Saturday, January 9, 2010

How to do the egg without breaking

(On the top right is our Management Lecturer Pam, on the top left is my buddy Emily)

Recently in our Management module, we were given an interesting and very challenging group assignment.

Each group is supposed to come up with a story about the egg...It's super it travel to another planet..the mission of this egg...

And the most challanging part is how to drop the raw egg without breaking...

My usual group has 5 people..however we need to break up and form 3 people in a group. So My group broke into 2 for this assignment..
Emily, myself and Markus in one group..Sean, Tom is another group..and Yama joined them..

On sunday, straight after church..I arranged for Markus and emily to come to my place at the voideck of my place to do our egg assignment together..

That day..we each came up with one story about the egg...
Markus came up as this egg is like everything..I came up as this egg can transform into anything as an emergency tools to help people during crisis..
and Emily came up with sunshine egg that can multiply as raindrops...

And so...using these 3 stories...I came up with our final story...putting this 3 stories into one..called the story of super egg S.E.N.S.E

Its quite a lame story tho..but fun..
I will share with you the story later...

The tough part of this assigment is how to drop the raw egg without breaking from a height..we are only given one roll of masking raw egg and 2 straws..
We tried all ways and means..trying to buffer the egg...but eventually broke 12 eggs...what a waste...So, we failed...

Then the night before our presentation..Emily came over to my place after work..and we did our presentation slide together..She helped me with the typing as we discussed how we want the presentation slide to be...I did the part on the designing while she do the text...Then I shared my idea on the Parachute and she helped me to work on it as I modify the presentation..and did the buffer part of the parachute for the egg...Finally we finished at 1am.
Then I drove and sent her home...
Thank 1am...we managed not only to get our presentation slide done but also our egg parachute was successful...the egg didn't break...Thank God!!!

The day came..for presentation...
It was amazing how well every group did...
Each group came up with amazing did we...hee..quite entertaining...

Funny thing is..all the group came up with the similar egg bomb/ball prevent the raw egg from breaking...hmm...why didn't we think of that...

But something which we should give ourselves a pat on our shoulder for my group is that ..we were the one group who did the parachute egg..and the egg was not fully wrapped up ..and it actually did not break when I throw from a height..

Frankly speaking...I was so nervous..when I step on the chair..that my feet were shivering...hahaha...

We had great fun!!! It was a great experience..Indeed we learnt alot in this PMS class..
and not to forget it was Melvern's birthday that day...we had a mini celebration for him as you can see here...
Happy belated Birthday Melvern!

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