Sunday, January 2, 2011

Discovering your true identity

Hello there! Happy New Year to you if you just pop by to my blog this year (2011)Smile

And Welcome to my blog, Dance with Sketches.

Just a quick recap of why I named my blog dance with sketches, its because life is like sketches drew or to be drawn on the sketchbook so as to made perfect the final product.

Everyone is alike a rough precious stones that needs trimmed of the rough edge and polishing in order bring out the true glory and fulfil their true identity in life.

No one really knows who they are until the day they depart this world, looking back at their entire life. No doubt we do know many things about ourselves but do we really knew fully who we are???

In this new year take time to quiet down ourselves…time about who we really are and what is our true identity. From Marketing point of view, Corporate Marketing analyse Identity as ACI2D i.e. Actual Identity, Communicated Identity, Conceived Identity, Ideal Identity, Desire Identity. See even eventually a corporate identity there are so many identity to take care of and align them.

In a personal aspect, I think we all live by the Desire Identity, just like the Vision and Mission set in an organisation. And we tried to live out the ideal identity throughout our life making the best and giving our best out of everything situation. Not sure if this applies to you but it applies to me.

Some times in life, we may want to communicate our actual identity to others but failed to do so, thus there is an misalignment between the actual identity and the conceived identity (misperception of others).

Sound like a life that is so tense right??? Haha..don’t worry…this is not to stress you out in this new year but rather just to bring an awareness of the presents of these different category of identities, so that you don’t have to be too troubled by it…

For me, I believe that when we do our best at each situation (ideal identity), God will do the rest. Whether or not what is conceived by others is not fully controlled by us. Time will tells. And over the years, I learnt a precious lesson which a man I used to love in the past tried to taught me back then but I didn’t get it till after he left…i.e. we live for ourselves not for others.

In the past, Angeline-Me, I have always live to please others, always placing others first, lost the real identity. Its always, if others is happy then I will be happy. I loved others more than myself and thus was living a stressful and unhappy life. I recalled that I couldn’t even answer a simple question like “Are you happy?”…My answer back then was long pause…..followed by “if…..this happen I will be happy..”

But now, I have changed over the years and learnt the precious lesson after living for others for 30years..i.e. I have learnt to love myself….I do everything for myself….and I learnt to think about myself first, what I want? Will I be happy? How will I feel? Am I really able to help or satisfy others at this moment? Do I really want to do it? Will I be happy if I do this for others at this moment? It might sound selfish…which it seems that way to the past…but when I lived in out in a positive way….I became a happier person.

I no longer live for others. I have my life which I want to live for myself and do not want to regret looking back at my entire life knowing only then that my life is so empty and everything is only for others. And I learnt a true fact that Men can never be satisfy…it is not possible to satisfy everyone….so…just do what we can and what make us happy if we do it…then we can do with a sincere heart and be happy about it.

Life is not about satisfying others but living for ourselves and be responsible for ourselves not for others. So don’t take the responsibility which others should bear on your shoulder because everyone is responsible for their own life.

The gate of heaven is a free gift…our responsibility is to point to them the way, guide them and sharing the words of God with them and the truth about salvation. But if the person refused to accept, there is no way, you can pull him/her into heaven. He or She makes the choice, to accept the gift of salvation or not. Salvation is personal, thus cannot be forced. God will not let anyone with an unwilling heart to enters into heaven unless he or she truly believed. So there is no such thing as forced to become a Christian. If you are forced to do so, there is problem with the doctrine of that church.

In this new year, may you receive the true gift of salvation. Amen!

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