Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year Resolution

Happy 2011 everyone!!!

2011 has arrived..have you made your new year resolution after evaluation your 2010???

I have been evaluating my own performance in 2010 in all aspect of life..
and came up with some new year resolution...

If you have not...take a moment and start working one that you will have some aims and directions in this new year...
Resolution is what we wish to achieve...but not neccessary will achieve...
I am one who likes to plan things ahead...
I hate the feeling of ambiguity...and hate to be rush...
likes to take things within it irritates me if I am suddenly FORCE to do something which is not within my plan.
But even tho I hate amibiguity, it doesn't mean that I will escape when challenge by the unknown...

I will take the challenge when I think its neccessary and make sure I do the best and have the 'ambiguity' within control after I start getting my hands on the job..

In this new year what is my resolution???

Here is part of the list..and probably might add on more along the way...
1) Do well for my Final Exam and aim for at least a 2nd upper class honors if possible..and if God allows...

2) Attend my graduation convocation in UK (London) in Dec 2011.
3) Travel around Europe during my trip in UK for my convocation in Dec.
4) Do better and improve in my work.
5) Be a more compassionate person in certain aspect
6) Spend more time caring for my parents
7) Discipline my expenditure
8) Pick up Korean language
9) Bear a good testimony, do devotion daily and be well prepared for each children worship sharing
10) Last but not least...perhaps...fall in love again...hahaha....

I think many might have a similar list with me...right...
its just one way or another...

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