Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Ordain of Pastor

Yesterday was a unique day...a day of rejoice...
the day whereby my teacher (Preacher Lai) was Ordain as a Pastor.

Sorry that pic isn't clear cuz I was siting at the back...trying to zoom with my hp camera..exploring..

Tho Preacher Lai was ordain in our Church yesterday but he is not going to serve in our church. He is going back to states to do whatever God has instored for him there.

Din really managed to take the pics of the Ordaination but my church photographers did.
However, I did managed to take a few pics from far when he was giving his speech on the stage with his wife Linda beside him.

The African guy I invited came and attend our service yesterday. Thot he probably won't turn up...ended up..he came but late for half an hour...well..better than nothing...
My church member managed to lead him to where I sit.
I guess my church people must be thinking..this girl always brings interesting people of different race to our church..well..which is good...haha..at least that shows I did my job in bringing people to know the Lord.
There was, my ex from Malaysia, then friends I knew from HK, then the man I love from states and now this African guy (a student from a near by Aristle who often visits my store to print his assignment). Of cuz other than these, there are many local singaporean who came and some remains in our church till now...like my mum..hahaha..
I did invite the other Africans from Nigera to my church on some occasion..but they didn't make it..At least this guy did.

Yesterday's ordination was interesting, as we have a Guest Pastor from Japan, a Guest Pastor from States and two of our very own Pastor from Singapore ordining Preacher Lai to becoming a Pastor. Its an unique experience I guess.

Thereafter the church service..we went to the Chinese restaurant as usual at Singapore Expo to have our lunch together. Its indeed a happy occasion to rejoice together.

I have being eating so much recently...
First the belated birthday treat from my classmate early of the week..
then on Wed the wonderful 8 course dinner at our favourite chinese restaurant 千喜楼 cuz its the Anniversary and celebration for Chin Lien Bible Seminary's thanksgiving that the building structure is done..Now it looks really beautiful...

And then on Sat nite, a wonderful dinner at Long Beach Restaurant in East Coast Park to celebrate my dad's birthday...And yesterday the celebration of Preacher Lai's Ordaination..and lunch at 福满楼 at Singapore Expo...
I really eat till my stomach cannot digest anymore..
This evening supposed to go to another youth (Grace & Jimmy)'s house for dinner..but spent whole day studying, doing stats revision..all the way from the beginning..tho only finished 1/4 of the book..haiz...but at least..got better pic..
esp got my youngest bro to help me..
and thereafter did a little amendment on the website I did for my client..
now finally writing my blog again..

Oh I took a number of cute pic of our little princess Adlynn (my niece) that nite in the restaurant..she is really cute..
Take a look and see what I mean...

She was suddenly doing all these funny and cute "Ju" expression..which make us all laugh...hahaha...

Btw, have a wonderful week ahead..esp tomorrow is tuesday..no more Monday blues..hahaha...:)

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