Friday, January 15, 2010

What day is today?

I woke up this morning with a question in my mind...."What day is today?" and next question "Is today Monday?"....and "Oh..No...I have not rest....and another week started...and I am sooo sooo tired....." hahaha...I only realised that its Friday when I checked my mobile phone...and what a relief...finally I can get some proper rest tomorrow.....

This week seems like a chaotic week for me.....too much events happened.....
I guess that staff who just left my company really wear us off....
Its a blessing that she is no longer with us....tho I kind of sympathize her...but...she is way too arrogant to admit her fault...sigh.....

Early this week...on tuesday I was suddenly down with gastric flu....whole body was so painful..even my eyes hurt....and had slight fever....
As usual...Dr gave me two days MC but I went back to work another day....cuz....I had too much work waiting for me to handle.....
Bosses did ask me to go back to rest early or work from home but I was too stubborn saying I am fine....which well...I guess I thot I had recovered...but eventually....I haven't fully recovered...

Today...I was feeling very fact for these few days.....
wondering if it is because my blood pressure was low.......cuz doctor took my blood pressure that day..saying....its a little not to bend down....I will feel very dizzy......

I had class tonite....I went for half the lesson...and came back early to rest.....cuz I figure out...I would be too exhausted after the entire class...and its gonna be even dangerous for me at such condition to drive back.....

I kept praying while driving just now..for Lord to keep me safe on the road...knowing...I cannot focus steady.....
Did pause for a while in class during the break thinking wanna go home early to rest or not...
at the end...lecturer said "you better go home to are not feeling well...."
So...I bid goodbye to my class and came back...

Normally after class..and after sending my classmates back...I would reach home about 11plus..
Good thing I can finally take some rest...but had plenty of assignment to rush too...

I guess the weather isn't very good...lots of people even my classmates..were not well....
half the class went off early....remainding were half sick or asleep....phew....God bless us all...
Nite everyone....
Pray that I won't be feeling dizzy anymore by tomorrow....

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