Saturday, May 14, 2011

New goal in life

A thot suddenly came to me...
I want to start writing a book...something like 'Angeline's life journal' or ...
Since I love writing and sharing my life with people..
(the main reason for writing blog since years ago...)
I think it time for me to start writing an e-book about my life it for the good times or for the bad times...
I believe there are many lessons of life which we can learn from each other..

That man whom I mentioned in my previous post..
he once told me..that I should write/ publish a book for all those things I shared on my blog..esp the precious lessons I learnt in life and realisation of life..with my interesting illustration of life..and the approach taken when encountering such ups and downs in my life.

Tho my pen might have gotten rusty ...but I believe practice makes perfect..
and many in the past has expressed their interest in reading my blog and even till present..whenever I shared with people whom I newly met about my little life experience...they were delighted and really appreciated my sharing.

I sincerely hope that this book which I will be working on from now will bring enlightenment to many and help people to appreciate the best of their life....thru-out their journey of life...with no regrets!

After all, this is what life is about...
Everyone has a to live it and appreciate it, treasure it..making your life a wonderful all a matter of choice and perspective!


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