Sunday, January 24, 2010

My wish...

Hee...what comes to your mind when you see this pic?
Probably thinking WOW...Angie received flowers? Nah...I am not sooo lucky...
I was browsing through one of my Hong Kong friend's picture in facebook...

What captured my eyes..were not just the cats and the dogs..

but bouquets and bouquets of flowers she received on her birthday last year...

She is such a blessed (lucky) girl!

Among of the flowers she received...I like this bouquet most...aren't they beautiful???

There has always been a secret wish of mine..which I will share with you here today..

Remembering in the past while both my best friend and I were working together...she used to often received bouquets of our workplace....(which I really envies very much!)..

Sad to say..never in my life...if I can ever recall...that any of my ex-bf ever sent any flowers to me at my workplace....How I wish I can ever received a surprise bouquet in my workplace from my perhaps future bf..(if ever there is going to my head..left and right...NO the moment...)...hmm..its going to be soo romantic....isn't it...hee..

Anyway..well...this is just a simple dream of mine..which perhaps..might never come true.. :))
hee...just a little grumble..hope u dun mind...I am a woman after all...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

One good beats it all!!!!

Recently I have been feeling very exhausted....

I have been working...attending classes few times in a week as usual...

and burning my weekends with assignment....which we are supposed to submit next week as our exam gradings..

I guess we have been too tense up that we seem to trap ourselve in the box....

really need to relax and think out of the that I can be creative in my presentation next week...just like what we did for our SuperEgg presentation which our lecturer seems to like alot:)

I have my individual assignment which I need to continue to work on to improve on it..

and need to meet up with Emily and Markus to work on our group presentation this sat and sunday..and next week....Pray that we can do well..

This week didn't start off well...

I start didn't seems to get over an incident in the office....which could be miscommunication..but needs time and patient to bring it out to resolve this issue..otherwise it will really become a hinder to my progression in work.

I guess why I am taking that incidence which occurs btw our new staff and me...some working matters to much to me...I took great effort to climb up to current position in our company...this incident suddenly make me feel that....what I earn is half gone..I feel threatened in a way...Pray that God will help me to solve this incident which has seems to wear me out. I feel so weary and exhausted...lack of energy and motivation...when such event happens...

But anyway....thank God for bringing a good news out of all things stuff which seems to make me feel so exhausted...

Indeed I suddenly feel the power of ONE GOOD NEWS BEATS IT ALL!!!

Opening the letter box....I was surprised to see one of my result slip for last semester...

As usual...I would tremble...and pray...God..pls help me to pass!!! Pls....and close my eyes before opening it...and then...OPEN!!!...

Praise the Lord Amen!!!! haha....I asked for a pass...and God is so gracious...He gave me something even more.....of cuz I din get an 'A' ...but I am soooo overjoy!!!! Praise the Lord Amen!!!....

Hmm....two more results will be out soon I think...Pray that I can pass all of them..Lord help! I did my best already anyway...

Haha..I cannot believe it...I totally forgot which were the papers I took...last semester as there were just too many exams....only remember one of that is Marcom...and the other searching high and low to recall...haha..I can only remember the lecturer ...its product innovation...hahaha...

Well...its over anyway...just have to focuz and do well for this semester get into my last year...Finally...Last year!!!! One more year to graduation...Yippee.....(3 joke)..

Friday, January 15, 2010

What day is today?

I woke up this morning with a question in my mind...."What day is today?" and next question "Is today Monday?"....and "Oh..No...I have not rest....and another week started...and I am sooo sooo tired....." hahaha...I only realised that its Friday when I checked my mobile phone...and what a relief...finally I can get some proper rest tomorrow.....

This week seems like a chaotic week for me.....too much events happened.....
I guess that staff who just left my company really wear us off....
Its a blessing that she is no longer with us....tho I kind of sympathize her...but...she is way too arrogant to admit her fault...sigh.....

Early this week...on tuesday I was suddenly down with gastric flu....whole body was so painful..even my eyes hurt....and had slight fever....
As usual...Dr gave me two days MC but I went back to work another day....cuz....I had too much work waiting for me to handle.....
Bosses did ask me to go back to rest early or work from home but I was too stubborn saying I am fine....which well...I guess I thot I had recovered...but eventually....I haven't fully recovered...

Today...I was feeling very fact for these few days.....
wondering if it is because my blood pressure was low.......cuz doctor took my blood pressure that day..saying....its a little not to bend down....I will feel very dizzy......

I had class tonite....I went for half the lesson...and came back early to rest.....cuz I figure out...I would be too exhausted after the entire class...and its gonna be even dangerous for me at such condition to drive back.....

I kept praying while driving just now..for Lord to keep me safe on the road...knowing...I cannot focus steady.....
Did pause for a while in class during the break thinking wanna go home early to rest or not...
at the end...lecturer said "you better go home to are not feeling well...."
So...I bid goodbye to my class and came back...

Normally after class..and after sending my classmates back...I would reach home about 11plus..
Good thing I can finally take some rest...but had plenty of assignment to rush too...

I guess the weather isn't very good...lots of people even my classmates..were not well....
half the class went off early....remainding were half sick or asleep....phew....God bless us all...
Nite everyone....
Pray that I won't be feeling dizzy anymore by tomorrow....

A scar in the past is to heal the wound in the future

Ever complaint why you fell and hurt yourself?

Ever complaint the ugly scar that is left on you?

Ever wonder why did we have to fall and hurt ourselves before we really learnt our lesson?

Ever wonder what if we didn't fall, would things be different?

There seems to be lots of presumption out there....what if...what if..what if...
But in actual a christian....I believed that everything happened (like the bible said..) for the good of those who love HIM (GOD).

You probably would think how could this be possible?
If God loves me He wouldn't have allowed me to fall down and hurt myself....

Well...let's take a look at our human nature...our sinful and rebellious nature...
could you many times when your parents or senior advised you not to do something because you would get hurt...Did it ever really get into you???
Most of the time, we took it for granted and instead of thanking them...we complaint that they were too nosey or being too naggy....

So what's the best way to train a child so that he or she would not make the same mistake again?
How to describe to a child the degree of pain he/she would experience if she was not careful..and fell? Answer : "NO WAY!!!"

So in order for a baby to learn how to walk...he or she would have to experience fall many times till he/she finally managed his/her first walk in his/her life...
If the parent was to be afraid that the child might hurt himself or herself thus refused to let him or her learned to walk...what would eventually be the end result of this child?
I guess u probably could know the answer...

Well..same goes for we HUMAN...
God loves us...thus He allowed certain degree of 'hurt' to be presented..
Imagine..would you really listen to God when He told U not to lying is sin..Sin brings hurt to others and yourself. It hurts God as well...seeing His precious children getting hurt.

Well...Did anyone really listen?
Men lied to get their way through but lived in fear...worrying that one day the lie would be exposed..Thus one lie would followed by another...and another.... eventually....left no remedy.

I learned many of my lessons from my past failure...but all these failures...eventually became a tool which I used to encourage and advise people around me...which eventually from this 'negative' became something 'positive'.

Thus every scar is there for a reason...
and every scar is there as a reminder of the past...and heals the wound of the future...
Each fall made us a better and stronger person, don't you think so?

I am who I am..not because..I never fall....never got hurt...never got lost....never......XXX
but because....I have chosen to pick up my courage to stand up again...and keep walking till I reach my destination...(with faith in God and strength from the Lord).

You probably have heard this thousand times if you are my regular reader..
A loser is not one who falls...but the one who falls and have no courage to get up.... friend..I urge you...Be Strong and courageous...Trust in the Lord, for our Lord is Almighty God...The creator of Heaven and Earth!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Not Good???

Remember once my boss told us that she was very puzzled when our Japanese Business partner told her that she was not good last week...
She was thinking why he said she wasn't good...only after some clarification...she finally understand what he meant by 'you were not good last week'...what he meant was...You were not feeling well last week...hee..

I wasn't feeling well yesterday..or should I say...on Tuesday 1am...when suddenly coldness struck me...I was shivering like never before....couldn't control that level of shivers in me....
I prayed for God to help me....suddenly I just felt so cold...that I couldn't endured...and I had to put on my winter jacket and socks to warm myself up alittle.

Shortly after I took panadol...I vomitted....
As it was really late passed midnite around 1am...I couldn't call my bosses thus...I tried to go online with my mobile and found one of my boss still online working...
so I told him that I was feeling very sick out of sudden...
he told me to take my temperature..maybe I am down with high fever again..and asked if there is anyone taking care of me or if anyone at home know I am not well...I told him that I told my little brother to check on me next day case something really happened to me..
Boss told me to admit myself to A&E if I am running high fever...

You probably might be wondering why was he so worried...why...1st because my bosses are really nice and caring was not the first time that I was running high fever...
The other time when I suspected myself having H1N1...I was also running high fever of 38 to 39 degrees for a numbers of day...but thank God it wasn't H1N1.
Bosses keep reminding me to take care of myself...because they know that even when I am running high fever of 39 degree I cannot stop myself from working at home..
You probably would say I am crazy or workaholic...I guess I am...this is because I do not like to waste my time doing nothing...unless I am too weak to do anything...

Like yesterday...I slept whole day..but on off...I will check company email through my mobile to know what is going on in my office...

So what actually happened to me yesterday?
I was down with gastric flu...and slight fever...37.7 degree..not so bad..but the whole body was aching, so did my eyes..and my head...
Doctor blood pressure was kind of I need rest.
She gave me two days mc..but I went back to work I had lots of things to follow up at work...Boss asked me to go back early to rest..but I told them I was fine.

Today...suddenly good and bad happened in my office...
That new staff was finally fired...She packed her stuff and left after lunch..
Tho she has the capability to work..but her character really couldn't make it...
She is not humble to learn or admit she is wrong...each time when someone try to correct her, she will bombare you with lots of self defence statements...
Today..she really throw the killer bomb on my bosses and herself...which caused her early release....It was somehow a relief for all of us...

Hence lesson learnt is..not only should one has the capability..but also a good character..
But I am really impressed by how my bosses handles such situation.
I wish I can be like them would be very hard for me to manage people.
This is something which I would really want to learn.

But Seriously..seeing such happened...It somehow makes me worried if one day..such a ball would be thrown at me...:((

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Praises for Good times only???

Many will say...You say your God is good..and keep praising your God...that is because..your life is going smoothly....and you have many things in your life...
How can one praise the Lord or even thank God when he/she has so much difficulties in many tough time to deal with...

I heard many people around me blamed God for every bad things/events which happens in their lives...They even curse God for all these decision they made...

I keep reminding a friend of mine..bringing her back to Christ...
but she keep falling each time the emotion comes...
she lost the battle...
She blamed God for the bad relationship she had...
Forgetting that she is the one who made the decision to go into that relationship...misinterpreting that it is God's will for her..

In logical mind...and the limitation of human minds...Men cannot win victory to accept that all things..there is something called...Men's responsibility and God's will.

God loves all men...thus giving us all the 100 percent freedom to chose and decide what we want..this is all in His goodwill..
But men...forgeting that they bear 100 percent responsibility for that decision they made in their when things didn't turned out as expected...they start to curse and blame God for everything..

Men cannot go thru by logical thinking how can it be possible that everything there is 100percent God's will and 100 percent Men's responsibility.

This requires 100 percent faith to understand how this things works..
I am blessed to get thru that stage..and I understand just how this works..
Thus never have I blamed God for those many 'down' times in my life...except to ask God to help me understand why such happens...
This is perhaps..why I am blessed with many grace and blessings...
not that I am say..not one is good..For all fall short the glory of God..
How good is good? In God's standard...good means..without sins...
For God is holy...He is without sins...

Many heard we christian talk about sins...what is sins?
Sins is not meeting the standard by God...not doing what we ought to do..and doing what we ought NOT to do...
e.g. Do you get angry? Do you have selfish thots? Do you tell lies? Do you think about things you ought not to? Do you do everything that you ought to do? Do you steal?
The 10 commandments are just basic guidelines to keep us away from sins...
1) Only one God-Lord Jesus Christ
2) Do not make any idols..
3) Do not use God's name in vain (Do you often use words like 'oh my God! or Jesus!? That is using God's name in vain. God's name is holy..should not be use in such manner)
4) Keep sabbath day holy
5) Honor your father and mother
6) Do not kill/murder
7) Do not commit adultery
8) Do not steal
9) D0 not bear false witness
10) Do not greed over others

Thanks to my teacher who taught me the skill to remember these 10 commandments by heart.
Simply used the 1,2,3....10 as an image to remind you...

Ask me in person when you see me..I will share with you the technique..
God bless..

Today..your downs..will also becomes an experience which you can share and help those people in the future...

God bless:)

Lunch with two old friend...

Left my previous job for about a year plus....

settling down really well in my present job.....

blessed with lots of goodness...

Met up with two friends whom I knew in my previous job...

two nice gentlemen...

As I had an appointment downtown near my previous workplace..

I arranged an lunch appointment with one of these gentleman...a huge, gentle and caring brother in christ....very humble guy as was his buddy..

We went to Ma Maison for lunch..a really nice place which oversee the view of Singapore river..

Just as we had our lunch...his buddy...which is the other nice gentleman..came to join us..

He gave me a treat...

They were really happy to see how God blessed me even more after I left my previous job...

They are faithful servant of God...never forget to remind me to keep serving God...

His buddy who was also a photographer...took this nice picture for I was explaining the lastest technology which I am currently selling..(one of my product) ...Thermal camera...

I am blessed to be handling the sales for Flir Thermal Camera..which is the world leading brand for thermal camera in the aspect of building and industrial application...

I showed them and explained to them how this device work...and they were amazed....

Frankly speaking...I never knew this could be a path for me to take..but I just stepped out in faith..trusting that where the Lord leads is the best for me..and indeed it really is...

I am currently the Marketing and Sales Executive in a Vision Technology Company..we are the official distributor for the world leading brands in advance technology...isn't this cool?

As I did not come from engineering is really tough for me to learn...but because I love to learn and explore new knowledge..with that..this is how I advance in my life currently...and of cuz...once again..blessed with lots of supports from bosses and the principles themselves in many aspect..esp the technical aspect...

Remembered I once shared...

Faith means..stepping out your first step with courage..even if you could not see the path ahead..believe that the Lord will hold your hand..and keep your feet from falling....

Indeed this requires..great faith and courage...

Try...rely on God and taste His goodness....

Like a song lyrics say...even if my whole body is filled with mouth...I could never have enough praising God...for His goodness never ends.......No words could ever good our Lord Jesus Christ I said to my penpal recently....I wish he could experience the Lord in his life..truly I wish.....that all of you...could taste the goodness...of our Lord...Amen!!!!

Jesus loves you...

p.s. I will never finish praising Lord till the day I met Him in heaven again....

Treasure your love one while you can...

Recently my siblings and I started to plan for a family trip to China...

As dad's health isn't very good...we wanted to give him a good memory....and visit his hometown before he is no longer that mobile anymore....

Even tho I had no more leave...but for the sake of my family..
and I do not want to live with any regret for not doing this bit for my dad and family...
I told bosses that I need to take leave for this trip....
As usual...bosses were very understanding...
They said I should go...
Again told me no need to take unpaid unpaid leave for me...
I can owed them the leaves as usual....
haha..this is somehow good and bad......
because it means there is no way...I can return these leaves until after I graduate...
Why so? annual leave per year if its 14days....
I have at least 2-4 exam per semester...and each year 3 semester...meaning...I need to take at least 5 to 7 days of leave for each exam...thus in average I need about 21 days of leave...deducting 14 days...I would owed my bosses about 6-7 days leaves...

I calculated how much leaves I needed this year including this family trip...basically..I need 20days of leave for this leave...
I order to return these leaves which I owed..I probably couldn't take any leave after I graduate so that I can pay back all these 'otan' leaves...hee... am somehow tied to this company..hahaha...bosses want to tied me down to this company....

But well..why worry...cuz I love my bosses and this company very much.
My bosses are very nice, appreciative..encouraging and caring people....they are very open to suggestions and often gives me good advise....
I am so blessed to be given this job...

So don't worry to step out into a new environment and give it a shot...
you never might find a good job like mine....hee...
Thank you Lord for everything...
I know deep in my heart...I couldn't have done it with our Lord Jesus provider...
I know and thank God for each deal I closed..amazingly...
Its really God's grace and blessed...tho I really put in alot of effort as well...
Thank you Father in Heaven!!!

Congratulation Veron

Just happened to read the blog of my ex-classmate....
I love her blog...
its really sweet....
In it something really sweet captured my attention....
her bf....actually proposed to her during a firework on his knee during a firework..while she was busy taking pictures.....
She almost cried.....
WOW...this is really something....
So...sweet...and romantic....
Congratulation Veron!!!!
God bless :)

Saturday, January 9, 2010

How to do the egg without breaking

(On the top right is our Management Lecturer Pam, on the top left is my buddy Emily)

Recently in our Management module, we were given an interesting and very challenging group assignment.

Each group is supposed to come up with a story about the egg...It's super it travel to another planet..the mission of this egg...

And the most challanging part is how to drop the raw egg without breaking...

My usual group has 5 people..however we need to break up and form 3 people in a group. So My group broke into 2 for this assignment..
Emily, myself and Markus in one group..Sean, Tom is another group..and Yama joined them..

On sunday, straight after church..I arranged for Markus and emily to come to my place at the voideck of my place to do our egg assignment together..

That day..we each came up with one story about the egg...
Markus came up as this egg is like everything..I came up as this egg can transform into anything as an emergency tools to help people during crisis..
and Emily came up with sunshine egg that can multiply as raindrops...

And so...using these 3 stories...I came up with our final story...putting this 3 stories into one..called the story of super egg S.E.N.S.E

Its quite a lame story tho..but fun..
I will share with you the story later...

The tough part of this assigment is how to drop the raw egg without breaking from a height..we are only given one roll of masking raw egg and 2 straws..
We tried all ways and means..trying to buffer the egg...but eventually broke 12 eggs...what a waste...So, we failed...

Then the night before our presentation..Emily came over to my place after work..and we did our presentation slide together..She helped me with the typing as we discussed how we want the presentation slide to be...I did the part on the designing while she do the text...Then I shared my idea on the Parachute and she helped me to work on it as I modify the presentation..and did the buffer part of the parachute for the egg...Finally we finished at 1am.
Then I drove and sent her home...
Thank 1am...we managed not only to get our presentation slide done but also our egg parachute was successful...the egg didn't break...Thank God!!!

The day came..for presentation...
It was amazing how well every group did...
Each group came up with amazing did we...hee..quite entertaining...

Funny thing is..all the group came up with the similar egg bomb/ball prevent the raw egg from breaking...hmm...why didn't we think of that...

But something which we should give ourselves a pat on our shoulder for my group is that ..we were the one group who did the parachute egg..and the egg was not fully wrapped up ..and it actually did not break when I throw from a height..

Frankly speaking...I was so nervous..when I step on the chair..that my feet were shivering...hahaha...

We had great fun!!! It was a great experience..Indeed we learnt alot in this PMS class..
and not to forget it was Melvern's birthday that day...we had a mini celebration for him as you can see here...
Happy belated Birthday Melvern!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Pen Pal

When was the last time you got a pen pal?
To me its like ages...

Recently I got myself a pen pal from States:)
This feeling is if I was back to my school days where I had pen pal..
except that those days..we really used pen to write letters to someone we never really knew nor seen.

The excitement of writing and waiting to receive each other's letter is the best part.

Whether you believe it or not...
This reminds me of my first boyfriend back then..(of cuz not during school days)..

My first boyfriend was a very sweet guy...he is someone who is very close to my heart. Our love was simple and pure..
Each day we had endless things to talk to each other...
We meet each other face to face...talking non-stop...
even after he returns home..we will talk on the phone for hours...till 3am or so before we willing hang up the phone to get to some sleep..

And best part of it...
We wrote love letters to each other....haha..even tho we see each other almost on the phone for hours...
yet we just didn't seem to get enough of it...
I love reading his love letters...its sweet and heart warming...
The letters often ends up in few pages long...

Sad to hardly can find any one that genuine to do such sweet stuff...they probably will think you are crazy..or its a waste of time...

However, never do one realised that..its the simplest thing in life..which will leaves the sweetest memories....

Frankly speaking...each time as I open my mailbox...I was secretly hoping that some sweet secret admirer might just drop me a sweet mail in my mailbox.... it add sweetness to my days..or will it frighten me off....hahaha...

Hope you enjoy this short sweet story from me today:)
Sweet dreams:)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year Resolution

Finally brought the kids (my godchildren) out today for a movie: Alvin & the Chipmunks 2.

The show was pretty nice.
This time we chose the nearer seats..indeed..should have bought these seats for yesterday instead..could be better..
Anyway..the kids and I enjoyed the show..esp the
This time the chipmunks has gfs which looks like them..hahaha..interesting...and they sing like them as well..from one look..u can see who is meant for who...

After movie..we went to get my god daughter a dress for her belated Christmas I have already bought the boys' presents for them..but yet to pass to them..will pass to them tomorrow..

Their parents came to fetch us from Century square and then we went for supper...
Tho this Christmas my pocket bleed alot..but well...still worth..
Thank God for His providence..but I must learn to cut down on such expenditure..

My new year resolutions...all starts with 's'
Save: Start to save up..
Strive: Strive to do better in work, study and all areas..
Spend: Spend more time with God in devotion...and spend more time with parents..
Stop: Stop grumbling..Stop sinning...Stop spending on others and myself soo much..
Smart: Learn to work and study Smart...
Store: Store for rainy days
Strength: Strengthen, improve on the areas which I am weak work, study, character...etc..
Stable: Pray that the Lord will continue to bless me with stable job/income and persistency in work and study..
Steady: Pray that I can find a steady relationship..and life time partner..

Last but not least..Submit: To submit everything into the Lord's hand..trusting Him that all will be done according to His will and for my goodness..

What is ur New Year Resolution?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

Happy 2010 everyone!!!!
May the Lord shower you & your family with love, grace and blessings thru-out this year!!!

How did you spend your New Year?
Haha..I was working full day and even Over-time on New Year Eve..hahaha..can you believe it???
But its fine cuz I love my job :)

Went to pick dad, sis and little bro to meet my brother and his family for New Year dinner in a simple and affortable restaurant.

Thereafter, we went to my brother's place stayed over nite..supposed to go for watchnite service in Church..but Sorry Lord I was too tired..after working full day and OT..

However I did my thanksgiving prayer to the Lord on my own...Thank you Lord once again..even tho last year was a year of many economy crisis but you blessed me and my family with abundance..Pray for the salvation of my entire family..that they will all become your children and share this salvation one day:)
Forgive me for all my sins and help me to become a better person with better character and more like U in many ways...

Pray that the Lord will continue to bless me and my family in this 2010.
And if there should be any glory..May all the glory be given to my Lord Jesus Christ.

Thank u Lord for everything! Amen.

Now..back to where I was..
Went to watch Avatar 3D in Century Square..heard was a great show!!!
We watched midnite last nite..
Show was great but we were disappointed as the screen in that cinema was not huge enough and good enough for 3D shows..even tho that is my fav cinema...
The 3D spec was too heavy also..unlike the ones by GV.
Sound effect wasn't too great too!!

But was a nice show..enjoyed the show...
Experience learnt first day of watch 3D..I need to go to a better cinema with bigger screen and better sound system..and chose a seat nearer to the screen..hahaha...

I am wanna watch Alvin & the Chipmunks with my 3 godchildren late this evening at my fav cinema again..but well..since this is not a 3D show..I am sure it will turn out great!!! hee..

Now time to take a little nap...
Nitey nite:)

Missed u very much Sandra, Peter and my dear god son E.T in Melbourne:)
Pray that after I graduate..I can visit you again...
Love u always:)
Angeline (ganma)..

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!!!

Hello everyone,

Hope its not too late to wish all of you a wonderful Christmas & a very Happy & blessed New Year!

May our Lord bless u and ur family a healthy, joyful, peaceful & wonderful 2010!!!

A little update on how I spent this years Christmas:
Schedule was crazy cuz I have oversea guest who came in during the Christmas week..
no chance to finish Christmas shopping...owed lots of people presents..
Didn't even managed to get the present for my dad and little bro..
Had to get my sis to help me to do the last min shopping on Christmas eve...and can't believe it..I made my decision on which to buy over a video call..haha...

Then picked my sis and bro up from home to go to my brother's place to spend our christmas together...
Did up a quick christmas tree on the wall with my 2 years old niece..since we have no christmas tree this year...and then had all the presents place underneath...that 2D christmas tree..

We exchange the present and since this is the first Christmas for my niece, she was so excited with all the deco and presents..and volunteer to help us put all the presents underneath the christmas tree, then help us to pick our presents and opening up for us...we had great fun!!! :)

Supposed to do Movie marathon..but was too exhausted..knocked out before Christmas..
Went to Christmas Service early in the morning with Mum & little brother then to our usual (1000 people) Christmas lunch at the Chinese Restaurant after the service.

Thereafter went home take a quick nap...
Then went to meet my bestfriend and the ladies as well as one Italian guy to dine in a wonderful Italian restaurant.
The people (esp the boss of the restaurant), the ambience and best of all the food..was great!!!

We did our gift exchange as well...Had a wonderful time! Thanks for the arrangement for that special dinning experience..and best of cost us less of 40bucks each. Cool isn't it??? hee...

Hope ur Christmas was great!!!