Sunday, August 28, 2011

Giving Glory to God

Finally this moment has arrived...
After striving hard for 3 my best and relying on God to make what seems impossible to become possible...

These 3 years have been very very tough for me....
While trying to balance and juggle putting in my best effort in both work and study..
I faced..situations in life....
Just to name some moments which I can never forget...
1) was a victim of a mishap at the beginning of my 1st exam during my 1st year 1st semester..
2) having to deal with trade shows and presentation to BIG CLIENT on the day of my exam
3) having to deal with shifting of my old house and renovating my new house in the mist of my exam...
4) abandon by my team mate when I needed them the most and isolation by them when I faced the mishap and trying to get up on my feet again..
These are the toughest and heartbreaking times I had during these 3 years.

But thank God, our Lord Jesus was there with me when I was abandon by others. He provided me with comfort, strength, knowledge, focus, health, wisdom and all I need to pull through these times..

Indeed..this day has come...
Received my result for my completion of my HONS DEGREE.
Not only did I complete my degree course with an Honours degree but I have gotten the 2nd Upper Class Hons Degree which is my aim.

I must say, without God this is not possible..Its Jesus Christ our Lord that gives me all that I need ..not only to survive thru 3 tough years but also to do so well and to Glorify His Name.

1st Class Hons is never in my goal because that will require me to achieve 'A's for all modules and I don't belong to those TOP A STUDENTS.
Thus 2nd Upper Hons is the best which I hope to achieve.

Today is the day I want to give all the Glory to God the Highest, our Lord Almighty, Our Gracious and Loving Father in Heaven. Jesus is my provider and my true friend.
He is always there with me. Again without God none of these is possible.

Thank you Lord Jesus for everything!
At this moment, I want to give all the GLORY AND THANKSGIVING TO YOU.

Here is a Hymn to praise HIM:
To God be the Glory great things He has done
So love He the world that He gave us His Son...

I would also like to give thanks to God for the wonderful family members, fellow classmates, teammates, bosses and friends I have, providing me with prayers, support and understanding in these 3 years. Tho I might have been abandon by 'some' but also because of this, I found true loving friends. Thanks Buddies for believing in me and supporting me, trusting in me even when doubts araise. Last but not least, I believe time is the best proof to what what truth and what is not. As long as we know we did no wrong, God is with us, and God is truth, thus truth will also bring us the justice in due time.

Just trust and Obey the Lord never to lost Faith in God and goodness.

Here is an abstract from one of which I consider my mentor. He is a COE yet a very very humble man. This mentor of mine has always been very supportive and positive, giving me lots of encouragement all the time. He is one of my positive force.

"That's really outstanding News, congratulations from my deepest Heart!!! You can be very, very proud for this fantastic accomplishment. Don't forget you worked hard and studied in parallel,......wonderfull!!! Never lose faith in God is absolutely the right attitude!!"

Thanks to you my wonderful mentor :)

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Reading my old blog

Was suddenly curious about what I wrote in my old blog so, I popped by to browse through.

I am not sure if you feel the same or probably its just me...
I seem to get hit by different emotions while reading each post in that old blog.
Its interesting...what I could say is...yes, its filled with lots of emotions and thots...that could probably relate to people who have been through many tough time like me.

Today, my blog is more peaceful and filled with more confidence...
I guess, people grow especially after being through lots of ups and downs in life.
I am grateful for all that God has given me throughout this few years...bringing me out of the darkness, just like that way He brought the Israelites out of Egypt to the promised land.

Its really a test of faith...perserverance required!!!
Of course, God provide us through many ways.....and for me....He gave me good job, good bosses, good friends....importantly...good family that supports me when I needed certain support...even tho..there are times that I was left alone to handle the toughest time....but that makes me strong...
Last but not least, which is most important...God has NEVER GIVE UP ON ME..WHEN OTHERS DO..


I love you Jesus!!!!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

New goal in life

A thot suddenly came to me...
I want to start writing a book...something like 'Angeline's life journal' or ...
Since I love writing and sharing my life with people..
(the main reason for writing blog since years ago...)
I think it time for me to start writing an e-book about my life it for the good times or for the bad times...
I believe there are many lessons of life which we can learn from each other..

That man whom I mentioned in my previous post..
he once told me..that I should write/ publish a book for all those things I shared on my blog..esp the precious lessons I learnt in life and realisation of life..with my interesting illustration of life..and the approach taken when encountering such ups and downs in my life.

Tho my pen might have gotten rusty ...but I believe practice makes perfect..
and many in the past has expressed their interest in reading my blog and even till present..whenever I shared with people whom I newly met about my little life experience...they were delighted and really appreciated my sharing.

I sincerely hope that this book which I will be working on from now will bring enlightenment to many and help people to appreciate the best of their life....thru-out their journey of life...with no regrets!

After all, this is what life is about...
Everyone has a to live it and appreciate it, treasure it..making your life a wonderful all a matter of choice and perspective!


A thundering Saturday early afternoon

The thunder is roaring furiously outside the windows….

Surprisingly, my heart is very peaceful….

My dog lily who usually cries when it rain…was sleeping so soundly…not disturbed by the roaring of the furious thunder…

Cat Timmy still roam all over the house…

Since God answered my prayed and helped me to peacefully made the decision to let go of a man I loved for 7 years….knowing that his ‘broad’ kind of love is never what I wanted from the beginning. I told him we started off with the wrong foot and nobody to blame.

Tho 7 years went by…lots of years it may seems…but I believe God has His wonderful plan..

This investment might seem wasted but when I take a step back to view what has been going on in these 7 years…my heart didn't grumble nor filled with any ill feelings…

This man had been there somehow when things didn’t turn out well for me in my work, family etc…I went to further study and became who I am right now…partially to get over him and to prove myself that I am a much better person. So what if he got someone new, has many new women going in and out of his life…He is always surrounded by women…there is no doubt…but one thing I am sure…I am much better than any of them…and no one can ever put in what I have put in over the years…not in terms of measureable material stuff…cuz he doesn’t need those…

Over these years…

As I finally finished my last semester of my degree in Marketing (3years), I have made myself a better person, one who is self-confidence…love myself and ‘proud’ of myself.

All these thanks to God my almighty Father and those who loves me dearest esp my elder brother who has been very supportive and providing me aid to get to my present status now…that is why he is the BEST brother in this world..

I love my family, my pals who has been standing by me, quietly providing me understanding and help in my life….those who did not isolate me when a team suddenly isolate me for no precise reason….but I always believe…time will prove everything…

Its been very tough 3 years of study and work in my current job…

My bosses are good and are most colleagues..

But there are lots of stress which is not visible to others…and because of these…I fight even more furiously trying very hard to maintain good result…

I built very good relationship with people esp my customers and suppliers…who has been very supportive and close like friends…because they see my sincerity and that I treasure them. I am blessed to know many wonderful people in m life and all thanks to God, my father in Heaven, who has never leave me, forsake me, and always watching over me…

I love you Lord…and I will NEVER leave you…because You have NEVER left me…and will always be here for me..

People ask how do you know your God is real..

its easy…MY GOD LIVES….

I feel his presence in everything since the day he enters into my life..

and guess what…I think I am ready to try meeting new guys in my life…who knows..I might just get to know people to treasure and value me…love me…giving me Exclusive Love which that man in the past cannot provide me.


Have a great cozy saturday everyone!!!

Angeline loves you!!!

Thanks for those who have been faithfully reading my blog over the years…even when I went missing for a long while…

May God bless you!!!

DOn’t forget…Jesus loves you!!!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Ally passed away…

I am feeling very depressed because my favorite dog Ally just completed her mission on earth on Monday midnight (i.e.3/5/2011).

It got us unprepared…my sis and I broke down….when we saw her lying there breathless…eyes wide open…but no more heartbeat…

we shook her many times..calling out her name hopefully to wake her up…but useless…

I carried her up..her body is still warm but….the head no more supporting…..its really heartbreaking……

sis broke down ….went really emotional….and start talking to Ally…as if she went crazy…

I kept my tears and ask her to pull herself together…we need to face this and deal with this..even tho my heart is bleeding and hurting the most…because Ally is the closest to me..she listens to no one except to me….she is like my daughter…..I really really missed her…and because of that…I know I need to hold back my emotions and get her settle in…

We placed her in the hold plastic box to let her rest in peace…tho her eyes are still open..cuz she is not ready to leave me…and I believe she tried her best to stay alive grapping for breath…till her heart suddenly stop beating..

Till the last moment of her life, she listens to me..She left this world just the way I instructed her to rest….(I made a temporarly bed on the floor for her with pillow case and rolled with towel into a pillow for her so that can she well…cuz she has been coughing and not been able to sleep well).

Initially planned to bring her to the vet but it was long weekend vet is closed…but she couldn’t wait till the next day and left…..sob sob sob…..

I love you Ally…You did me proud…and You are the best dog ever….thanks for everything..

Thanks to God for giving her to me…Tho animal has no soul like human does…they left when their mission on earth has accomplish…and I want to give her credits for all the wonderful does she did..

BEST DOG AWARD GOES TO U ALLY!!!! U r my bestfriend who stays with me..whether I am happy, sad, angry or whatsoever…I missed your fun…cheerful….and silly face…my dear…love you always..and forever!!!


here is a video clip of me and Ally..

Ally going for her usual evening walk with me…

No string attached…

How often does such phrase appear to you?

In the actual fact I wonder how can string be strong enough to cause any effect..

I don’t believe in attaching strings because it will break anyway…

I believe in sincerity, whatever that comes from the heart..thats is way stronger than any string there could be on earth..heart doesn’t lie….

Many times, its the thots that caused the evil…

I believe everyone has conscience which God has input into them…but as time goes by…sins took over and people start to avoid the sound from the pure heart and turn to their lust or evil desire…this is when things go wrong…

So, lets quiet ourselves and listen to what our heart really wants to say to us…Christians..pray to God for the Holy Spirit to guide us to do what is best for us…

When we start to ignore the voice of the Holy spirit…sooner or later we will not be able to hear it anymore…sooo beware!!!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Love is an investment like stock..

Finally got to met up with Joyce last night..
After I graduate Joyce seems to be really busy with her work and was not able to meet me for a number of occasion which I asked her...tho its always last min..
I am really glad we met up last evening and spent quality time together..
managed to finally passed her the presents I bought for her last year's birthday and christmas, cuz I have been so busy with work, study, exam and shifting of house...

Frankly speaking I am feeling kind of lost now...after graduating and no more going for my class after work...rushing for assignments and exams...

I feel a little lost about what I want for my future..
More income is a definite order to start saving up...
Relationship....seems like a fairytale to me that does not exist anymore..
To only exist in my favor happy ending romance korean drama and not real life.
In real life...there is not happy ending to place hope in...I guess you can say..I probably give up the belief in love already.
Its a form of investment...which requires lots of effort and all you have...putting into that buying shares....
but you will never know the might just crash anytime like stocks.

Do I wanna do such investment?
I did before (as in such investment in love), myself 'burnt' and badly hurt...
I can say...I no longer have the capital for such investment anymore after the crash.

So...a question which I have been thinking..
If a man I used to love and hurt me badly before comes back to me...wanting to have the good time together again...will I accept or not..
Obviously I know if this stock burnt my hands before...if I really decided to try out this stock again...the mentality has to change...People learnt from their past experience and even if they fall...they will stand up and try again...and fall ...and try again...till they really succeed. Even if they did not achieve the result they initially wanted..that doesn't mean that they have lost the battle.

Korean show taught me important lesson:
Loser is when one face a problem, start avoiding it...and dare not face it with courage.
Its alright to lost the battle and you are not a loser because you have tried your best and you faced it with courage. Only by then will you find the essence of life, the key to success and the answer to the unknown.

I guess thats my thots right now...I wanna challenger myself to see how much I have grown and improved these 3 years..and how I can better handle the same situation again...since I have already decided and know what could be the worst result of it which was once unknown to me and caught me off guard.


Life doesn't seems to be lacking of worries...
But Bible say...Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

My dogs have not been eating well...
Ally lost her appetite and refuse to eat the food given to her except unhealthy treats or the cookies which I eat...
Changed new packs of food today..hopefully this will help them to increase their appetite.

Lily has not been eating well..soo...she is getting weaker and not able to stand properly...thus cuzing sores on her legs..sigh...
really feel sad to see my lovely pets behaving such ways.... :(
God pls help them to start eating and get well... I pray!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Not ready...

After many years.....(at least more than 3 years)...
a familiar number appeared on my HP screen...
Who is that???

It was the Match Making Agency which I signed up many years back.
After turning them down a couple of time more than 3 years ago...they stop calling to arrange any blind date for me.

Suddenly called me...say there is a guy who is a christian and newly joined with good income and qualification wanting to meet me.
I took a loooooooooooooooooooooong pause..............

The lady asked me why...I told her..after not engaging their service for a looooooong time.....I wasn't expecting their call...and I guess I am NOT READY for such blind date at the moment. She asked me why...I say...I was very disappointed with the date they arranged for me back then....

But I guess the main reason is.....I AM NOT READY to get back into love...
But of course you could say start with friends...but who paid the agency sooo much just to find friends right???? All the blind dates has an intention to find someone they want to be their life partner..

Me????? I no longer know if I want to do that anymore tho the member fee had been paid long ago...could gone to waste if I don't go...but serious........I am terrified. You could say I have no courage....

After 3 years....striving very hard for my current achievement be it for work or study...of course with the help of God and my family....not forgetting many people supporting me quietly...

My entire concentrate is just work, study, exams and my family (with my brother's family). Relationship to me is now but fairytales....with NO HAPpy ENding...
Its not something like work or study when you put in the effort you will get good results....All I remember and can recall about relationship is just hurt....and tears..sweetness is just no long lasting...

Hmm...thinking about it....I seem to have very strong reaction whenever someone comes to tell me they wanna introduce a guy to me...Not sure how to describe this feels like hitting myself against an iceberge infront of me..
cold...and exhausted...waste of energy and effort.

I told the lady I am not ready....I need time to consider...
She asked when can she call me again...I told her maybe next month.

Current thot???
Relationship seems tooo unreal to me...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Finally coming to the end of the chapter..

Finally...3 years has come to an end...
A very tough 3 years ...thot the end will only be completed this Friday after the presentation of our Final Year Exam Project.

Looking back of these 3 tough years...A sentence I could use to sum up all these years is "If not for God's grace and providence..its impossible for me to pull through.."

Throughout these 3 years... my prayers has been but one "Lord help me to pass and if You are me to get good results to glorify not name..not mine!"
The day when I that day I want to give all the glory to You Lord Almighty.

Because in these 3 years..I have been through the toughest time, almostly seemingly impossible for most people to pull thru if they are in my situation.
And I know very well...if not that God is with me and guide me through providing me with all I need to focuz, understand, and perseverance..nothing of these can be achieved.

I might not be a 'A' scorer..but definitely...I have put in my very best. That's what I can say. I believe the result is in God's hand.

These 3 years are filled with lots of memories..good and bad...happy and sad...bitness and sweetness..
Finally this chapter of my life is coming to an end...while the next chapter of my life is beginning..

Looking at what I presently have...I can only say..."Thank You Lord for everything!" I am blessed with good family members esp my elder brother who has helped me alot throughout my advancement in life..I am blessed with good job...good bosses tho as good things will stay forever...people change..I had been very troubled lately by someone in my company, knowingly or unknowingly using her 'pregnancy' as a weapon to gain favor at her side..trying to snatch my present status in the company and my boss trust towards another words..trying to play office politic and climb over me..
But I have nothing to fear..because....I believe Truth will set us free..
Everyone has a choice and responsibility for the choice they made..
If bosses chose to listen to her and continue to side her..
Its probably time for me to proceed on to a better ground.
I have no fear because God bless me with many things such as my faith in the Lord, Salvation, good family, good working experience background, good educational background and many more.

Men may plan their path ahead but its God that lead us to the better place..for we who are the children of God.
I prayed and wept today...asking God to help me to forgive that woman..and those who did me wrong..because only if we forgive others then will God forgive us of our sins. Just as the Lord's prayer said.."forgive us of our sins...just as we forgive our debtors" Bible also said..before we pray..we need to forgive those who we refused or are unable to forgive, then will Lord hears our prayer.."

Whatever the future may be...I will take step by step patiently as the Lord guides me. Now that I have forgiven those people...Not by my own power or might..but by the guiding and power of the Holy spirit...I can now be released from my biterness.
Whatever the future of next chapter maybe...I know I will be fine and even better..because..God is always there with and for me.

Thank you Lord Almighty!
I thank you for chosing me as Your children..for Your Salvation...Your Providence and Everything!

Conclusion: No matter how great men is..they are but made of dust! Its by God's grace, love and blessing..that Men gets their true value.
Recent Japan earthquake and tsunami makes me ponder again about life..
No matter how weather and success a person maybe...
If it is not God's men will be spare nor escape all these tragedy..
Once tsunami wipes out even all the fortune of the wealthiest man..and even takes away the life..
No matter how wealthy or successful one maybe..if earthquake or tsunami strikes..even if we live...everything will be wiped out...we will all go back to zero..

Life is each day with thanksgiving...and appreciate all we have..because we will never know..what is going to happen the next sec.
But one thing I know...I am saved in Jesus Christ.
Whatever maybe...God has prepared a place in eternal happiness, ie. Heaven for me.
Are you saved? Are you ready...when the hour comes?
Believe in Jesus, confess your sins, know that you are sinners, forgive those who are against you and did you wrong, just as God has forgiven us..Ask God for the power to forgive them, then ask God, our Lord Jesus Christ to forgive us of our sins..and cleanse us from all our unrighteousness..and that we can become children of God and enter into heaven who Lord Jesus Christ has prepared for us when the time is here.

Jesus loves you!
The world richest person is one who has the Lord in his/her life.
No riches can be greater than internal riches...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

My first reading spec


Believe it or not…its time to put on my first reading specs.

Even though many couldn’t tell my actual age, no one seems to believe that I am above 30..of age..People were astonished when I told them I am above 35years old…you can see the way they drop their jaw….Even though it is so…..but undeniable my ‘perfect’ eye sight has show signs of aging…knees seems to get weaken as well…

I have problems now looking at small wordings…and guess what….I tot it was because I was unwell that wordings seems blurry to me…but to my surprise just now…when I put on my first read spec…the words or text on my mobile phone seems unbelievably clear and sharp……I am shocked and surprised….to realised the actual state of my present eye sight..

Many thought that reading glasses is only needed at the age of 50s but in fact I learnt from many that people with prefect and good eye sight will tend to put on reading glasses earlier..usually after the age of 35…

Will this cause me to be more sensitive towards aging? I guess probably when I hit the Big ‘4’ then I would probably become more sensitive towards Age..

The secret of staying young is to stay young at heart..everyone reacts according to their perception of their age…

I am never sensitive to numbers and I always stays happy…thus..this is my secret of having a younger look…but of course gene plays an important role as well…my mum doesn’t look like her age at look as well……she look appx…ten years younger than her actual age…so similarly I got that from her….

Dressing and behave plays another important role……as well…if you think that you are an aunty or uncle and start to dress and behave like one…then ..of course you will be….

So….stay happy and positive…and you will stay young Smile even if the body or eye sight start to age….

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Hat that Fits


I am a collector of Hats. There are people are are Boots Feetish and some one I know is Sofa Feetish. Me? I am Hats Feetish…

I look good in hats and caps, thus I have a number of them in my collection.

But not all Hat will Fit. I always remember a chinese phrase that goes “没那么大的头别戴那么大的帽子”it means one must know their own ability. Do not over estimate your ability. Everyone should get only what they deserve but of course God do give us blessings giving us what we do not deserve.

Talking about that, do you know the different between Grace and Blessings?

These two words are commonly used by Christians and many. But do you really know what it means?

Grace: Is God did not give us what we deserve, such as we are all sinners but because of the grace of God, He did not send us all to Hell but sent His son Jesus Christ to die for us on the cross so that we can be cleanse by the precious blood of Jesus to enter into Heaven rather than going into Hell (which by our sins deserved).

Blessing: Is what we do not deserve but God give to us. Many things in life is a blessing, such as our love ones, our family, our job, our school, our bonus, our bosses, our collegues, our house, our cars…etc..

Ok back to where I was…The Hat that Fits…

In the past when I looked at the different salary range which people are earning… I start to ponder…how can people earn so much more than me….I always thinks its unlikely for me to earn anything within that range…owing at least 2 out of the 5 C is impossible for me..but now that I have achieved it. But still my thinking has not change…one needs to have the head that is big enough for the hat he or she wants to wear…

Higher pay or higher rewards meanings higher contribution and much more is required from me….am I able to manage it? Bro told me, I should get above $xxxx amount of salary for what he sees I am doing right now…if I am not getting it…that company is not rewarding me enough…but for me….hmm….that amount is not one which I can ever think of myself getting such amt in at least these two years…Brother has put on a Hat that is too Big for me to wear..and I feel breathless….

Today I feel so stressed out with work…thus came out here to take a little breathe to breath a little….

Time to get back to where I should be….putting on my ‘Hat’ for the day.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Bouquet


Last night when I was on my way home after parking my car at the multi-storey carpark, as I was making my way out of the carpark, I walked pass a car…

What caught my eyes was this bouquet of beautiful roses placed infront of the windscreen of one of the car. Looks like a very romantic guy wants to give his lover a surprise.

Just imagining the blessed lady walked to her car and wants to start off her day or head off for somewhere…seeing a beautiful bouquet laying just right infront of her eyes on her windscreen…isn’t that romantic???

My dream is that one day a guy who I like will send me a bouquet of flower to my office or give me such a surprise…that will really sweeten my entire day I guess…

How romantic this could be…

So far…this has yet to happen…the only bouquet I received from guy was first from my uncle on my 21st birthday, then from my ex-bf on our 100days and 200days anniversary but no bouquet on valentines…sad huh….hahaha…

Well….will just have to wait patiently for the Mr Right to make his way to me… Smile

Sunday, January 2, 2011

I am a blessed person!!!

I am a blessed person indeed!!!
With a thankful heart I give thanks for everything that God has given to me and our family thru-out 2010.
Even tho, life are filled with hipcups..but it makes us stronger and the family bonding even stronger.
Chinese there is a saying...患难见真情!
It means hardship is a test for real love or relationship.
Through our hardship my family bonding grew very strong.....and we love our family and enjoy spending most of the precious possible time together.

I thank God for my wonderful Parents esp MUM the greatest woman in the World!
and my siblings esp my elder brother and my nice sister in law who is also my friend and my lovely niece :)

We love spending wonderful time together esp every weekend and special day!
Such bonding does not comes easily. We went through alot to be what we are right now.
I thank God for providing our family with all our needs and blessing us in every way. My greatest wish is that one day, everyone in the family will accept salvation so that one day we can all enters into heaven :)

Let me take this chance to give thanks and glory to God for the entire 2010.
Thank God for all His providence for my work, my study, my life, my finance, my family and my spiritual needs!
Thank God for the good grades which he has given me and May all the glory be given upon HIM.
Each exam is a huge challenge for me...I could only do my best at each situation, if you know what I have been through during each exam for the past two years.
Each exam I made a prayer..."God, pls me to pass and if possible do well so that I can glorify Your Name-not for my own glory but for Yours."
I may not be an A scorer but at least God has given me more than what I expect I could get esp with each tough situation I faced during exam.
Each result slip seems to be a miracle...

I have yet to get the result slip for last semester...Last Semester I really feel as if I would die anytime...because I was managing this new house renovation and getting the old house packed and preparing for my exam and shifting house in between my exams...situation was tough...and thank God I pulled over...Pray that I could still do as to glorify the Name of God, that God is my provider..with Him All things is possible. It is Him who gives me strength!

Just one more semester and I am graduating...
After my final exam presentation in April this year, I will complete my entire Bsc (Hons) in Marketing from University of Bradford.
I believe the day of my convocation in UK I will cry....and say "I have finally make it!!! Its soooo tough but God has been with me!!! May all the praise and thanks giving be given to God the Highest!!!" Amen!!!

Everyone is getting or have gotten their year end bonus and so did I...
Blessed again....during the last day of the year 2010, bosses asked me to their house and did an overall eventuation...told me I did very well this year...and gave me lots of encouragement and we discussed on how I may improve even further this year. They gave me good rewards for my hardwork and good performance. Praise the Lord!!

So, I went shopping on the first day of 2011 for the family and myself to get something for them, mainly for my parents and youngest family since they are no longer working...thinking abt it now..there is another thing which I should do...

Thank God once again for everything!!
May the Lord continue to shower His blessings onto me and my family and all my love ones...praying for those who are unwilling and God may make their well again!
God bless you and Jesus loves you!!!

Discovering your true identity

Hello there! Happy New Year to you if you just pop by to my blog this year (2011)Smile

And Welcome to my blog, Dance with Sketches.

Just a quick recap of why I named my blog dance with sketches, its because life is like sketches drew or to be drawn on the sketchbook so as to made perfect the final product.

Everyone is alike a rough precious stones that needs trimmed of the rough edge and polishing in order bring out the true glory and fulfil their true identity in life.

No one really knows who they are until the day they depart this world, looking back at their entire life. No doubt we do know many things about ourselves but do we really knew fully who we are???

In this new year take time to quiet down ourselves…time about who we really are and what is our true identity. From Marketing point of view, Corporate Marketing analyse Identity as ACI2D i.e. Actual Identity, Communicated Identity, Conceived Identity, Ideal Identity, Desire Identity. See even eventually a corporate identity there are so many identity to take care of and align them.

In a personal aspect, I think we all live by the Desire Identity, just like the Vision and Mission set in an organisation. And we tried to live out the ideal identity throughout our life making the best and giving our best out of everything situation. Not sure if this applies to you but it applies to me.

Some times in life, we may want to communicate our actual identity to others but failed to do so, thus there is an misalignment between the actual identity and the conceived identity (misperception of others).

Sound like a life that is so tense right??? Haha..don’t worry…this is not to stress you out in this new year but rather just to bring an awareness of the presents of these different category of identities, so that you don’t have to be too troubled by it…

For me, I believe that when we do our best at each situation (ideal identity), God will do the rest. Whether or not what is conceived by others is not fully controlled by us. Time will tells. And over the years, I learnt a precious lesson which a man I used to love in the past tried to taught me back then but I didn’t get it till after he left…i.e. we live for ourselves not for others.

In the past, Angeline-Me, I have always live to please others, always placing others first, lost the real identity. Its always, if others is happy then I will be happy. I loved others more than myself and thus was living a stressful and unhappy life. I recalled that I couldn’t even answer a simple question like “Are you happy?”…My answer back then was long pause…..followed by “if…..this happen I will be happy..”

But now, I have changed over the years and learnt the precious lesson after living for others for 30years..i.e. I have learnt to love myself….I do everything for myself….and I learnt to think about myself first, what I want? Will I be happy? How will I feel? Am I really able to help or satisfy others at this moment? Do I really want to do it? Will I be happy if I do this for others at this moment? It might sound selfish…which it seems that way to the past…but when I lived in out in a positive way….I became a happier person.

I no longer live for others. I have my life which I want to live for myself and do not want to regret looking back at my entire life knowing only then that my life is so empty and everything is only for others. And I learnt a true fact that Men can never be satisfy…it is not possible to satisfy everyone….so…just do what we can and what make us happy if we do it…then we can do with a sincere heart and be happy about it.

Life is not about satisfying others but living for ourselves and be responsible for ourselves not for others. So don’t take the responsibility which others should bear on your shoulder because everyone is responsible for their own life.

The gate of heaven is a free gift…our responsibility is to point to them the way, guide them and sharing the words of God with them and the truth about salvation. But if the person refused to accept, there is no way, you can pull him/her into heaven. He or She makes the choice, to accept the gift of salvation or not. Salvation is personal, thus cannot be forced. God will not let anyone with an unwilling heart to enters into heaven unless he or she truly believed. So there is no such thing as forced to become a Christian. If you are forced to do so, there is problem with the doctrine of that church.

In this new year, may you receive the true gift of salvation. Amen!

New Year Resolution

Happy 2011 everyone!!!

2011 has arrived..have you made your new year resolution after evaluation your 2010???

I have been evaluating my own performance in 2010 in all aspect of life..
and came up with some new year resolution...

If you have not...take a moment and start working one that you will have some aims and directions in this new year...
Resolution is what we wish to achieve...but not neccessary will achieve...
I am one who likes to plan things ahead...
I hate the feeling of ambiguity...and hate to be rush...
likes to take things within it irritates me if I am suddenly FORCE to do something which is not within my plan.
But even tho I hate amibiguity, it doesn't mean that I will escape when challenge by the unknown...

I will take the challenge when I think its neccessary and make sure I do the best and have the 'ambiguity' within control after I start getting my hands on the job..

In this new year what is my resolution???

Here is part of the list..and probably might add on more along the way...
1) Do well for my Final Exam and aim for at least a 2nd upper class honors if possible..and if God allows...

2) Attend my graduation convocation in UK (London) in Dec 2011.
3) Travel around Europe during my trip in UK for my convocation in Dec.
4) Do better and improve in my work.
5) Be a more compassionate person in certain aspect
6) Spend more time caring for my parents
7) Discipline my expenditure
8) Pick up Korean language
9) Bear a good testimony, do devotion daily and be well prepared for each children worship sharing
10) Last but not least...perhaps...fall in love again...hahaha....

I think many might have a similar list with me...right...
its just one way or another...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Jang Geun Suk & Moon Geun Young - I'm In Love

This songs makes me feel like falling in love...
that's why I love korean drama and korean song...
they bring out the essence of life....
This song brings out the sweet taste of romance and happiness when falling in love..
Hmm...I missed those feelings which I probably have left it in the past...somewhere..
In this new year...Will my true love comes???

Or perhaps it better to stay as a happy single just as what I am right now...
Either way...I believe God's way is the best way.

Men makes plans but its God that direct our Path ahead...
Many times in life we hope for many things but not neccessarily may comes true..
Esp for love or relationship...its never something which one may control...
If its yours its yours...if it is not matter how tight you tried to grab hold of it....when the time will just slip away....

Evaluating my love journey...One thing I learnt...
Love is warm and sweet...but may change while we still have it....Loving a person is wanting the best for the person we love...I have done that many times throughout my love journey....not because I am a GREAT OR SILLY PERSON..but to me...there is no point holding back someone when his heart is no longer with you...

I once let go of a man I love many many years back....not because we do not love each other..but I think he deserve someone better than me....and indeed he is now happily married with children....and I am very happy for him...
We are still very good friends....forever....even tho we don't really meet up anymore since he is married...but I believe we still cares alot for each other and always will want the best for each other...
He is the sweetest and heart warming person I known...

A buddy of his once describe him as a flask that never runs out of water...
meaning that he is one who will continue to give his best and his all to the one he love and never runs out of it.....

Best wishes to you my friend!!!
Thanks for the text message...Wishing you and your family a Fantastic New Year!!!

What is your New Year Resolution for 2011?
I will share with you mine shortly :)
Have a blessed 2011.