Sunday, May 11, 2008

Season Of Love

Its been a loooooooong time since my bestfriend and I had our coffee session together..

Joyce suggested a really nice comfortable place with great ambience for our coffee today. It was such a relaxed and wonderful feeling which I long missed...

Both of us didn't feel like leaving that I wish I could have a week's vacation just sitting here enjoying coffee everyday...

As we were chatting..
I told Joyce that this seems to be like a Season Of Love..
I am happily enjoying my singlehood freedom and at the same time looking forward for a new love to start anytime...

People around me seems to find their love recently...and I am really happy for them.
Its such a wondering feeling to be loved.

I told Joyce that all I want for a partner is just someone who can share moments together happily...feeling relaxed sitting around...enjoying a cup of coffee like this...and doing some relaxing stuff each other the respect and the space we each need..Not forgetting to learn to accept and respect our difference...I guess then will we find the simplicity of a genuine love.

Love is not to enforce one's thot onto the other but rather to know and respect that even as a couple, we are different in many ways..
We learn about each other...and respect the uniqueness of an individual...avoiding any conflicts if possible.

Many times, even in my past relationship...I find it tiring and exhausting for each we tried to enforce our thots onto each other...thinking if only he/she can sees my point and change his/her view to be like-wise..
This is really tiring...
Love is about accepting each other as who each other is. Not trying to change that person to suit us or the image we created or wanted for our partners.
In my humble opinion...this is what true love should be...
Of cuz, its always easier to say than to be done..
But I guess after being thru so-much...
I have learnt my lesson.

Now, I am ready for a simple true love of contentment and respect.

So......come on, let's get ourselves into this Season of Love.
Cheers everyone!

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