Saturday, May 17, 2008

Entering Memory Lane

Travelling down the Memory Lane in bus 147 today after my class at UniCampus (Stirling Road) today, brought back lots of tough yet sweet childhood memories.

Remembering the tough time, my family & I went thru during my childhood days.
Passing by ABC Market brought back memories of us after having a tough day of work closing for the day at 11pm, my family and I often found our way to this market for our late dinner. Ordering a few small dishes, having lots of rice covered with plenty of gravies so that our stomach will be filled even by eating the rice.
There are even times where we had just pickles with porriage.
Those were the hard times and sweet ones.

Passing by Bukit Merah Swimming Pool, I recall my sis and myself meeting our cousin at one point of time for our early morning swim even before the smimming pool was open for the public.

What was the 1st time you had Mcdonalds?
Mine was when we were still living in a one-room flat in Holland Close (Now that building has been demolished). I can always remember that unique experience of having to live in a flat right infront of a chinese graveyard. Each time I had to dash thru the graveyard as I made my way to the kindergarten right at the other end of that graveyard. Back then, I wasn't a Christian..thus I often find it spooky...hee...

Okie back to where I was... the first time my family & I had our burger was when my dad striked Lottery back then. We were so excited as we waited to taste our first burger from Mcdonalds.
Often seen in tv huge Papa & Mama hamburgers...we longed to have a bite of that..
and indeed we finally did.

However, that first experience wasn't that good as we were not used to eating hamburgers. Thus, we ended up giving away lots of those burgers to our neighbours.
That's indeed some kind of memories...

What about you?

Conclusion: Life can be simple yet filled with warm & sweetness when contentment is the key. Even if life seems difficult, the more hardship you have, the closer the bond it builds up. This happiness is priceless. (From my humble aspect.)

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