Friday, May 23, 2008

Since Monday..I have been burying myself in books....

Monday tho is Vesak Day, Public Holiday, I spent the whole day doing Quantitative Methods of Information Management (QMIM) revision from chapter 1 onwards..only finished 1/4 of the book tho..

Tuesday-Back to work. After work went for our first Accounting Lesson. The lecturer was Fantastic!

Wednesday- my day off..after a quick movie, went to starbuck to work on my Sociology questions. Spent hours doing the two questions. Wrote 7 pages..then went home and rewrite the 3rd question answer and add on till it forms 4pages.

Thursday that is yesterday, after work went for Organisation Behaviour and Sociology of Work class. Submitted my answers to Lecturer.
Thank God. My hardwork pays off. Lecturer said, can see I read alot and put in great effort. Its Well-done. Very Good! Just that for one question I need to add in my analysis and conclusion to make it more complete. But overall he say very good.
He asked me to go back to try to rewrite and time myself so that I can finish what I wrote for each question within that 40mins given for per question.

Today is Friday. I am all exhausted. Couldn't wake up. Was 15mins late for work. But thank God, sup not around. We arranged a group study for QMIM in Macdonald this evening after work since I have to work tomorrow, so can't have our group study tomorrow. Really thankful to my classmates for being so dearly..and considerate..that they changed the time and venue for my sake.
May the Lord bless each and individual one of them and myself of cuz with flying colours in our Exam.


p.s my right wrist actually swell due to too much writing..still not used to write so much..will take time to adapt to it..hee

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