Thursday, May 29, 2008

Like a coin

Like a coin, each of us has two sides.
Ever wonder which side of you is the real you? Many times in life, we tend to put up a front cover so that we appear stronger for various reasons, be it for ourselves or others.
ln the mist of this, we seem to lose our true identity, or we got confused of who we really are.

As l was having lunch today, l asked myself this question. 'Should l pretend that l no longer care for him seems my care and concern for him brought hurt to me.

My love and concern is sincere and pure, thus even if others or him doesn't give recognition, it should not cuz the value of this priceless gift of God to me to become lesser.

I should not deny this nature of mine just becuz I don't want to get hurt. This reminds me of wat my close buddy told me NOT TO CHANGE TOO MUCH! Yes,be it weak or strong at least l am myself. God's strength is magnifest in our weakness:)

Conclusion: We are like a coin with 2 sides. One side which is strong (Head), one side is weakness (Tail). We cannot accept only the strong side of us and deny the other side just it is what makes up a coin.

Without either side that is no longer a coin.
Likewise for us, without either side we are no longer ourselves.

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