Saturday, January 31, 2009

Subprime Mortgage Crisis

More Web knick-knacks? Go to

A wonderful week of Chinese New Year Break

WOW...Time one week break for Chinese New Year is coming to an end.

1st day of CNY: Pay respect to grandpa, visited Mum's family and then Dad's family-My grandma.

2nd day of CNY: Spent time with little princess, my elder brother's daughter in the morning, then came home rest, blogging, and then visited Jason's house for YF Chinese New Year gathering. Had a great time!

3rd day of CNY: Went Sentosa 'sun tan with Joyce my best friend at the beach, had beer and our favourite Trapizza by the beach...WOW..I love this relax feeling...
Then went visitation at Gilbert my buddy's house with Lihwa. Its been years since I visited his place. And finally got to see and play with his son and chatted with his wife whom we haven't met for at least 2 years since they married.

4th day of CNY: Went Tree Top hiking with a friend. We started at MacRichie Reservoir. The distance to the entrance of the TreeTop Walk is approximately 4.5 km (1.5 - 2 hour walk) from the MacRitchie Reservoir Park and 2.5 km (45 mins - 1 hr walk) from the carpark at Venus Drive. Therefore, a round trip including the TreeTop Walk is about 7 to 10 km (3-5 hours depending on your walking pace).

On our way, we saw Squirrels, monkeys, big lizard and many artistic trees. I love the feel in this place. I was telling my friend that I like this place. Its so simple and peaceful. Its really hard to imagine what is outside this peaceful place. This simple and peaceful place is actually surrounded by the complex world..stepping out of these bushes, you will seem to enter from the simplicity into the complexity...
Thus I enjoy every moment of this hike, even tho it takes us hours to finish off the entire hiking...but we are happy.
I should really take some time to enjoy this type of peace more often. It really refreshes the soul.

But of cuz this is not a good place for woman to come alone, I must say. :)

Yesterday i.e. 5th day of CNY: Brought my 2 godsons out for lunch at MacDonalds.
Then the elder one return to school for his basketball activities, while the younger one went to watch the movie "Wedding Game" with me. There after, I head for my classes at unicampus.

That's about it.
I am soooooooo looking forward to the party at Joyce's place tonite. I can get to meet all my bala (clubbing) kakis there tonite. Its been a long time since we last meet. I sooooooooo missed them :)

See you, gotta get ready for class and dress up for tonite...looking pretty..hee..
Cheers :) Hope you have a happy holiday too!

If not, wishing you a happy weekend!
See you around sometime ;)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

1st Day of Niu Year

After a long wait..
Finally came the first day of Niu year!

How did you spend your first day of Niu Year this year?
Mine was good...
As usual, becuz we slept really late on Chinese New Year eve after the Reunion Dinner which is traditionally steamboat everyone..We would normally sleep till pretty late the next year.

We had an aunt and her daughters visiting us slightly before lunch...
and then we got ourselve all dressed up with new clothings, new bags, new shoes chinese believe that in the new year, not only should we keep our house as good as new, thats why we will normally do a thorough spring cleaning before Chinese New Year, and we will want everything new too..that will represent a good new start for a brand new year..throwing away all the old and whatever unhappiness or things which are no good, putting on or keep only what is good.

In Church, we were reminded to keep renewing our heart as well, to renew our relationship with God, fill our heart with goodness, faithfulness, kindness, love, happiness and so on..

Back to where I was...
After getting ready, pretty and shiny, my family and I first went to pay respect to my grandpa at All Saints...To us, we value family value very much...thus it good to be reminded and give thanks to God for having my grandpa back with Him in heaven now enjoying eternal happiness, and also remember the goodness of my grandpa as well.

Thereafter, we visited my mum's family as usual....
Our little princess was very happy yesterday...she was smiling to everyone and well behave as usual...I am very happy too..becuz I can get to play with her alot yesterday...hee..

We went to visit my favourite grandma (my dad's mum) after that. Shortly after our arrival, the rest of our HUGE family came....the house was filled with joy, laugher and children running around...I love the warm feeling of family...
the only thing which probably could have made this better is, if my grandma had a bigger house to accompany her HUGE family.....She is indeed very blessed with many children and grandchildren and now great grandchildren...

After visiting grandma, its a tradition to visit other relative's house and our house. So we decided to head home first to rest while waiting for my aunties, uncles and cousins to visit us.
That ends my first day of Chinese New Year. :)

I am really happy to have this one long week of break..which I haven't have for so long...thank you Lord...

If only I dun have classes this friday and sat, I would have gone somewhere for a short tour...cuz since I started my degree course, all my leaves are taken up for my exam and even having to advance annual leave just for my, as you can see, how precious this week is to me. :)

Thank you lord!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Extra Graces and Blessings

Tho dead tired...working...studying....(crazy busy week at work..tho market is down..but my sales leads seems to increase...this can only say is the extra blessings from God..And crazy week for studying too...normal 2 classes per week..became 5 classes this week...I really wanna collapse already...)

Thank God finally my Chinese New Year one week break has begun...
Even tho there are 2 classes tomorrow...
again..pardon me for complaining....its crazy!!!!
And I had to rush to have reunion dinner with my grandma and my family and relative.
Only my mum is preparing all the food..
I really hate it...
my poor mum had to do everything by herself.
If I got no class I sure will help her..
But tomo class is very important...last tutorial...focuzing on exam.

Thank God for extra blessings and grace esp during this point of time..
Jesus say "My grace is sufficient for you."
Indeed it is. Praise the Lord! Amen!

Today, my wish came true..I recieved the design project which I wanted very much and will be an added value to my design profile. Praise the Lord!
The meeting went well. This not only is an important design project and it will be ongoing...isn't this great?

Again praise the Lord!
Pray that God will give me wonderful inspiration to do great design for them :)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Interesting clips

Hi fellows...I found this interesting Musical clips which I like...and I bet you will like it too.. it is to share with you :) Keep that smile.

Friday, January 16, 2009

What to do for CNY?

Today recieved a good news that we will be resting for the entire week for Chinese New Year.

But what should I do with such a long break?
Worst is....I still have classes on that thursday and friday...
really spoil one's mood...cuz that means I can go for a short trip over the long weekend becuz of that crazy time table unless I skip my two classes...which hm...might consider if necessary..
cuz I won't be able to have any holiday for any travelling since all my leave will be spend on exams..
haiz...thats really bad eh...for studying....
Oh God...pray that I can quickly graduate and finished this kind of life....
starting to feel tired....

God give me perserverance...
Feeling really tired and not well for these few days....
thot still keeping my smile and laughter as usual...
I am not at all unhappy...
just feeling really tired..that's all...

Or perhaps I need something sweet to spiece up my life a little... ;-)
know what I mean right..???

Nite everyone..

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

An Unique Week....

Having busy for past 3 days...running btw my office and Marina Mandarin Executive Centre..
attending to our VIP from Germany, assisting him in official fun but exhausting...

Finally this 3 days ended...and ended really well...
Frank, our Germany VIP gave me and my bosses a treat tonite...
and I recommend the place to them...

All thanks to Helen, my wonderful church sister, Producer in CNA..who recommended this marvelous place to us.
We all fell in love with this place.
Its called One Rochester.

Its a huge huge beautiful, romantic....(dunno how else can I describe this place....)
house at Rochester Park...
It the best dinning experience I had ever had...We just can't stop praising this place when we were there.
Its like you have entered into another world...
A totally relax world that you don't feel like going back into reality anymore...

The food was great...the service was great....The entire dinning experience was great!
We had our dinner at the garden area..which is so classy yet cozy.....its a WOW WOW WOW..

Here in the can see its beautiful...but you can never tell how fantastic this place is...till you experience it yourself...
I must say....THANK U HELEN again..hee...

I wanna go again...But of cuz this type of place I can't affort to go too regularly...just the dinner for 4, costed S$400 +++ , and of cuz thanks to Frank for his generous treat!!!

Tonite is wonderful! I love this job of mine..hahaha....

p.s. I will want to have my birthday there this year....if I can...but of cuz...I won't be able to affort giving treats there..unless I am a rich rich woman...which I probably wouldn't my best friend and buddy a treat there if I am really rich..hee...

Or who knows...I will hold my wedding there...if I happen to meet a rich Mr. Right..hahaha.. :P

Thank you Lord for everything!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Saturday Morning...

Woken up by an early sms around 8am in the morning...
Trying very hard to read the msg with my eyes hardly opened....

Its a sweet msg sent by my buddies in Auz...
Still can't figure out its from my godson's mum- Sandra or my godson's dad- Peter cuz it was sent by Peter's hp.

btw before I forgot "Hey Peter, Happy Belated Birthday! Sorry to miss your birthday yesterday! Wishing you a blessed birthday and year ahead ok! God bless you and your family!"

Okie back to where I was, Peter and Sandra bought me 3 bottles of honey from Auz. So sweeet of them. The honey is really effective for sore throat etc....
Thank you dear! Will call XXX to arrange to collect from him okie. :)

I am really blessed with so many people who love and care for me!!!
God is goood all the time.......(you know the song????)

Remember that Sandra grumble that I didn't read her blog which I told her I din during Christmas..but frankly speaking...Angie has been too busy....but trying hard to give time to every buddy and love ones of hers okie...

Finally got some time and read thru Sandra's blog today....
I love reading Sandra's blog..
Its simple yet very close to the heart.
Very real...
Tho its about what happen in her everyday life...but reading it is as if I was there with her...
It brings back memories that we have when I visited them and spent some time with them in Auz...that was few years back.
I wish I can visit them in near future...Now is quite hard...having all my leave spent on my exams...each semester will take up about 7 days of my leave...and each year 3 semester...
at the end...I will ended up owing my bosses leaves....

They didn't want me to take unpaid leaves....they enjoy me taking advance annual leave...and so that they are keep me for as long as possible...hee..
But my lady boss was very generous...she offset those leaves I owed them last year.
And when her hubby 'grumble'...she laughed and scare Angeline won't owed you leaves next year meh??? Hee....
Then he replied "I looooove people to 'O-dan' me leaves....hahaha"

I like my two bosses...even tho there are some tension at certain time at work (which is very normal)...but they are very understanding, supportive and fun bosses to have. my office has a vacancy for shipping clerk..if you are interested can drop me a mail but do so asap okie...cuz I am temporarly helping out some of the roles so as to lighten my senior's job scope..
hee...that's also why I am feeling so tired....

But thanks to my new found favourite...
The anti-oxidant therapy....
It helps me feel better, healthier and fresher after sweating it out during each therapy...
removing those unwanting toxic in my body and improve my blood circulation.

Those who knows me..knows that my hands and feet's blood circulation is no good..

Oops! Its time to get ready for my OIS class today..

Oh...and have a wonderful weekend everyone!!!!

Different Chapter of Life

Life is like a story book...Separated in many different chapters...
Viewing my life..reading my as if reading a story book.

In previous chapters of this story book...there seems to be a climax..
and very Emo...

I guess it must be pretty exciting for many readers..esp at the struggling stage in chapters..
as they started to follow up closely reading each their encouragements and shared their words of wisdom.

There are often major heros in storybooks and chapters...
Some is very silence...
There are no doubts that we are blessed with lots of heros in our life, also what we known as angels given by God in our life.
They have certain impact in our life and brightens up our life ingredients.

However, sometimes heros has to be left at the previous chapter as their roles ended...
They might appear again perhaps in the later chapters in this book of mine..called Dance with Sketches.

Its not hard to notice that this chapter of my life has gone into happiness...and peace...
You probably won't get to see too many climax in this chapter...
But you probably can taste the little sweetness that comes from this chapter.

Frankly speaking...
As an author to this book or should I say sub-author becuz eventually God is the actual writter in our life..
I enjoy this chapter of my life right now...
and hope it will stay for long...
My story had too many climax.....and its exhausting to the soul after a long time, tho it might seems interesting to read..

No doubt each a stage of major growth.....
but there are times...when one would like to spend some time enjoying the peacefulness and the tender sweetness in life....
esp when the economic is going downwards....

The market is not doing well....
The more I am grateful that I am still able to enjoy a peaceful and happy life right now.
Blessed am I....
Thank You Lord for everything!

I like to take this chance to thanks all my readers for your past support and ask that you stay with me till the end of this book!

Cheers to all,

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Belated Christmas cum New Year Date

Haha...finally got to meet up with my bestfriend Joyce after not seeing each other for months since my last birthday?

Time really flies.

We went to Marriot to have Hi-Tea and did some CNY shopping.
I bought some bedsheets for my family and a few working tops for myself.

Supposed to exchange our Christmas present but Angie actually forgot to bring.
Had to pass Joyce the next day.

Joyce made for me this beautiful pair of earrings with limited edition Swarovski crystal. I look so sweet in it, see....hee...

Laws of the Lighthouse

by Max Lucado

The first of the year is known for three things: black-eyed peas, bowl games, and lists. Some don’t eat black-eyed peas. Others hate football. But everybody likes lists.

The Bible certainly has its share of lists. Moses brought one down from the mountain.

There are lists of the gifts of the Spirit. Lists of good fruit and bad. Lists of salutations and greetings. Even the disciples’ boat got into the action as it listed in the stormy Sea of Galilee. (If you smiled at that, then I’ve got a list of puns you’d enjoy.)

But the greatest day of lists is still New Year’s Day. And the number one list is the list I call the Laws of the Lighthouse.

The Laws of the Lighthouse contain more than good ideas, personal preferences, and honest opinions. They are God-given, time-tested truths that define the way you should navigate your life. Observe them and enjoy secure passage. Ignore them and crash against the ragged rocks of reality.

Smart move. The wise captain shifts the direction of his craft according to the signal of the lighthouse. A wise person does the same.

Herewith, then, are the lights I look for and the signals I heed:

– Love God more than you fear hell.
– Once a week, let a child take you on a walk.
– Make major decisions in a cemetery.
– When no one is watching, live as if someone is.
– Succeed at home first.
– Don’t spend tomorrow’s money today.
– Pray twice as much as you fret.
– Listen twice as much as you speak.
– Only harbor a grudge when God does.
– Never outgrow your love of sunsets.
– Treat people like angels; you will meet some and help make some.
– ‘Tis wiser to err on the side of generosity than on the side of scrutiny.
– God has forgiven you; you’d be wise to do the same.
– When you can’t trace God’s hand, trust his heart.
– Toot your own horn and the notes will be flat.
– Don’t feel guilty for God’s goodness.
– The book of life is lived in chapters, so know your page number.
– Never let the important be the victim of the trivial.
– Live your liturgy.

To sum it all up:
Approach life like a voyage on a schooner. Enjoy the view. Explore the vessel. Make friends with the captain. Fish a little. And then get off when you get home.

In the Eye of the Storm
© (Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2006) Max Lucado

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Love over Friendship

What will you chose?
Love Vs Friendship?

What will you chose if you have a choice of Love or Friendship?
Will you give up Friendship for Love or will you chose Friendship over Love?

I guess this is really a very tough question and decision for all.

Today, I am really sad and puzzled after receiving an sms from one of my most charming angel, bidding goodbye as his love require his 'full commitment' I guess...
Didn't feel good to lose friend just like that..tho we both treasure our friendship very much. But I guess that is his this case...Love over friendship.

There is no right and wrong to this decision...just feel sad to lose a friend who has been there when I need him, even tho it was for a short period of time.
Thanks my know who you are. Ur friendship and accompany has been a good one..will keep you in my memory lane too..

I sms him straight after his sms...wishing him all the best for his Love...told him not to worry about me..cuz Angeline is now a happy girl already...
I guess, this angel's mission is over too...


To all my friends....
Thanks for being in my life..and ever been in my life...
I treasure each of you dearly...and will always do..
Even if misunderstanding arise...
Time will tells..
True friendship can withstand all test...
True friendship will last thru test...
True friendship will be tested thru time too..
True friends stay true no matter where they are..who they are...even if one do not keep in contact anymore...

Its better to keep a friend in memory lane than to give up a friend...
Cheers to Friendship..

Friday, January 2, 2009

A healthier way to relax

Wanted to go for a drink today since its weekend...
however God has better plan for me instead..

Since I couldn't managed to get any Kaki to go for a drink...I ended myself a good Japanese food treat at the Japan Tampines Swimming Pool..

After the wonderful meal...
I went to explore a place which my sister told me about..
A really good place to relax...
And so I stepped into ECOPARADISE also at the Tampines Swimming Pool...
The lady was very nice...
brought me around and introduce to me how this Antioxidant Therapy works..

Since they are having promotion for First Time Customers: 3 Sessions for only S$39 (each session about 40mins) why not?
So I grab this chance and tried my first session.

The entire environment is Antioxidant..
Basically you changed into their robe and pants..
go into this special room...something similar to sauna..
but not dry like sauna..
you lay down on the towel on top of the heated tiles...
relax your entire body....
Lay flat on your back...resting your head on a Japanese 'wooden pillow'
Just relax yourself and let your body sweat naturally...

The entire experience is great!
After 40mins...I feel so light and comfortable...
not sticky like sauna..
I was given water to drink of cuz..
Then I went to have a shower there using their specially made shower fluid..
I feel so fresh, healthy and relax after that..

I love this experience..Its wonderful!!!
This is indeed a wonderful way to relax..and a healthier way indeed...
I feel so good even till now..

I think I will make it a point to go at least once a week...
hee :)
You must try it out too!!!

Will bring my mum there probably next sunday to let her try out..
Its good for health...

Check out their website..tho the website didn't really indicate much details.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Relaxing New Year

Thank God for the wonderful long holiday weekends last week...

Finally got to pack my room...
Keeping away all my past semester's books and notes..which was laid everywhere.
Used my mum's new expensive vaccum cleaner to vaccum my room..
Now my room is clean and tidy...
Well at least good enough for normal days...and comfortable stay in..hee..
Will do a thorough spring clean when Chinese New Year is near..

But becuz of this...I can spend today..relaxing at home...sleeping and blogging in my room...
Its really been a long time since I really get to rest and relax at home, enjoying my huge room while I can..before we move to our new place perhap end of this year in Sengkang.

But..guess what...
Most of my Youth Group people will be moving to Sengkang area too..
haha..thus we can have more suppers then...hahaha..except for poor Rongfa..hee..

Sweet Sweet Christmas...

This year I had a sweet sweet Christmas....
Wonderful Christmas...filled with sweet sweet fragrance...

There is something which I often like but since its too costly..It really takes me lots of time to consider if I should spend that much money on it...
Know what is that?

Its perfume.

Few months ago..all my perfume ran out...
and so..after much consideration..I bought myself a perfume which is not over costly..but smells..great..its Note-Celine Dion.
I love its sweet, fruity, yet not too sweet or strong smell..
I love the refreshing smell to start my day ahead...

This Christmas the first surprise present which I got is this very nice perfume from Victoria's Secret-Pure Seductions, its indeed very nice and seductive smell..hee..
And my colleague give me a small rolled up perfume which I left in my office in case I need to meet client on the last min basic.
And then I got another bottle of perfume from Infinte Paris- Deep River for women..also smells very nice...

Before that I still have a small bottle of perfume for my birthday from another classmate from Bodyshop-Aqua Lily.

Wow...I love it...I love to smell great!!!
Thanks for all your presents friends...making my days ahead..smell sooooo nice and sweet...
And thanks to May and David for the Spa Playground Romance set (Body lotion, Body Scrub and Bath Salt.)

I think I am becoming more and more woman..hee... :)

Perspective for 2009

Many told me that 2008 is a bad year for them.
For me, 2008 is a great year for me.
It might started off with many hipcups..but it ended off really well..
peaceful, joyful and blessed...

What is define as a good year?
To many, 2008 is a bad year..many bad things happen...
But think about it...
Many times, we only focuz on the bad and forgot to give thanks for the good.

The more bad things happens in my life..the more I focuz and give thanks on the good.
Everything happens for a very good reason behind it.
Its all in the mind.
Think positive, act positive, achieve positive result.
If one keep dwelling on the bad...
believe it or not..the good will not come..or in fact the good is just waiting for your acceptance that's all.
What is good?
Good to many of us, is when things goes our way.
But in actual fact..GOOD is not when things goes our way...
because human are limited creation..with our limitation..we do not know what is ahead of us..thus we do not actually know what is really good for us..
we see only part of the picture but not the entire picture of our life.

Thus, each time when I fall..I looked up to God...trusting in Him, I stand up again and again...regaining my strength, faith and trust...
not in myself..but in HIM who created me.
I trust in the Lord Almighty.
Knowing He loves me like He always do.
Knowing everything that happens in my life is for my benefit..even tho I might not be able to see it and figure out Why Why Why.

But with faith, I step out again, each day in trust..putting forth my best in things I do and things which I am entrusted with. Even if at times, I am lack of confidence..I just simply 'bite my lips' and push it thru..with prayer to be my support. And each time, God granted me with a way or another..

In fact, I got so much surprises in my life...esp when I started to smile again..
I felt that I am falling in love....
haha..with who? Our Creator, Our Savior, Our Love, Our Father in Heaven, Our Counsellor, Our Friend, Our Brother.....Lord Jesus Christ.
He is the only one who is always with me..
esp when all seems to abundant me..or when things seems to go wrong...
when there seems no road ahead...
He is my light and my strength....helps me to step out in faith..even without seeing the road or path ahead...
Trusting in life, my 2008 went well...

Thank you Lord Jesus for everything.
One don't give thanks for the good and also for the bad.
Its better to lose the love of the man you love than to be marry then lose the man you love. But if you did not lose probably will not gain something even better. So, do not be discourage if you feel that you have lost or did not gain what you wanted so much...becuz God probably wants to give you better than you never expected.

Life is a surprise. A time to lose and a time to gain. A time to cry and a time to be Happy. (Words of wisdom from the Bible).

Smile :) 2009 is gonna be Great! Its all in the mind...just put your trust in the Lord! I pray that this year...more people, esp those I love, will get to believe in the Lord, the Source of Love, Hope, Peace and Salvation.


Laugh or Cry???

Did anything ever make you not knowing to laugh or cry about?

Yesterday, a close friend shared something with me which she heard from someone..
After hearing...I was amused...
I don't know if I should laugh or cry....haha..

What happen was...
I believe its out of concern from that somebody..
that she asked my buddy about me...
She was concerned because she saw me in a shopping mall the other day...
She thot I was selling clothings...
and feels sad for me...
A Designer...quit her job to sell clothes...
with my talents and education..she felt a great pity....

I didn't know if I should cry or laugh about it...
thank God my buddy came to clarify this with me....if not I am not sure how many people will be misleaded by this misunderstanding...haha

I guess what this person saw the other day..could be that I was with my colleague in the shopping mall..
My colleague wants me to be her fashion advisor and thus we went shopping together..
We went into many boutiques and of cuz I picked clothes which suits her and wants her to go try on..

I guess that person happen to see that scence and thot I was the sales person selling clothes there...hahaha..(What you see might be the truth but not the entire truth.)

Looks like Sales is indeed my cup of tea..hee..

hmm..I told my buddy..the next time if anyone should say they see me anywhere...kindly get him or her to walk up to me and say hello..
that will be better... :)

Afterall, even if I am to be selling clothes in boutique..
There is nothing to be ashame about.
Angeline can take up any job that is righteous, as long as it is not against the law and my belief, not sinful..every job is honourable, isn't it?
No job is meant to be regards as a lowly job.
Its all in the heart!

Happy 2009 everyone!
Cheers! :)