Saturday, May 24, 2008


After my group study last night, I reached home about 12.20am.

As I stepped in from my Balcony entry...the first thing I discover was a note paste onto the glass panel with three Chinese Characters 有炒饭 (to translate into English it means there is Fried Rice).

I started giggling all the way till I reached the living room..
And I say "Wah....Impressive!!! Dad is really a fast learner...hahaha" My sister who was in the living room say "Yah (smile) I agreed. He really learned fast from yesterday's HK drama on tv. hahaha"

What actually happen was, yesterday we were watching a HK series on the tv. In the show, the dad who was very caring cooked for the daughter to eat..and he did not disturb his daughter knowing she is rushing her drawing throughout the nite. Yet as he worry about her health..he actually cooked something for her and left it in the fridge. He then left a note on her door to inform her he left something for her in the fridge. Then she saw another note on the fridge to remind her to remember to eat her lunch. And another note on the food container itself to tell her to heat it up before eating.
After my dad saw this..he immediately say..."Hey, I should do this ..then you guys won't say I keep nagging at you guys to eat..." And I say "yah, Mum used to do that."
haha..and to our surprise..he really did that..
Tho at the age of dad took his first English from me..and took his Taxi exam in English and got his Taxi license..
He is really giving us lots of surprises in life..
esp at his age.
He used to be serve like a King. And now he is a Daddy cum Mummy..taking good care of us while my mum takes care of their first grand daughter at my brother's place.

At the age of 60s..My dad had his many 1st time...
Just as we almost gave up on him..due to all those years of 'bad memories' of the old him...He surprise changing and improving each and everyday..tho at times..the little 'old' him will popped by to say 'hello'.

Well..that tells me..there is never TOO LATE for a Change!!! Who says elderly can't learnt?
My dad is a very good example.
I am Blessed and thank God for everything I have right now...even when relationship still doesn't seems any where nearer...but its okie..
Never too late for anything...


Have a pleasant weekends!

with lots of luv & kisses..

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