Thursday, January 21, 2010

One good beats it all!!!!

Recently I have been feeling very exhausted....

I have been working...attending classes few times in a week as usual...

and burning my weekends with assignment....which we are supposed to submit next week as our exam gradings..

I guess we have been too tense up that we seem to trap ourselve in the box....

really need to relax and think out of the that I can be creative in my presentation next week...just like what we did for our SuperEgg presentation which our lecturer seems to like alot:)

I have my individual assignment which I need to continue to work on to improve on it..

and need to meet up with Emily and Markus to work on our group presentation this sat and sunday..and next week....Pray that we can do well..

This week didn't start off well...

I start didn't seems to get over an incident in the office....which could be miscommunication..but needs time and patient to bring it out to resolve this issue..otherwise it will really become a hinder to my progression in work.

I guess why I am taking that incidence which occurs btw our new staff and me...some working matters to much to me...I took great effort to climb up to current position in our company...this incident suddenly make me feel that....what I earn is half gone..I feel threatened in a way...Pray that God will help me to solve this incident which has seems to wear me out. I feel so weary and exhausted...lack of energy and motivation...when such event happens...

But anyway....thank God for bringing a good news out of all things stuff which seems to make me feel so exhausted...

Indeed I suddenly feel the power of ONE GOOD NEWS BEATS IT ALL!!!

Opening the letter box....I was surprised to see one of my result slip for last semester...

As usual...I would tremble...and pray...God..pls help me to pass!!! Pls....and close my eyes before opening it...and then...OPEN!!!...

Praise the Lord Amen!!!! haha....I asked for a pass...and God is so gracious...He gave me something even more.....of cuz I din get an 'A' ...but I am soooo overjoy!!!! Praise the Lord Amen!!!....

Hmm....two more results will be out soon I think...Pray that I can pass all of them..Lord help! I did my best already anyway...

Haha..I cannot believe it...I totally forgot which were the papers I took...last semester as there were just too many exams....only remember one of that is Marcom...and the other searching high and low to recall...haha..I can only remember the lecturer ...its product innovation...hahaha...

Well...its over anyway...just have to focuz and do well for this semester get into my last year...Finally...Last year!!!! One more year to graduation...Yippee.....(3 joke)..

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