Friday, May 30, 2008

Common problem of men

TODAY i was very upset. A shop's staff did not take initiative to familiarise with their product display thus wrong price was charge. In this event i realised that many times men do not look at a full pic. They took part of a pic and put in their own assumption going against logical sense and insist they are right and things should be change to fit what they assume it to be. Even if customers mistaken it should the staff's role to redirect the customers. Sigh:-( if one day i am to be a boss i will make sure i train my staff well in many aspect. However, this reminds me of myself making such mistake in life due to insecurity given by the man/ones i love. Imagination goes wild when no answer given. But in relationship it takes two hands to clap.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Like a coin

Like a coin, each of us has two sides.
Ever wonder which side of you is the real you? Many times in life, we tend to put up a front cover so that we appear stronger for various reasons, be it for ourselves or others.
ln the mist of this, we seem to lose our true identity, or we got confused of who we really are.

As l was having lunch today, l asked myself this question. 'Should l pretend that l no longer care for him seems my care and concern for him brought hurt to me.

My love and concern is sincere and pure, thus even if others or him doesn't give recognition, it should not cuz the value of this priceless gift of God to me to become lesser.

I should not deny this nature of mine just becuz I don't want to get hurt. This reminds me of wat my close buddy told me NOT TO CHANGE TOO MUCH! Yes,be it weak or strong at least l am myself. God's strength is magnifest in our weakness:)

Conclusion: We are like a coin with 2 sides. One side which is strong (Head), one side is weakness (Tail). We cannot accept only the strong side of us and deny the other side just it is what makes up a coin.

Without either side that is no longer a coin.
Likewise for us, without either side we are no longer ourselves.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Taken for granted..

Recently I got upset easily...
ya..the 'force' is claimed by my classmates about me today...

I was held up by one of the African students today..
Recently they got me very upset...
I 'hate' the way they take my kindness of the 'extra mile' I took for them as Jesus' teaching..for granted..

I have been very nice and patience with these groups of Nigerian Students who studied at the school near my workplace.
They comes in frequently to our store for our printing service.
However, many times, they took it for granted that I will be kind enough to make adjustment for them to make sure their assignment is done properly or aligned properly esp when I am a prefectionist.

I got angry each time when they can do it better for printing but they are too lazy and take it for granted and insisted 'begging' me to do it for them like today...insisted that i think of a way to help them print out their assignments and how to put their assignments in a way to present..
I got very angry esp when they are even lazy to transfer their files to their thumbdrive and tell me they give me the permission to do so.
I told them off...
"Its not about you giving me permission! Its your responsibility to get things ready when you want me to print. I got lots of stuff to do. I can't do it for you!"
And worst of all...they will ask "what have you got to do?"
I told them "I am not reporting to you. Why should I even tell you what I have in hand to you!"
"You guys just get your assignments ready and I will just printed. Don't always take my kindness for granted. I hate it when people take my kindness for granted!"

I dun care if they are Black or they are huge in their build..If you dun do your part..why should I help you. I can teach you the skill. But you must learn! Obviously these guys are not learning. Many times, they insist to have things done their ways with pls...thank you..sorry...
I take no more of such 'bull shit' I am sorry..

Esp when I have tons of things in hand..and the profit I made from printing these students work do not justisfy to the time I have to spend on them.
I could have done something which brings in more revenue for my church bookstore doing something more important than these.

I am just doing them a service and a favour..
If these guys dun improve in their attitude..I will stop this printing service for my sup advised me to....
Its only out of kindness I will doing this for this students..charging them at only half the price their school if charging them for printing in the school.

Oh God...give me the patient!!!!!!! So that I can bear a good testimony..
dun let me get so angry with these people...
I am angry becuz of their attitude...
wants people to spoon-feed them...

Seriously I am always happy to share my knowledge and skill with people who are sincere to learn..And I am very patient to them...
Ask my Co-workers you will know...

If you are not serious and sincere in learning...pardon me "Dun waste my Time! My time is precious man!"

From Angry 'Angel'

Asus Aura

10 .. Asus Aura


9 .. TripleWatch
Though the idea of a cellphone watch is not so new, the TripleWatch designed by Manon Maneenawa has an interesting triple flip technique that allows the user to transform the watch into a normal cellphone. When used as a wrist watch, the phone has a speaker button that allows the user to answer the phone and hang up while driving.


8 .. NEC Tag
Somehow similar to the Snaked concept, the NEC Tag is a flexible phone concept that can be , for example, hung from a belt or wrapped around the user's arm. Interesting is that the phone has shape-memorizing material and sensors that allows the phone to change its shape according to the mode.

Benq-Siemens 'The Blackbox'

7 .. Benq-Siemens 'The Blackbox'
Black Box designed by Benq-Siemens uses a touch screen as its keypad and, depending on the functions you are using, the touch screen changes the control layout immediately.

Retroxis By Dark Label

6 .. Retroxis By Dark Label
If most phones presented here will never be sold in store for sure, the Retroxis concept phone from Dark Label looks kinda human, and makes us hope we'll be able to get one of these one day. Designed by Lim Sze Tat the phone is encased in high polished polycarbonate renowned for its lightweight and toughness and has an invisible OLED display that silently hides away when inactive.

What You See is What You Get Concept

5 .. What You See is What You Get Concept
One thing is for sure about this concept phone…they could've named it shorter. Designed by Pei-Hua Hang, the phone's name comes from the fact that this concept no longer uses an LCD as viewfinder for the digital camera, instead it uses a transparent frame. And of course, interaction is made through a touchscreen

Benq-Siemes 'Snaked'

4 .. Benq-Siemes 'Snaked'
Benq designers thought of women too and presented Snaked. This is a 'reptile' looking phone, creepy somehow, but still is very cool. The Snaked is a fashion phone for sport loving women, because it also has body monitoring sensors to help the ladies keep those fine shapes.

Sky 'Sleak n Slim'- Cool HP

3 .. Sky 'Sleak n Slim'
'Sleek & Slim' from SKY is another concept based on touchscreen technology. The phone has a discretely glowing touchpad, hideaway keys and generally utterly-fashionable minimalist design.

Nokia Aeon- Cool HP

2 .. Nokia Aeon
Nokia Aeon was presented by Nokia on their Website in the Research & Development section. What is so great about this phone is that it looks like it will actually go into production next February. Of course, its just a rumor, but still, makes us hope to actually see it someday in the GSM shop. All we know about it for now is that its a touchscreen phone and it looks fantastic.

Nokia 888 Communicator

Received an email on this very COOL futuristic New HP from Nokia.
Tho to share with you here as well...

Its WOW!!! Isn't it......
Can't wait for it to be out in the Market!!!!

Nokia 888 Communicator

Nokia definitely has the most interesting concept phones. Nokia 888 Communicator is a striking futuristic concept phone. The phone, which uses liquid batteries, speech recognition, flexible touchscreen and touch-sensitive body cover,is designed by Tamer Nakisci and won the Nokia Design Award

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Funny video

After a week of hard studying..I decided to give myself a day or two off.
I have been sooooo busy which i actually missed my god daughter's birthday till she celebrated her belated one today in Church...Silly me still ask whose birthday when her mum ask me to wait to celebrate the birthday together..
Sorry lah my darling... to quickly get the present she wanted from me the last time we went out...will give her next week.

She is soooo sweet..prepared goodies bag for all the children and a special one for me..her Gan ma.
Thanks sweet of you..muck muck..
After getting her present..I went home and kept myself busy watching those Korean series I downloaded from Veoh TV which I have no time to watch..

Thereafter came across this cute interesting short video which I thot of sharing with you to bring on a little smile..esp to cast out your Monday blue...
Oh and I read Sandra's blog too...
Haven't read her blog for a while..been sooo sooo busy with studies...

Tomolo got Account class after work..
See you guys in class...
Have a great week ahead..!!!

Sit back and enjoy...with some popcorns maybe..and have a quick laugh..hahaha..

Online Videos by

Especially for Sandra who is sick of cooking...nowadays :P and all those who needed a quick laughing jab...hee...

In case u r wondering..what is this abt..its abt this weird looking grandson DOMO ..after hearing his rabbit grandpa say that the dishes in the tv looked nice..out of filiar..tried to cook the same dish..for his grandpa..which as u can see..ended up frightening his grandpa..hahaha

Rainy Day - Domo

Online Videos by

This little Japanese clip is short and sweet..
Its about Domo after realising that it starting to rain..took an umberalla to fetch his mum from her workplace..such a filliar son...

Many times Looks can decieve..thus we need to be reminded..not to judge the book by its cover...

I like this character..
after watching a few of his short clip..its not hard for one to find the gentle giant in Domo..The heart so sweet and pure..
It reminds me of the 'him in the past' when I first knew no longer know if this description fits anymore...

Well..that shows..'he' is not the only gentle giant around..

Saturday, May 24, 2008


After my group study last night, I reached home about 12.20am.

As I stepped in from my Balcony entry...the first thing I discover was a note paste onto the glass panel with three Chinese Characters 有炒饭 (to translate into English it means there is Fried Rice).

I started giggling all the way till I reached the living room..
And I say "Wah....Impressive!!! Dad is really a fast learner...hahaha" My sister who was in the living room say "Yah (smile) I agreed. He really learned fast from yesterday's HK drama on tv. hahaha"

What actually happen was, yesterday we were watching a HK series on the tv. In the show, the dad who was very caring cooked for the daughter to eat..and he did not disturb his daughter knowing she is rushing her drawing throughout the nite. Yet as he worry about her health..he actually cooked something for her and left it in the fridge. He then left a note on her door to inform her he left something for her in the fridge. Then she saw another note on the fridge to remind her to remember to eat her lunch. And another note on the food container itself to tell her to heat it up before eating.
After my dad saw this..he immediately say..."Hey, I should do this ..then you guys won't say I keep nagging at you guys to eat..." And I say "yah, Mum used to do that."
haha..and to our surprise..he really did that..
Tho at the age of dad took his first English from me..and took his Taxi exam in English and got his Taxi license..
He is really giving us lots of surprises in life..
esp at his age.
He used to be serve like a King. And now he is a Daddy cum Mummy..taking good care of us while my mum takes care of their first grand daughter at my brother's place.

At the age of 60s..My dad had his many 1st time...
Just as we almost gave up on him..due to all those years of 'bad memories' of the old him...He surprise changing and improving each and everyday..tho at times..the little 'old' him will popped by to say 'hello'.

Well..that tells me..there is never TOO LATE for a Change!!! Who says elderly can't learnt?
My dad is a very good example.
I am Blessed and thank God for everything I have right now...even when relationship still doesn't seems any where nearer...but its okie..
Never too late for anything...


Have a pleasant weekends!

with lots of luv & kisses..


THE HAGUE: The International Court of Justice (ICJ) at The Hague in the Netherlands has awarded sovereignty over Pedra Branca island to Singapore, while the sovereignty of Middle Rocks has been awarded to Malaysia.

The world court delivered the judgement on Friday, after several rounds of written and oral pleadings by the two disputing countries. The ICJ last heard arguments from both sides in November 2007.

For Pedra Branca, ICJ’s 16—member bench voted 12—4 in favour of Singapore. Ownership of Middle Rocks, a maritime feature 0.6 nautical miles from Pedra Branca, was voted 15—1 in favour of Malaysia.

As for the island’s other maritime feature, South Ledge, Awn Shawkat Al—Khasawneh, the Acting President of ICJ, said: "The Court has not been mandated by the parties to draw the line of delimitation with respect to the territorial waters of Malaysia and Singapore in the area in question.

"In these circumstances, the Court concludes that for the reasons explained above, sovereignty over South Ledge, as a low tide elevation, belongs to the State in the territorial waters of which it is located."

The verdict brings to a close a 28—year row between the two neighbours. The dispute arose in 1980 when Singapore protested against a new Malaysian map of its maritime boundaries, which claimed the islet for itself.

Years of bilateral talks failed to resolve the matter and the parties agreed to seek the intervention of the UN court.

Pedra Branca, which Malaysia calls Pulau Batu Puteh, is located some 24 nautical miles to the east of Singapore and it commands the entire eastern approach to the Singapore Strait, through which almost 900 ships pass daily.

Pedra Branca also houses the Horsburgh Lighthouse, the oldest feature on the island which was built by the British between 1847 and 1851.

Leaders from both Singapore and Malaysia had said they would accept the ICJ’s decision and stressed that whichever way it went, it would not affect bilateral ties.

A joint technical committee has been set up to implement the terms of the judgement.

Dean of the S Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Barry Desker, said the judgement indicates that Southeast Asia is moving to accept the broader norms of international law.

He added that it augurs well for the dispute settlement mechanism of the ASEAN Charter and will set precedence for the way Singapore and Malaysia deal with their other outstanding bilateral issues.

Mr Desker said: "In the past, the tendency in ASEAN was to try and resolve issues purely by mediation or negotiations between two parties. The result was that issues or disputes between parties in the region tended to go on and on without completion, without successful negotiation.

"I think we are now moving in the direction of accepting a turn to international law — a willingness to accept international arbitration and this bodes well for issues in which there are bilateral differences."

Mr Desker also described the verdict as a "win—win" outcome for both sides because no party can claim it has won everything.

Moving forward, he said the technical committees of both countries will need to put into action the decision of the International Court of Justice. These include working out the necessary protocols to ensure the navigation safety of fishing vessels and pleasure crafts around Pedra Branca.



SINGAPORE - Singapore has banned access to two pornographic websites in a "symbolic statement" of the country's societal values, its media regulator said on Friday.
I Am: Looking for:

The two sites, which the regulator declined to identify but local media named as YouPorn and RedTube, work in a similar fashion to popular video-sharing website YouTube. The two Web sites allow users to add and download sex videos.

"It should be noted that the hardcore pornographic videos posted on these sites are very easily accessible by the young as each video will start streaming for free once a user clicks on the related link," said Jason Hoong, an official from the Media Development Authority .

The sites, which were banned after the authorities received feedback from the public, are the latest additions to a list of 100 "mass impact objectionable" pornographic websites banned in Singapore.

Singapore, which disallows the possession, distribution and making of pornographic films, defends its action as necessary to protect the young.

Online responses to a local media report on the ban have been unfavorable, with users condemning it as unnecessarily moralistic.

"I will definitely surf the Internet by proxy from now on, to be defiant so as to preserve my rights," wrote one user.

(Reporting by Melanie Lee; Editing by Neil Chatterjee and Roger Crabb)

Friday, May 23, 2008

Since Monday..I have been burying myself in books....

Monday tho is Vesak Day, Public Holiday, I spent the whole day doing Quantitative Methods of Information Management (QMIM) revision from chapter 1 onwards..only finished 1/4 of the book tho..

Tuesday-Back to work. After work went for our first Accounting Lesson. The lecturer was Fantastic!

Wednesday- my day off..after a quick movie, went to starbuck to work on my Sociology questions. Spent hours doing the two questions. Wrote 7 pages..then went home and rewrite the 3rd question answer and add on till it forms 4pages.

Thursday that is yesterday, after work went for Organisation Behaviour and Sociology of Work class. Submitted my answers to Lecturer.
Thank God. My hardwork pays off. Lecturer said, can see I read alot and put in great effort. Its Well-done. Very Good! Just that for one question I need to add in my analysis and conclusion to make it more complete. But overall he say very good.
He asked me to go back to try to rewrite and time myself so that I can finish what I wrote for each question within that 40mins given for per question.

Today is Friday. I am all exhausted. Couldn't wake up. Was 15mins late for work. But thank God, sup not around. We arranged a group study for QMIM in Macdonald this evening after work since I have to work tomorrow, so can't have our group study tomorrow. Really thankful to my classmates for being so dearly..and considerate..that they changed the time and venue for my sake.
May the Lord bless each and individual one of them and myself of cuz with flying colours in our Exam.


p.s my right wrist actually swell due to too much writing..still not used to write so much..will take time to adapt to it..hee

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Ordain of Pastor

Yesterday was a unique day...a day of rejoice...
the day whereby my teacher (Preacher Lai) was Ordain as a Pastor.

Sorry that pic isn't clear cuz I was siting at the back...trying to zoom with my hp camera..exploring..

Tho Preacher Lai was ordain in our Church yesterday but he is not going to serve in our church. He is going back to states to do whatever God has instored for him there.

Din really managed to take the pics of the Ordaination but my church photographers did.
However, I did managed to take a few pics from far when he was giving his speech on the stage with his wife Linda beside him.

The African guy I invited came and attend our service yesterday. Thot he probably won't turn up...ended up..he came but late for half an hour...well..better than nothing...
My church member managed to lead him to where I sit.
I guess my church people must be thinking..this girl always brings interesting people of different race to our church..well..which is least that shows I did my job in bringing people to know the Lord.
There was, my ex from Malaysia, then friends I knew from HK, then the man I love from states and now this African guy (a student from a near by Aristle who often visits my store to print his assignment). Of cuz other than these, there are many local singaporean who came and some remains in our church till my mum..hahaha..
I did invite the other Africans from Nigera to my church on some occasion..but they didn't make it..At least this guy did.

Yesterday's ordination was interesting, as we have a Guest Pastor from Japan, a Guest Pastor from States and two of our very own Pastor from Singapore ordining Preacher Lai to becoming a Pastor. Its an unique experience I guess.

Thereafter the church service..we went to the Chinese restaurant as usual at Singapore Expo to have our lunch together. Its indeed a happy occasion to rejoice together.

I have being eating so much recently...
First the belated birthday treat from my classmate early of the week..
then on Wed the wonderful 8 course dinner at our favourite chinese restaurant 千喜楼 cuz its the Anniversary and celebration for Chin Lien Bible Seminary's thanksgiving that the building structure is done..Now it looks really beautiful...

And then on Sat nite, a wonderful dinner at Long Beach Restaurant in East Coast Park to celebrate my dad's birthday...And yesterday the celebration of Preacher Lai's Ordaination..and lunch at 福满楼 at Singapore Expo...
I really eat till my stomach cannot digest anymore..
This evening supposed to go to another youth (Grace & Jimmy)'s house for dinner..but spent whole day studying, doing stats revision..all the way from the beginning..tho only finished 1/4 of the book..haiz...but at better pic..
esp got my youngest bro to help me..
and thereafter did a little amendment on the website I did for my client..
now finally writing my blog again..

Oh I took a number of cute pic of our little princess Adlynn (my niece) that nite in the restaurant..she is really cute..
Take a look and see what I mean...

She was suddenly doing all these funny and cute "Ju" expression..which make us all laugh...hahaha...

Btw, have a wonderful week ahead..esp tomorrow is more Monday blues..hahaha...:)

Monday, May 19, 2008

Simple Woman Simple Dreams

Do you have a dream?
What is your dream?

Three years ago, someone asked me during our 2nd date out..
"What is your dream?"
I told that person my humble little dream of being a housewife.
He encourages me not to give up and pursue this little dream of mine.

That was the first time in my life, someone sincerely asked me about my dream and sincerely accepted it and even to a point encourages me.

That nite, I kept pondering about his question and was touched by his sincerity.
The next day after church, I received an email from him telling me, he couldn't sleep missing me..This sparks up my in hope in this man, thinking maybe he could be the one.

Not sure if the world changes a person or a person changes the world...
after 3 years..thing changed...everything was left behind..somewhere..

My little dream of being good housewife, creating a warm and cosy place for my hubby to rest and look forward to after a busy day..went in vain.
All I wanted to be was a simple housewife with a husband who loves me deeply..appreciate me and my hardwork...
doing up the house, cooking nice meals for him....
go to church together..
bring up children in Christ...
Building a Christian family.....
spending our free time together.....
resting on each other's shoulder or lap as the other does his/her reading...
enjoy the quiet moments together...
with a word or two such as "I love you" "Thank you honey."
That simple..

I am contented with all these simplest things in life..
however, sometimes the simplest things are the hardest to achieve.

At times you after you put in all you have...
you realised that all is in vain...

If you ask if I still keep this little dream of mine..
I guess...I don't know anymore...
or I should say..."I gave up." cuz I did my best..but it didn't work out...

Is the future hopeful for me?
Yes it terms of career and other stuff...
but in term of relationship..or being a simple woman with a simple dream..
I left that in the past..
till maybe if really a man who truly loves me..comes knocking at my door again someday and stays with me forever...


(p.s. I missed goes on..)
YOu know I love this song which I place here "Way Back into Love" Its exactually how I feel...
:) still finding my way..its really a looooooooooooooooooooooong way...............
I know I am still struggling with it..
each time I think I have done it..
it came back again...
just have to keep trying...

Hopefully my new love will come really soon...
that will probably get me out "immediately" since I am a devoted person.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Entering Memory Lane

Travelling down the Memory Lane in bus 147 today after my class at UniCampus (Stirling Road) today, brought back lots of tough yet sweet childhood memories.

Remembering the tough time, my family & I went thru during my childhood days.
Passing by ABC Market brought back memories of us after having a tough day of work closing for the day at 11pm, my family and I often found our way to this market for our late dinner. Ordering a few small dishes, having lots of rice covered with plenty of gravies so that our stomach will be filled even by eating the rice.
There are even times where we had just pickles with porriage.
Those were the hard times and sweet ones.

Passing by Bukit Merah Swimming Pool, I recall my sis and myself meeting our cousin at one point of time for our early morning swim even before the smimming pool was open for the public.

What was the 1st time you had Mcdonalds?
Mine was when we were still living in a one-room flat in Holland Close (Now that building has been demolished). I can always remember that unique experience of having to live in a flat right infront of a chinese graveyard. Each time I had to dash thru the graveyard as I made my way to the kindergarten right at the other end of that graveyard. Back then, I wasn't a Christian..thus I often find it spooky...hee...

Okie back to where I was... the first time my family & I had our burger was when my dad striked Lottery back then. We were so excited as we waited to taste our first burger from Mcdonalds.
Often seen in tv huge Papa & Mama hamburgers...we longed to have a bite of that..
and indeed we finally did.

However, that first experience wasn't that good as we were not used to eating hamburgers. Thus, we ended up giving away lots of those burgers to our neighbours.
That's indeed some kind of memories...

What about you?

Conclusion: Life can be simple yet filled with warm & sweetness when contentment is the key. Even if life seems difficult, the more hardship you have, the closer the bond it builds up. This happiness is priceless. (From my humble aspect.)

Friday, May 16, 2008






Just for laugh.. (M18)

Just checked my tons of email..found this piece of interesting article which is kind of I thot why not put up here to share with you and laugh together..cuz its friday after all...

Sit back and enjoy...
(Have a happy weekend!) Cheers! :)

Lesson 1:
A little bird was flying south for the winter. It was so cold the bird
froze and fell to the ground into a large field.

While he was lying there, a cow came by and dropped some dung on him.

As the frozen bird lay there in the pile of cow dung, he began to realize
how warm he was.

The dung was actually thawing him out!

He lay there all warm and happy, and soon began to sing for joy.
A passing cat heard the bird singing and came to investigate.

Following the sound, the cat discovered the bird under the pile of cow
dung, and promptly dug him out and ate him.

Morals of the story: (1) Not everyone who shits on you is your enemy.

(2) Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your

(3) And when you're in deep shit, it's best to keep
your mouth shut!

Lesson 2:
A turkey was chatting with a bull.

'I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree' sighed the
turkey, 'but I haven't got the energy.'
'Well, why don't you nibble on some of my droppings?' replied the bull.
They're packed with nutrients.'

The turkey pecked at a lump of dung, and found it actually gave him
enough strength to reach the lowest branch of the tree.

The next day, after eating some more dung, he reached the second branch.

Finally after a fourth night, the turkey was proudly perched at the top
of the tree.

He was promptly spotted by a farmer, who shot him out of the tree.

Moral of the story: Bull Shit might get you to the top, but it won't keep you there... for long.

Lesson 3:
A sales rep, an administration clerk, and the manager are walking to
lunch when they find an antique oil lamp.

They rub it and a Genie comes out.
The Genie says, 'I'll give each of you just one wish.'
'Me first! Me first!' says the admin clerk. 'I want to be in the Bahamas,
driving a speedboat, without a care in the world.'
Puff! She's gone.

'Me next! Me next!' says the sales rep. 'I want to be in Hawaii,
relaxing on the beach with my personal masseuse, an endless supply of
Pina Coladas and the love of my life.'

Puff! He's gone.

'OK, you're up,' the Genie says to the manager.
The manager says, 'I want those two back in the office after lunch.'

Moral of the story: Always let your boss have the first say.

Lesson 4
An eagle was sitting on a tree resting, doing nothing.

A small rabbit saw the eagle and asked him, 'Can I also sit like you and
do nothing?'
The eagle answered: 'Sure, why not.'

So, the rabbit sat on the ground below the eagle and rested. All of a
sudden, a fox appeared, jumped on the rabbit and ate it.

Moral of the story: To be sitting and doing nothing, you must be sitting very, very high up.

Lesson 5
A man is getting into the shower just as his wife is finishing up her
shower, when the doorbell rings.

The wife quickly wraps herself in a towel and runs downstairs.

When she opens the door, there stands Bob, the next-door neighbor.

Before she says a word, Bob says, 'I'll give you $800 to drop that

After thinking for a moment, the woman drops her towel and stands naked
in front of Bob, after a few seconds, Bob hands her $800 and leaves.

The woman wraps back up in the towel and goes back upstairs.

When she gets to the bathroom, her husband asks, 'Who was that?'

'It was Bob the next door neighbor,' she replies.

'Great,' the husband says, 'did he say anything about the $800 he owes

Moral of the story:
If you share critical information pertaining to credit and risk with your
shareholders in time, you may be in a position to prevent avoidable


Angeline is one who is very persistent if she feels and believes what she does is right. One who dares to voice out what she wants to people she cares.

One who doesn't enjoy hiding. One who opens up like a book for all to read, becuz there is nothing to hide if one does nothing wrong.

That's me!

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion..
and most of the time, these opinion are self-interpretation of what one reads or says..will cause one to react in a way which is not truth or any point near the truth.

This is where interaction places an important role.
Refusal to communicate only allows rooms for misunderstanding and destroys whatever that has been previously built upon.

All in All...the basic to all is TRUST!

Travelling on the Road

Have you ever driven a car? How was it like driving a car?
Its been years since I last drove a car.
I remember each time I drove on the road, I got nervous and very awake...

This illustration suddenly came to me today...

Life is like travelling or driving on a road...... travel on a smooth highway... travel on rocky path....
And may even hit the Kerb...along the way.....

And on this journey...
there are times whereby you are alone...
there are picked up a passenger or two along the way....
Some travel with you for a short period of time...
others might be slightly longer....
And eventually one might pick up someone who will travel with you till the very end...

There are many people who God gave us at different time....each is a form of experience, be it happy ones, sad ones, touched ones, hurtful ones, memorible ones..
and each of these helps to make our journey more interesting and fruitful.

Sometimes, we meet people who we think will travel to the end with us...and eventually find out that they are in fact dropping off somewhere unexpectedly...
Sometimes, we meet people who we think might not travel with us...but eventually they are the ones who will travel with us till the very end.

Life is a road or a journey which is filled with surprises awaiting for each and everyone of us.

With hope & faith one travels on till one reaches the final destination.

With faith & on faith I travel..
waiting for the next passenger to get onboard and enjoy this journey with me :)

Come on, join me as we travel & discover the beauty of this wonderful journey!

Hope you have a pleasant journey!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Little angel little sketch....

Free Fantasy Wallpaper : Little Angel

Little angie wants to share her little sketches of life with you today :)

Just spend a little time with her as she flips thru her little sketchbook...

Title: Little sketches

Sketch 1:
Life reveals its bright colourful beauty only when one takes off his/her shade.

Sketch 2:
Life is not about how others response to you but rather how you response to the reponses of others to you.

Sketch 3:
Life will always be the same unless you start the changes within you.

Sketch 4:
How one sketches one's life depends at the angle one stands. And that also determines how one dance with one's sketches later on.


So...are u ready to dance with the sketches you made today?

If not, don't worry.... cuz life goes does sketches...

Come on everybody, let's just take off our shades, get out there & enjoy the colours of life in the bright sunny day!

:) "Cheers to Life dearest!!!"

Happy Belated Birthday!!!

Today before Class, 'Luffy' 'Cat' & Me met at Cafe Cartel in PS for dinner to celebrate my belated birthday as well as 'Luffy' passing his driving last week.

We had a quick yet enjoyable dinner at Cafe Cartel. As usual the food at Cafe Cartel was great! Its blessed to have new Kakis esp in our Uni.

Today's Quantitative Methods of Information Management (Statistic) is really tough..
After slacking for two weeks or so...I totally lost track and went totally blank when we were asked to work on the question papers given in the class today.
We were told to finish each questions in like about 5 to 15 mins..
very stressful...its as if exam..very tense up..
We were all feelings sooooo stressed up....

Suddenly all these sums and formulas seems so alien to me..Oh God help me...
I felt so 'hopeless' and started to worry about this subject.
There is soooooooo much to study yet soooooooooo little time to practice..and understand....
Our lecturer teaches like bullet train.............
I realised that I am not the only one who can't catch up............
Really praying hard that all of us will pass this semester....

'Luffy' managed to do all the sums pretty fast....
I guess he did his home-work...
Must ask him to teach us............
He is very helpful actually....
A very kind guy.
He even proposed for us to start a study group together one month before our exam..which I agree...but I better start revising so that I won't be a burden to them. Hopefully I can get all the formula and key words right really soon.

This sat is the last class for QMIM then comes Accounting...which I hated most..
Once Accounts starts..its gonna be worst...having to cope to accounts and practice QMIM and Socialogy before our Exam in July...

Btw...Thanks Cat & Luffy for the wonderful birthday dinner treat... :)
Hee..thanks to these two friendly scorpions..

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Season Of Love

Its been a loooooooong time since my bestfriend and I had our coffee session together..

Joyce suggested a really nice comfortable place with great ambience for our coffee today. It was such a relaxed and wonderful feeling which I long missed...

Both of us didn't feel like leaving that I wish I could have a week's vacation just sitting here enjoying coffee everyday...

As we were chatting..
I told Joyce that this seems to be like a Season Of Love..
I am happily enjoying my singlehood freedom and at the same time looking forward for a new love to start anytime...

People around me seems to find their love recently...and I am really happy for them.
Its such a wondering feeling to be loved.

I told Joyce that all I want for a partner is just someone who can share moments together happily...feeling relaxed sitting around...enjoying a cup of coffee like this...and doing some relaxing stuff each other the respect and the space we each need..Not forgetting to learn to accept and respect our difference...I guess then will we find the simplicity of a genuine love.

Love is not to enforce one's thot onto the other but rather to know and respect that even as a couple, we are different in many ways..
We learn about each other...and respect the uniqueness of an individual...avoiding any conflicts if possible.

Many times, even in my past relationship...I find it tiring and exhausting for each we tried to enforce our thots onto each other...thinking if only he/she can sees my point and change his/her view to be like-wise..
This is really tiring...
Love is about accepting each other as who each other is. Not trying to change that person to suit us or the image we created or wanted for our partners.
In my humble opinion...this is what true love should be...
Of cuz, its always easier to say than to be done..
But I guess after being thru so-much...
I have learnt my lesson.

Now, I am ready for a simple true love of contentment and respect.

So......come on, let's get ourselves into this Season of Love.
Cheers everyone!

Cutest Birthday Cake

Hey...guess what...
This year....I had the cutest birthday cake in my entire life...hahaha

My Tenant got his friend to help him buy a birthday cake to celebrate my birthday in advance last wed (tho my actual birthday falls on 9 May)..
When asked who is it for..he said..for the "小妹" Little girl downstair..
In my office..I am the they always call me xiao mei... and call my sup..xiao jie..
I guess his friend thot its really for little girl and so..he got this cute cake for me..which really makes me laugh......

But well...that's interesting...cuz who on earth at my age will ever get such a cute cake for her birthday isn't it..hahaha..

I am really blessed to have people around who dotes me soooo much..
"Thank you Lord Jesus!"