting on my life journey...
there seems to be endless Ups and Downs in life..
Many which people consider as 'bad happenings'....
To an extend..some might even say..ya..Angeline's life seems to have lots of 'bad happenings'..

But what touches me most at this moment as I listen to the hymns and ponder on the lyrics...
I was moved to tears...
My one that is full of grace....
In fact, my entire life is the Grace of God..which somehow along the journey, I seem to forget about this..
As I reflect back how God lead me thru the valley of death..
How God heard my prayer and extended my life just as I was dying of dengue ten over years ago..
How time after time when things seems so bad...
how God pull me thru all those diffioult times...
My life is not about the 'mishaps' but its a life of GRACE.
In fact, the more 'mishaps' one has..the more GRACE one experience.

I am blessed..becuz my entire life is filled with Grace from God..time after time..
Suddenly..all those sadness, fear, worries...turns into gratefulness..and thanksgiving...and most of all PEACE.

Many comfort and told me that I am a strong person!
But I tell you the truth...
Angeline is not strong at all...
Its my God, Lord Jesus who is Strong!
Its He who gives me the strength for each and everyday of my life..
Helps me to face all those mountains of trials..and my life..
To Him I gained power to survive and pass over those valleys and mountains in my life. I cannot imagine how my life will be without Him.

Since you have brought me even thru the valley of death..what else should I fear?
Why should I even doubt.
Its not more about me and my ability.
But Lord You who gives me life and breath and strength for each day!
In You Lord that I live and shall continue to live and smile till the day my mission is completed, that I shall return to see Your face once again.

Thank U Lord!