Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010


Hey there, how did you celebrate or spend your Christmas?

Did you have a great Christmas?

I had a wonderful Christmas =) tho I was really busy like a Christmas bee…hahaha..

Here is some highlights of my Christmas events:

Christmas eve:

Worked from home:

Went Christmas grocery shopping at 1plus in the afternoon…and last min Christmas shopping and wrapping present and preparing food for 40 carollers…

Mum prepare most of the major dishes whereas me and my sis prepared the fingering food so that the caroller could eat in within their tight schedule…

At 8pm Mum, dad and elder bro’s family arrrived bringing in the yummy food…

Church mate…Nic, his family and gf came….

Carollers arrived while we were still busy preparing food…

We settle down to enjoy the Christmas carols and Christmas message follow by prayers by our Pastor Tang.

As the carollers left..its our family’s turn to feast…we had so much food left over since carollers are in the rush couldn’t really get to eat much..but they love our house and the food…hee..

We shared our food with our neighbours..knocking at their doors…sharing with their our delicious food for christmas….

Then we did gift exchange at 12am (midnight) –Christmas 25th Dec..(tho in actual fact Christmas doesn’t really falls on 25th Dec..)

We had great fun!!!

Christmas Day

Went to attend Church Christmas Service at our Mother Church –Zion Presbyterian Church at 10am…there were lots of performance…bringing glory to God…and Jesus Christ our Savior..Thereafter its banquet with 1000 people at Singapore Expo Chinese Restaurant..

Mother church christmas svc2

Its our norm…

Evening we went to Aunt house for her Christmas party…its another session of testimony sharing, thanksgiving to God and games…we had great fun!!

Thereafter we went for supper with our elder brother..nearby…our place..haha…seems like a norm for supper since we shifted near his place..hahaha…its not hard to catch us at Jalan Kayu for prata… Smile with tongue out

We love this Christmas and our Christmas tree which we have put up,,,,My hse is sooo filled with Christmas….hee…

Have a Wonderful Christmas and a Blessed New Year!!!

p.s. I missed Sandra’s family….text me ya…if you see this…

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas mood..


True meaning of Christmas copy

Hey friends, are you in the Christmas mood?

I love Christmas, its my favourite season of the year!

Christmas is a season of love and thanks giving…

And most importantly a season to share the greatest Love of all which is given by God Himself…Because God loves all mankind…so He gave His only begotten son (one and only son-Jesus Christ) to us 2000years ago….to be born as a baby in the manger to be the saviour of all mankind. Greatest gift of this Christmas is not gold or silver or branded goods..etc…but its the Sacrificial Love of God…giving us His precious son Jesus Christ to come to this world so that He could die for our sins on our behalf so that you and I can reconcile with God and enters into Heaven the wonderful place which God has prepared for you and me.

So my dear friends and love one…today…I am going to share with you this greatest gift of all…the gift of eternal happiness, love, joy and Peace.

Believe in the Lord today and receive the greatest gift of all this Christmas.

May the true meaning of Christmas born in your heart today……

Have a Merry and Blessed Christmas Smile



(We love because God first love us)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tales of the Three Trees


As I was preparing for this Sunday’s Children Worship message, suddenly a story came to my mind. You have probably read or heard about this story before.

As majority of the people are celebrating this Christmas season, whether knowingly or unknowingly about the true meaning of Christmas, let us quiet down ourselves…spend some quiet time to read and ponder about the truth which this story wants to bring to us.

Once there were three trees on a hill in the woods. They were discussing their hopes and dreams when the first tree said, "Someday I hope to be a treasure chest. I could be filled with gold, silver and precious gems. I could be decorated with intricate carving and everyone would see the beauty."

The second tree said, "Someday I will be a mighty ship. I will take kings and queens across the waters and sail to the corners of the world. Everyone will feel safe in me because of the strength of my hull."

The third tree said, "I want to grow to be the tallest and straightest tree in the forest. People will see me on top of the hill and look up to

my branches, and think of the heavens and God and how close to them I am reaching. I will be the greatest tree of all time and people will always remember me."

After a few years of praying that their dreams would come true, a group of woodsmen came upon the trees.

When one came to the first tree he said, "This looks like a strong tree, I think I should be able to sell the wood to a carpenter," and he began cutting it down. The tree was happy, because he knew that the carpenter would make him into a treasure chest.

At the second tree the woodsman said, "This looks like a strong tree, I should be able to sell it to the shipyard." The second tree was happy because he knew he was on his way to becoming a mighty ship.

When the woodsmen came upon the third tree, the tree was frightened because he knew that if they cut him down his dreams would not come true.

One of the woodsmen said, "I don't need anything special from my tree, so I'll take this one", and he cut it down.

When the first tree arrived at the carpenter's, he was made into a feed box for animals. He was then placed in a barn and filled with hay. This was not at all what he had prayed for.

The second tree was cut and made into a small fishing boat. His dreams of being a mighty ship and carrying kings had come to an end.

The third tree was cut into large pieces and left alone in the dark.

The years went by, and the trees forgot about their dreams. Then one day, a man and woman came to the barn. She gave birth and they placed the baby in the hay in the feed box that was made from the first tree. The man wished that he could have made a crib for the baby, but this manger would have to do.


The tree could feel the importance of this event and knew that it had held the greatest treasure of all time.

Years later, a group of men got in the fishing boat made from the second tree. One of them was tired and went to sleep. While they were out on the water, a great storm arose and the tree didn't think it was strong enough to keep the men safe. The men woke the sleeping man, and He stood and said "Peace" and the storm stopped.


At this time, the tree knew that it had carried the King of Kings in its boat.

Finally, someone came and got the third tree. It was carried through the streets as the people mocked the man who was carrying it. When they came to a stop, the man was nailed to the tree and raised in the air to die at the top of a hill.

Jesus crucify on the cross

When Sunday came, the tree came to realize that it was strong enough to stand at the top of the hill and be as close to God as was possible, because Jesus had been crucified on it.

The moral of this story is that when things do not seem to be going your way, always know that God has a plan for you. If you place your trust in Him, He will give you great gifts.

Each of the trees got what they wanted, but not in the way they had imagined.

We do not always know what God's plans are for us. We just know that His ways are not our ways, but His ways are always best.

May God bless you, this day... and every day…

Have a meaningful Christmas & a Blessed New Year!!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

HK conference


First time in my life I missed a flight…

Initially planned to visit HK 2 days in advance before the conference for my holiday…ended up I missed the flight…was too tired…after the shifting of house and exams…Supposed to reach the airport 2hours in advance i.e. 4.45am but was too tired so thot I can go an hour .earlier as sis suggested..

Who knows I couldn’t book Comfort cab…the line was bz…thus called SMRT cab after a long try…still ended up reached the airport at 6.05-6.10am. But they refused to let me in…

I am tremendously disappointed…had to pay S$100 extra to take the next flight which is on the next day 3.45pm….that goes my two days holiday…

returned home sadly….and texted my HK friends abt this bad news…

However thank God the W hotel in HK which the conference was held is great!

only one prefect word to describe that is W for WOW!!!!

The hotel svc is Fantastic…Design, ROOM everything is Fabulous….

The stay there is really unforgetable….

Thot no shopping but the two days in Hotel…makes everything Worthwhile :))

Thanks Bosses!!!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Photo Albums

Since the invention of digital camera, people hardly develop the picture they take is technology Good or Bad?
Environmental friendly people would say that technology is good because we save the trees...less trees being chopped down to make into photopapers..

As I was sorting some of my old pics into the huge albums which I bought...
I realised that there isn't much pics which I developed over the years...
Most pics are taken during the period of time when I was teaching in the childcare centre...those were that days which was filled with lots of smiles and laughter..
I love children as they are pure, innocent and simple...
But children are like a white sheet of paper....they are easily painted with beautiful pictures or destroyed by what is bad...
Thus teaching a child is really an important lesson never to neglect esp the foundation years..the first 3-4 years...

Chinese has a saying "san sui ding zhong seng" meaning at three it will destine the child's entire life.
Seeing many parents do not discipline their children and let them do what they want..this really irritates me...those children are ill mannered...

What gets me irritated is that as a trained teacher in Children, I know what can be done and what cannot be done...these children can be well behave and well manner if they are handle correctly. Children under my hands are often well discipline..
they are love me and hate me at the same time..

Among the pictures which I took in the past...there are some which I do not want to recall...or associate with...some people who betrayed me....
looking at those pictures which these people took with me.....those were so happy pics..but at that one knows that life will develop the way it is...
close friend may betray you, lover may change their hearts...of there are people who you appreciated and could have been your life partners but you did not accept them back in the past...if I am given a chance again...will my decision still be the same?? I believe it will because I am who I am....

Picture helps to keep beautiful memories...and memorise that will stay forever even if the person is no longer with you.....
Perhaps I should start taking pics again and develop them to keep into albums so that I can refer to...if I ever grew old.... :))

Thank you Lord for everything in life...the happiness..the sadness...the different seasons of life....which makes my life sooo meaningful and exciting.....and most of all..thank you Lord for always staying with me.....and never depart from me.....
What does your photo Album tells you????

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

God's guiding hand

Recently I have been so busy struggling to cope with the renovation of my new house, packing of my 5-room flat to move into my new 4 room got smaller and many things need to be thrown away...

This is one of the toughest time I had trying to manage with all the crucial things in life...the renovation couldn't complete as schedule and crashed with my shifting schedule..but we saw God's grace and guiding hand which eventually helped us to have it settled in somehow....

Renovation went overbudget, lots of hidden cost which was unknown to us till one by one it appears.....such as fixing of electrical points, buying of lighting, fixing lightings, delivery cost, stove and hood, tape and sink.....
We met lots of difficulties in renovation and getting the contractor to do what we want. My contractor's coordination is very bad.

I guess this renovation really teach us many lessons on how to be well prepare for the renovation and budgeting for the renovation.

Didn't have sufficient time to revise for this time's exam as I need to watch over the entire renovation process and pack my house for shifting...
since 3 weeks ago...I slept each night at 3am....packing and clearing stuff from my room after work...rushing to places to get lightings and water heater...and thereafter did a little revision in the mist of the tight schedule...

Exam period was really tough for me...I shifted house one day after my first exam paper...which happens to be my bestfriend's birthday...tho her buddies and even her bf contacted me to make surprise appearance...but that day was chaotic...renovation couldn't finished in time, painter still painting my house because they went to paint the wrong house few days ago...instead of my house...aircon man were fixing the aircon....the mover shifting all the staff from my old house into the chaotic new shop suddenly pop up sending over the bed...and courts suddenly pop up to send the can imagine how stressful we were that day...all thanks to the renovation company...sigh...

Thank God that it started to rain and there are other people shifting into the same block that day and managed to drag some time for the mover to shift my stuff in...
otherwise it will be even more chaotic..

By the time things are done in the new house...I rush back to pick my mum from the old house and some other remaining stuff from the old house and send them to the new house....finally settled in with lots of dusts and cartons everywhere in my new house..near midnight..

was way too exhausted even to do my revising for the next paper which is two days later...ended up only left one day for revision for each paper....its my final year and its really no joke to prepare for each day just for revision for the entire semester....try have to get 2 stack of books as thick as your dictionary and many researches you did before hand into that brain within a day..all I can say is God's grace if I can pass and even do well...

Our course is no joke...the schedule is so tight...we have classes all the way till one week before don't really have much time preparing...

After shifted dogs were very unsettled and insecure in this new environment esp Lily..she cries everynight and we were so worried that neighbours will complain and we couldn't sleep because of you can exhausting it is for me and my sis...

Finally exam is over and I went back to work yesterday....
was unwell...went to see doctor...realised that I was having fever and flu...
doctor knows I am over exhausted...gave me two days mc wants me to have sufficient rest to recuperate.....I was unwell the day before i.e. sunday so did not go to church.... resting at home but still doing office work on off...didn't want it to affect my work....
Good thing is room is finally settled...
now cartons in the house are mostly in proper shape...

Many who visited our house compliment that our house is really nice esp my kitchen..which is make of white and red..very outstanding...
and they are amazing that my masterbed bathroom is able to fit in a bath tub...
We will slowly purchase and add on more things to make this house nicer...
spent all we have and exhausted our saving for this house already...

But at last a house of our own....
Thank you Lord for giving us a nice place to stay in.
May you continue to bless this house of ours...May this house be a house of Good testimony...bringing glory to your name! Amen!!!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Finally settled down to do some Exam revision Planning

I have been so busy like a bee....lately...but more like what the chinese say "wu tou chang ying" a housefly without head...
meaning....seeing no definite direction just keep busying and going...till I hit the wall somehow somewhere...

Been busying for at least 2-3weeks with the house renovation thingy...
Finally settled all the lightings...and curtains...(majority...except the part where my contractor say he wants to do it himself...)..
Didn't really feel assured by this contractor...he had too much project in hand..keep forgetting this and stressful for me...

Another thing about renovation is...not just to put things together but also budget constraint.....calculating how much cash in hand you have to pay for those that can only pay by cash....since I don't really have cash in hand till after this present house is sold....then we can afford to pay for the renovation...under special agreement..but things like lightings and water heater, electrical stuff needs to pay by cash....Good thing that Courts and ikea allows interest free instalment..otherwise..haha....dunno what to do...
Just that we still need to fork out money for the lightings bought from elsewhere which is nicer...and water heater....(where I am getting from Balestier...the same shop which I bought the lighting..) the people there very helpful...just that they don't install for you.

First time I am getting a queen size bed...very excited about it...and its not cheap...costed abt 1k....
You probably think that its cheap already...but for me...its my first thing buying so I think its really costly...
and the bedding too...

I am going out to Tampines Mall to grab so sales promotion there...hoping to get some good deals for the bedding for my queen size bed....

Then will come home pack and clear stuff from my room away...since new house, even tho I got the master bed room...there still isn't space to put in my stuff...
Its going to be a thorough spring cleaning for me..
Good lah...less thing to clean for coming chinese new year spring cleaning...hahaha..

then going to start revising my Corporate Marketing exam...
Of cus...must remember to take my between.....
health sending me alerts for being so busy...and stress out...body couldn't take it..

God give me strength...will do bit by bit...
I believe since all is in God's plan...He will never give me things that I cannot cope with....since He is my strength, provider and fortress...

Sky looks dark outside...probably gonna rain....
will probably drive to Tampines Mall...hope it doesn't Jam there...

oh...back to the subject of settling down to do exam revision planning...
After I got myself settled down to do some planning...
I realised that it is impossible to move 2 days before my exam....
will waste the public holiday for my study...
thus I shifted it back by three days...which is on the 20th November, saturday so that I can have at least two days to study for my exam subjects...

I have exams on:
19 Nov, 23 Nov, 25Nov and 27 Nov.
and I am moving house on the 20th Nov.
Cannot shift back anymore because the new owner is taking over on 26th Nov.
so I am stuck in exam with shifting of house...

Can't wait to get over this...
Pray for me ya...
those who can help me with my let me a helping hand to help me understand and do my revision with better understanding at the shortest possible time..
that will be good...cuz I am running out of time..

Work is crazy for me...piling up worried to disappoint my bosses...that's why even I am sick (on mc) at home...and even today is public holiday...I am still working some how...

yesterday...went to see Green cross for my terrible ear infection...
that doctor suggest to me for early retirement and enjoy life...
he keep telling me that I need to enjoy life....and relax...after seeing and knowing that I have been taking stress releasing pills for many release my tension and stress...

He suggest that I migrate to Australia...hahaha....
such thots never really come to my mind...
perhaps..who knows in the future...if I married someone from another country...hahaha...
Ok gotta go..time is running out...

Have a great Deepavali....

Finally got to read Sandra's blog again...

Finally got to read Sandra's blog again...
I have lost her blog address since I changed my laptop...
Glab to see that she is doing well...
Always love reading her blog and imaging me with her....hee...
I missed those time when we were together in Melbourne...
wait huh...wait for another two years...probably I may be able to visit you, Peter, my godson and my god daughter then...hee...

Must take pic to show me okie...
Pass your present to May already...
Thanks May for the help to bring things to her....
Hope you have a great wonderful trip to Melbourne.... :)


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Sorry Helen

Not sure if Helen ever get a chance to visit my blog...
I doubt she reads blogs...

Anyway...wanted very much to attend and help out in her church wedding tomorrow but couldn't because I am soooo tied up by work...still in office working at 8.30pm now..

But I will definitely make it for her wedding dinner on thursday evening..which means I am skipping my class for her big day...don't wanna miss such an important day!

God bless your marriage Helen & Eugene! :))
Happy 20.10.2010

Happy Belated Birthday Sandra

Happy Belated Birthday Sandra!
As you know I am really bad with numbers...I hope I didn't get your birthday wrong...
Anyway dear...I got you your birthday present yesterday...
Didn't managed to find the exact thing you wanted but similar and really sweet ones..I think you will love them....hahaha...

Miss u and your family dear :))
Have fun and stay happy!
May our Lord continue to shower you with grace and blessings....

Angeline (ET ganma)..hee :P

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How many 18years will one have???

Today as I was driving on my way back from class...
a thot suddenly struck me...

When was the year which I have dengue fever?
1992??? 18years ago????
and back then how old was I????
18 years old too???

Life is sooo amazing.....
This year is 2x18 (2 times of my initial life..)
By God's grace....He heard my prayer when I was abt to die of dengue at the age of 18...and extended my life....
My new life started at the age of 18...and I am 18years old of my new (extended life). Isn't it amazing?

Thinking back...
18years ago...I asked God to give me a chance to live again....and extend my life so that I can live as a better christian for him....and have I done so???

Comparing my first 18years of initial life and the 18years of my extended life...Indeed I have....tho...I am still not perfect...

How many more 18years will one has to really live up a good christian life...a life that is pleasing to God???

Its time to give thanks for another 18years of blessings...grace...and mercy.....Is this why I am feeling exhausted lately....feeling that my body has started to age???

I guess u must be an age of 36...I am not young anymore...of course..bones and knees starts to ache....eye sight starts to get blurry when I see things too near or small.....
Yes, undeniable.. even if I do not look at my actual age...many still thinks that I am below 30s.....Aunty & Uncle still call me xiao mei ....(little girl) when I go to buy food...the body does feel that difference.

I wonder...what will the next 18years of my life be....or will I even live another 18years......Life is so fragile......
Everyday is like a new challenge...
Everyday I juggle and struggle and pray for knowledge, wisdom and strength....
to take on the conquer each battle of the as to become a better me....

I used to make a wish that if I can chose the way to die...I wanna die with illness on the bed so that I can spread the gospel....till the last sec I leave this world to meet our Lord in Heaven...
unknowingly..thinking that I may have brain tumor and die....probably because I think alot....

But recently....seeing that a child whom I the age of 2 was suddenly discovered with unoperational brain tumor....
seeing how it hurts the parents...and how everyone ard this child struggle with each day....trying their best to find a solution to prolong his life and make him well...
It really hurts....its exhausting but cannot give up.....until the battle is won...

I start to think...maybe....I should not think of having my life to end that way...
But in whichever way my life will end....I pray that even at the very last breath...I can still witness for the Lord...and share the gospel.....telling them that Jesus love them...and that heaven's gate is open for them...all they have to do is just acknowledge that they are sinners and believe in Jesus that Jesus can save them from their sins by using His precious blood to wash away their sins...They will receive salvation...and I can meet them in heaven one day.

Whatever life it for another 18years to live...or many more 18years to go...or 18hrs or 18mins..even 18secs...
I believe that God will never leave me...and will be my Lord forever...till the day I return to Him in heaven...
For as long as my journey on earth...God will renew my strength for each day..and let me battle on...and testify for Him....bear witness for the Lord...

Have you found your direction in life?
Do you know where you are going???
How are u to live each day of your life????
Are you wasting your life away????

Life is each day as if it is your last day....and live with no regrets.....


Sunday, October 10, 2010

Lots in Mind

Lately I have lots of things in mind...
found myself tangling up with many worries and events in life...
I guess I lost the focuz of life for a moment...
Even tho I asked God for help...praying and knowing that God will guide me thru and provide me with strength each day..
but still feeling exhausted and heavy hearted....
Finding myself sighing alot lately...out of breath..and breathing as to cool myself down...when getting upset..

Finally after quieting down myself today....I found the source to this problem..
that is even tho I prayed for the Lord to help me...but I did not really let go of my hand to let God handle it for me...

Suddenly I recall this Christian korean animation which depict a man putting in things in his life into his bag. Each day in life, he feels that his burden is getting heavier and heavier...and he started to grumble to God that why hasn't God helped him with his burden...and eventually he found the problem that is even tho he asked God for help but he did not let go of his hands on the baggage (burden) he has and hand in to the Lord....that's why his burden has never left him.

I guess this is exactly what is going on with me right now...
There are many things going on in bosses are not around because they have more important things in life which need their focuz and they entrust to me to oversee for them and of course handling major cases for them..
Dogs are not well as well..Ally just had her operation to remove her huge big as my palm size...

You probably have a question "what is that round thingy around Ally's neck?" I forgot what is it called but its to prevent her from reaching to her wound to lick her that she can recover faster..

Good thing that I sent her for her operation on Friday..because Doctor found 4 other small tumor and had them removed as the same time doctor also asked me for permission to remove 5 of her teeth..leaving only 3 teeth now for her as they were not in good condition..
Fetched her back yesterday...
here is some pics of her after her operation.

Back to where I was...I woke up this morning feeling really exhausted...
Even tho I slept at 9plus last night but due to the eventful day yesterday...and an exhausting week with lots of hipccups and really makes me feel weary...

During today's service in church, I prayed to God to ask for forgiveness and ask for guidance to know where goes wrong and how to cope with all these..
Finally, just a while ago....I got my answer....
that is tho I prayed, but just that the man in that animation...I forgot to release my hand and pass on these burdens into the hands of God and trust that Lord will take care of these burden for me and takes it away from me..
Sorry Father in Heaven...and thank you Lord,
Without you, I think my burden will grow just like my dog's tumor...bigger and heavier each day..and eventually affecting my health and even threatens my life....
Thank you Lord for being my Lord, my Provider, my Shepherd, my Friend, my Lover, my Doctor and my remove the 'Tumor' of my life....

Bible: Matthew 11:28-30 (New International Version)

28"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

Praise and thanksgiving to God forever and ever and ever...Amen!!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Parable of the Sower

No sure if you have ever read the Parable of the Sower in the bible..
It describes the seeds that falls onto different grounds and what happen to them...

Each seeds is like you and me...
We are all seeds that falls on different grounds...

I get very sad to see...Christian...not cherishing what they have..the salvation they have as a christian..and seek after other alternative or pleasure in life...
Forgive me to say my friend..."You are really not knowing what you are missing out..and this will be the Biggest regrets in your life..I promise you!!!"

You have thrown away the key of heaven which was given to you..and chosen a key to the eternal fire....darkness...and loneliness...and a path of no returns...when the door of salvation is close...

Here is the Parable of Sower to share with you...
This is the check list for you and me...see which seed are you...

Matthew 13 (New International Version)

Matthew 13
The Parable of the Sower
1. That same day Jesus went out of the house and sat by the lake.
2. Such large crowds gathered around him that he got into a boat and sat in it, while all the people stood on the shore.
3. Then he told them many things in parables, saying: "A farmer went out to sow his seed.
4. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up.
5. Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow.
6. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root.
7. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants.
8. Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.
9. He who has ears, let him hear."
10The disciples came to him and asked, "Why do you speak to the people in parables?"

11 He replied, "The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them.
12. Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him.
13. This is why I speak to them in parables:
"Though seeing, they do not see;
though hearing, they do not hear or understand.
14. In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah:
" 'You will be ever hearing but never understanding;
you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.
15For this people's heart has become calloused;
they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes.
Otherwise they might see with their eyes,hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.'[a]
16. But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.
17.For I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.

18. "Listen then to what the parable of the sower means:
19. When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is the seed sown along the path.
20. The one who received the seed that fell on rocky places is the man who hears the word and at once receives it with joy.
21. But since he has no root, he lasts only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, he quickly falls away.
22. The one who received the seed that fell among the thorns is the man who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke it, making it unfruitful. 23But the one who received the seed that fell on good soil is the man who hears the word and understands it. He produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown."
Repent and confess your sin...Return to the Lord before its too late...and before..

Don't think that as long as you ever believe in Christ and live as a so-call christian but not having a life of a Christian...does not bear the fruit as a Christian....and you are fine...

Beware "Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him"

If you stop attending church...and stop spending time with God everyday...
You my friend is at risk....
even what you have ...(as a christian) might be taken away from you......
Ask yourself...are you really a Christian???
Are you living your life the way God wants you to be according to the Bible???
or are you living a life of lust and pleasure???

Beware....and Repent now...come back to the Lord..for you are not sure..if the next moment...where you will be...and what will be your judgement you have to face...

Life is more than and drink.....
Life is more than 100years on earth...
Compare 100years on earth and eternity.....

Be wise...and make the correct choice...
Plan and store up your treasure in heaven and not on things which will rot/spoil/stolen by theft...

God bless..
May the Holy Spirit guides you...


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Thanks & Glory be to our Lord Jesus Christ!

Finally got my result for last semester...
I must say...I wasn't very confidence abt last semester exam but its really tough...
even more worried if I will pass or fail...

Finally the result was released....Praise and thanks to our Lord Almighty for His grace and blessing...
I got 3 Bunnies and 1 Cat...if you know what I mean..
Thot I didn't get any Apple...but I am happy enough and thankful enough...
esp my current job requires lots of my attention...

Year 3 is really tough...
I always work hard and pray hard that I will do well in my exams and work..
Not for my own glory but for my Creator's glory...
Because I believe that Men must put in 100% and then leave the rest to God.

If I didn't do will mean I need more time and probably needs to understand what was taught correctly so as to pass and score well..
Whatever the result maybe...I have no say but to leave it to the Lord...knowing that I have put in all my effort...and have no regrets..

To live to live a life without regrets...
That's that also why...I try to put in 100% in everything I my limited time..
so that I live a life with no regret...knowing that I did my best.

The score doesn't really matters to me...
A good result is a bonus to me...
A fair result is a blessing to me....
A bad result means I need to better understand what was taught...

There is a phrase which I totally agree...
that is "Do your best and God will do the rest!!!"

After doing my best...I leave no regrets in life..

I remember sharing with my buddy Emily in my car the other night..
"I am contented and ready for the time to come."
Emily was shocked!!!
Never has she heard anyone saying such words..
I explained..."I am not saying that I want to die..I am basically saying that I am contented with everything God has given it the good times, bad times...all those learning curves in my life....I am grateful for the extension of my life...and I believe I did what I can everyday in my life..and no regrets..Importantly...I know where is my final destination and I have no fear..." Do you know yours?

Question for all of you my friends and readers...(if God leads you here to my blog)
1) If tonight you are to leave this world, base on your current belief and understanding do you think you will go into heaven?

2) If at the gate of Heaven, Jesus ask you..."Why should I let you into heaven?" what is your answer????

Bible, Jesus said "I am the way, the truth and the one goes to the Father except thru me.."

Do you have a definite answer knowing where you will be after you leave this world?
Are you certain?

I am sure that I will be in Heaven, back with my Father in Heaven...when His time arrived...and my mission on earth is done.

Who tells you that life is base on age...
Did you ever attend an infant's funeral...or a child's funeral or a close friend's funeral??

I attended countless funeral...esp Christian...
each time it makes me ponder about life...
Life is not about age...
It doesn't mean a 69 years old will pass away before a 54 years old..
Are you certain at what will end your journey on earth?????

Are you ready for it???
How to be certain???
Answer is simple: Believe that you are sinner..just me everyone...that you lie, you get what you ought not to do...and don't do what you ought to steal the time from go facebook...and scolded your parents...etc..

Ask God for forgiveness...Ask the Lord Jesus Christ to wash away your sins with His precious blood that you can be without sin to enter Heaven.

Heaven is a holy place where no sins can enter.
That's why Christian needs to confess their sins have the precious blood of Jesus Christ to wash away our sins...
And become the children of God..
As children of can then enters into heaven...
Believe and be save..

The problem about today's society is that people don't believe that anything is free.
Salvation is Free and people do not believe that it could be that easy..
that's why many did not believe in Jesus...

Many believe in Jesus when they are helpless...and hopeless...
Then will they dare to give it a try to OPEN their hands to receive this FREE gift from God..

I must say my friends..and love ones...
since day one that I believe in Christ...when I was in my Primary 3..

My your heart today...look at the stars, the sun, the sky....doesn't the nature tells you that there is a creator...out there and up there that loves you my friend???

Jesus loves you!!!
Believe in the Lord and be ensure..where you will be...after we sign off from this journey of life...


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Holding a different perspective

Everyone has different experience in life, and our experience, personality leads us into different perspective in life.

There are many lens and schools of thoughts.
There are endless arguement througout the history, debating against who is right and wrong. But in fact there is no absolute right and wrong since there is only different of perspective.

But one thing which I believe and that you might or might not agree..
If one holds the perspective from God, that can never be wrong.
What men can see on earth from where he/she stands only provides her with certain views of life and his/her present situation.

But God from above, sees it all.
And how to view from the perspective of God is to stay close to God, reading His words, praying and understanding how God will see and react.
Just like a lover or your bestfriend. The more you love him/her and spend time interacting with him/her, you get to understand and knows how he/she will think and act.

There seems to be a complex equation which many cannot solve and I am blessed to gain certain insight and managing it pretty well.
That is the issue of God's will and Man's responsibility.

Just last week, I was having a friendly dedate with a German friend, talking abt life. Our discuss about God's will and God's control.
He is a Catholic whereas I am a Christian.
He does not agree that God has 100% control because he feels that the evil one (Satan) has some control which bad things happen to Men.

Its a difficult equation for men to understand..
One can only solve such equation by one formula...that is faith...
With faith I am able to understand what it means that everything is in the will of God yet men has 100% responsibility...

Check out the story of Test of Abraham by Satan...where Satan seek God for permission to take away everything which Abraham has to test God blessed him with everything he has...Did Abraham passed the test, initiated by Satan? Did Satan win?
Nope, in the end, God is right, Abraham remains faithful even when all he has had been taken away from him...In the end...God bless Abraham even more...

My personal belief is that I believe all happens for the good of those who love HIM (GOD)...even tho at this point of time it might seems negative...but if we strive on with Faith...knowing and trusting in God's good will....eventually we will see the light...


Trust in the Lord without seeing the current circumstance... Jesus calm the storm????


Busy-ness is nothing new to me..
Each day trying my best to juggle with up coming events and surprises in life requires lots of strength and prayer.

Its God that makes everything possible!

Lately other than copping with studies, work load seems heavier for me.
Trying my best to help my bosses to take over whatever I can so that they can focuz in something more important and critical for them at this moment.

However, there is only one Angeline, no matter how hard I try...its limited of what I can do at the same time...I have only one brain, one pairs of hands and one mouth two ears...just like everyone..
Thus in the mist of taking over my bosses' workload or important the same time I have to delay some of my minor projects..but at the same time struggling to avoid having my customers to feel neglected...

I must admit...I didn't do a good job...lately lost concentration...what my mouth speaks no longer tally with what my brain thinks...because my brain is too occupant with many matters to handle and how to solve the problems...
Good thing mistake made..Praise the Lord..and for work which requires concentration and analysis of problem is still in good control..

Seriously...I am tired..esp trying to grab as many time as possible to do my revise for my study....Study is getting tougher esp it my last year and six mths before graduation or completing my degree..

Good thing 1st year 1st semester's supplementary paper issue is finally settled after two years...somehow there is miscommunication in the school's admin that my decision two years back was not being brought forward correctly to our UK university that is why they keep sending me letters to remind me to go for my supplementary paper or infact as my 1st attempt of the paper taking into consideration the mishap I had back then. Out of good will the school want to let me retake that two papers so as to take as my 1st attempt for the exam so as to be fair to me. However that isn't what I wanted.
Esp year 3 is no joke.
This semester I have 4 modules, meaning 4 exams to take.
If I need to retake that two modules its going to be 6 exams...its going to be so stressful for me.

And so of course I opt for having them to keep my result as it is, since I can still pass with that result and it should not affect my final scoring for my Hons degree.

I do not want addition stress esp at this moment.
I need to concentrate in my work, my year 3 exams to make sure I do my best and score well if possible, at the same time copping with two sick dogs at home..and my new house renovation.

Planning to start the renovation beginning next month and move in beginning Dec and celebrate Christmas this year at our new place, tho its gonna be a smaller place.
Pray that renovation will goes well and my new house will be nice and cozy:))

Decided to send my dog (white dog) Ally for her operation next mth (oct).
The lump in her breast (likely to be breast cancer) is growing as big as my palm size. She is the closest to me..Tho she is still a happy 'girl' jumping around as if she is not sick..and always smiling, looking silly at me..everyday...that is why its even harder to accept that she is having this terrible sickness in here.
Pray that after the operation, she will be well again.

Too bad happenings around me...I pray oh Lord that You will show your grace and mercy not just to me, to my dog and people around me and their family...especially those in the struggle, fighting hard for the battle of life and death...Lord be with them and give them strength and hope in you.

How You extended my life about 18years ago...may You also extend the life of the little ones...even tho You mentioned that those who cannot differentiate the left and the right, not knowing right & wrong (the children), salvation is given to them, because God, You are Love!

Emmanuel, and God be our Strength!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Preparing a new place

Its the first time I am getting a house.
No, I am not getting married...sorry to disappoint you :)
I am getting a house with my siblings.
Moving nearer to my elder brother.

Never know that 'building' a house of your own could be that stressful and lots of things to take into consideration.
First..satisfying your parents yet not wanting them to ruin your 'idea concept of your house' because its your house.
Second, BUDGET...never know that renovating a house could cost so much and 20k cannot get you can only get the least and minimum.
Alot of hidden cost, such as lightings, heater, aircon, accessories, fan, electronic stuff, fridge, tv and so on...

Finally I got my 1st master bed room. Though I could get my bathtub. Its always being my dream to have my bath tube...never know buidling a bath tube could cost additional thousand over over our budget...thus I have to wait till I get my bonus..hopefully I can get...then I can finally have my bath tube.
But that will not happen till probably next year.
Even getting my 1st queen size bed costed me S$900+...that is not with the ideal mattress which I want. I probably have to top up another S$200 to get that ideal mattress.

Our budget for each room is only S$2k. So I ended up getting only a wardrobe (customise-6feet) and a queen size bed. Others I will need to save up and add on later..bit by bit...Anyway, with that bed...currently already exceeded my budget by S$200..if to get a better one..will exceed by S$400...
I still have to buy the curtain for my room and the track and curtains for my bed...cuz I want to do up my 'princess-like bed'-something like a canopy bed.

A good thing for this renovation is that my sis is very supportive to how I wish the house to be done up. Thanks sis!

Our new house concept is cafe-relax style.
Each room will have its own theme tho.
Will probably settle which renovation company to use by this or next week.

Ideally will have house warming during this coming Christmas..and have our carolling group coming over to sing carols during christmas eve:)

May our Lord blessed this home!










Saturday, August 14, 2010


Often got dignosed half yearly with URTI..
didn't really what what was it...but just read up from internet (wikipedia)the explaination..
just that it says adult don't get fever but I do...

Upper respiratory tract infections, (URI or URTI), are the illnesses caused by an acute infection which involves the upper respiratory tract: nose, sinuses, pharynx or larynx.

Common URI terms are defined as follows:

Rhinitis - Inflammation of the nasal mucosa
Rhinosinusitis or sinusitis - Inflammation of the nares and paranasal sinuses, including frontal, ethmoid, maxillary, and sphenoid
Nasopharyngitis (rhinopharyngitis or the common cold) - Inflammation of the nares, pharynx,hypopharynx, uvula, and tonsils
Pharyngitis - Inflammation of the pharynx, hypopharynx, uvula, and tonsils
Epiglottitis (supraglottitis) - Inflammation of the superior portion of the larynx and supraglottic area
Laryngitis - Inflammation of the larynx
Laryngotracheitis - Inflammation of the larynx, trachea, and subglottic area
Tracheitis - Inflammation of the trachea and subglottic area

Over 200 different viruses have been isolated in patients with URIs. The most common virus is called the rhinovirus. Other viruses include the coronavirus, parainfluenza virus, adenovirus, enterovirus, and respiratory syncytial virus.

Up to 15% of acute pharyngitis cases may be caused by bacteria, commonly Group A streptococcus in Streptococcal pharyngitis ("Strep Throat").

Influenza (the flu) is a more severe systemic illness which typically involves the upper respiratory tract.


more than 300Transmission is via respiratory droplets or by virus-contaminated hands. Upper respiratory tract (nose, throat, sinuses) mucosa inflammation causes increased secretions, rhinorrhea and results in sneezing, and coughing facilitating the spread.

In United States URIs are the most common infectious illness in the general population. URIs are the leading reasons for people missing work and school. URI is the leading diagnosis in the office setting.

Signs and symptoms
Acute upper respiratory tract infections include rhinitis, pharyngitis/tonsillitis and laryngitis often referred to as a common cold, and their complications: sinusitis, ear infection and sometimes bronchitis (though bronchi are generally classified as part of the lower respiratory tract.) Symptoms of URI's commonly include cough, sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion, headache, low grade fever, facial pressure and sneezing. Onset of the symptoms usually begins 1-3 days after the exposure to a microbial pathogen. The illness usually lasts 7-10 days.

Group A beta hemolytic streptococcal pharyngitis/tonsillitis(strep throat) typically presents with a sudden onset of sore throat, pain with swallowing and fever. Strep throat does not usually cause runny nose, voice changes or cough.

Pain and pressure of the ear caused by a middle ear infection (Otitis media) and the reddening of the eye caused by viral Conjunctivitis are often associated with upper respiratory infections.

URI, Seasonal Allergies, Influenza - Symptom Comparison

There are currently no medications or herbal remedies which have been conclusively demonstrated to shorten the duration of illness. [5] Treatment comprises symptomatic support usually via analgesics for headache, sore throat and muscle aches. [6]

Judicious use of antibiotics can decrease unnecessary adverse effects of antibiotics as well as out-of-pocket costs to the patient. But more importantly, decreased antibiotic usage will prevent the rise of drug resistant bacteria, which is now a growing problem in the world.

Health authorities have been strongly encouraging physicians to decrease the prescribing of antibiotics to treat common upper respiratory tract infections because antibiotic usage does not significantly reduce recovery time for these viral illnesses.

Some have advocated a delayed antibiotic approach to treating URIs which seeks to reduce the consumption of antibiotics while attempting to maintain patient satisfaction. Most studies show no difference in improvement of symptoms between those treated with antibiotics right away and those with delayed prescriptions.

Most studies also show no difference in patient satisfaction, patient complications, symptoms between delayed and no antibiotics. A strategy of "no antibiotics" results in even less antibiotic use than a strategy of "delayed antibiotics". However, in certain higher risk patients with underlying lung disease, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), evidence does exist to support the treatment of bronchitis with antibiotics to shorten the course of the illness and decrease treatment failure.

Having said that, it is important to distinguish between strep and a viral sore throats because strep is caused by a bacterial infection -- Group A Streptococcus -- and a simple sore throat may be caused by other types of bacteria or viruses. Without the right antibiotics, the strep bug may enter the bloodstream and travel to the heart or other vital organs. Though rare, this can cause serious illness.

Bacterial complications of the viral URIs are also treated with antibiotics. These include sinusitis and otitis media.

According to a Cochrane review single oral dose of nasal decongestant in the common cold is modestly effective for the short term relief of congestion in adults; however, "there is insufficient data on the use of [Decongestants] in children." Therefore decongestants are not recommended for use in children under 12 years of age with the common cold. [11] Oral decongestants are, also, contraindicated in patients with hypertension, coronary artery disease, and history of bleeding strokes.

The use of Vitamin C in the inhibition and treatment of upper respiratory infections has been suggested since the initial isolation of vitamin C in the 1930s. Some evidence exists to indicate that it could be justified in persons exposed to brief periods of severe physical exercise and/or cold environments.

There is no evidence to support the age-old advice to rest when you are sick with an upper respiratory illness. In fact, moderate exercise in sedentary subjects with a URI has been shown to have no effect on the overall severity and duration of the illness. Based on these findings, it was concluded that previously sedentary people who have acquired a URI and who have initiated an exercise program may continue to exercise.

Increasing fluid intake, or "drinking plenty of fluids" during a cold is not supported by medical evidence, according to a literature review published in the British Medical Journal.

Down again with URTI

Every half yearly it seems that I will get hit by this illness called URTI..which I usually don't really bother to find out what is it...just some kind of sore throat..
and usually I will get fever up..highest hit 38degrees or so...

This time...not so bad..fever only up to 37.7 degrees..
Went Pulau Ubi for hiking on Monday 9 Aug which is our National Day "Happy Birthday Singapore"

Tuesday went back to work..was alright..
but Tuesday night send my dog Ally to the animal dog for its XRAY and blood test..costed us nearly S$300/-
Result: She needs operation which will cost appx S$500-S$800 to remove the huge baseball size lump on her breast...suspected as cancerous..tho she still looks healthy and bouncing around happily as usual...

I became more sick when I was at the vet...In fact I seems more sick than all the animals there..
next week..called for MC...
Doctor gave me one day mc....
Boss told me if next day still not well..just work from home..
who knows...after working from home on thursday...I got worst...lack of rest..
fever came went to see Green Cross doctor...
They are good but expensive..
he gave me 6 medicine to take...and two days mc ask me to keep away from the crowd..
not to spread virus to others..
I called boss..he got a shock to hear how my voice changed...and he banned me from replying work email so that I will be good and rest and get well..
So Friday....I only read office email..but did not reply....

Heard from Aunt that granny whom I am closest to...went into unconscious...sent to hospital....I wanted to visit her very much but I can't...I am still weak at home...immune system not back yet..if I go to hospital...might end up getting stronger virus..


Today...buddy sms me...told me need to do research for our corporate marketing...
got lots of notes to read on top of what he gave us...the two stack of note..and need to meet up tomorrow to prepare for coming week presentation...
I understand from lecturer cannot miss one lecture because this module suppose to be 13 lessons..but it was squeeze to 7 lessons so if I miss one lesson..which I did..
it will mean I missed alot..and lots to catch up...........
Oh God give me strength and speedy recovery...

Oh ya..and doctor gave me a free test for H1N1 and other virus...since normally adult don't get fever which I will be out in a day or two's time.
Pray for me ya....

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Time to dust off the dust in my blog..

Do you realised that dust if often accumulated so are spider webs, if you did not visit a place too often..

I felt so bad neglecting my blog and readers...and friends of course..

Lets see...we shall start with some updates during this period of missing...
1) I am gonna have another god daugther soon...isn't it cool?
Congratulation to Sandra! :) Must take care of health okie...and stay happy and cheerful ya?
Talking abt there..I better go to collect the long lost honey today...hope it has not expiry...sigh...wat a bz life we have in Singapore...
Can't wait to graduate..

2) Just finished my this semester's exam....extremely tough ones...I guess year 3/ Final year is really no joke...stress level...hits the roof top...First time really feel like giving up half way...not that I don't understand what is taught but just not enough time to study and much things to remember...esp when you have to work and study....thank God I pulled through...Pray that I can pass.....

3) New term starting on 2 Aug..with 4 theory exams.....phews....sweat...
but good thing is this time, I have one of my favourite lecturer...hahaha..who strangely....most people dislike...hee..he is very strict and knowledgable and I learnt alot from him....won't tell u who he is...hahaha...but probably those who doesn't like him will know who I am talking abt :P
I guess everyone is different.

3) An old friend of mine got a dog which he claimed to be his 'son'.
But I guess he is having lots of fun with it..he set up facebook account for his 'son' and have lots of fun 'pow wow' time with it...
Just a week ago in the mist of my exam...i was invited to his son's birthday party which of course I can't go.

4) Today is Jasper's 21st birthday..he did a very prof invitation card to invite us to the old Police Academy to have party with him...not sure if I am going...kind of broke this month....Car insurance and road tax due...Ouch!!! Burns my pocket..

somemore updates later tonight okie..
Now gotta go to buy new car insurance which is due on 1st Aug.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

China trip changed my impression of CHINESE

Frankly speaking tho being a chinese myself -in Singapore, I did not have good impression of chinese from China.

Why So? I guess even chinese from different part of the world adopts different culture, principles or survival skills.

Many would agree with me the view of 'chinese'. They are 'not simple' people..
someone once told speak to a chinese from China, your brain has to turn 10x faster...if you know what I mean.

My impression of Chinese did not change and grew even stronger..esp in Beijing...those people are rude...and sigh........
But things changed when I reached our hometown Quanzhou..near Xiamen.

The place..which is our original hometown...its a country side...
An amazing place..filled with the sweetest people on earth...pure, sincere and sweet till it melts your heart..

People there does not look any outstanding.............but after knowing them....their inner beauty leaves a deep impression that can hardly be erase from one's heart....

Our distant relative came in 3 cars after nearly 2 hours journey to fetch me and my family to our 'house' to stay.
Welcoming us is the air of the mother nature...and unique views of the country side...muds and whatever you can ever think of...

Our cars stopped at a nice 'posh' house among the old bricked house..its one of my uncle's house and my grandpa's house..which they built themselve...
It is also our Clan house I supposed.
The house was huge and nice...floor is made of its very cooling...
The living room itself is as big as my present apartment I supposed..
Each house has a well and they uses electronic pump to pump the well water into the water tank on top of the roof for usage.

Meals were cooked over the stove by woods...not gas...first time in my life I actually see how they cook with wood and not gas...and everything we eat is freshly from our own farm or the neighbours/relatives farm, all freshly pluck from the field.
Food taste delicious....yummy...everyone esp dad's appetite got so good that they start eating bowls after bowls of rice.....

Its a short 4days stay with our relative and we bidded goodbye with tears in our uncles start crying when we were at the airport bidding goodbye...
our hearts felt so heavy and sunk....I tried my best to hold back those tears of mine..indeed thank God for these wonderful trip...its really changed my impression of chinese from China...and I am proud to be from this same family line...

I will visit them whenever possible if we have the money...
My dad can't wait to go back there again..just like everyone of us...but seriously...
this China and HK trip has spent nearly my entire saving...and I have to start saving up again...
But first for my UK trip for my graduation in London next year.

May our Lord provide me with all my needs and bless me...thank you Lord for everything!

Trade shows this week

Has spiders made themselves home in my blog???
Sorry guys that I have been so busy that I didn't have time to update my blogs.

Currently in CommunicAsia 2010 in Singapore Expo.
Not much crowd over the communication side...I guess broadcasting side would be more interesting but my biz partner seems to be missing in this show bz collecting data and meeting people around the I am left in this booth all by myself..

Good thing I gotten a mobile modem so that I can surf my internet and check office email and reply email here...otherwise I will be bored to death I supposed..

This week I am so occupied with trade shows..
Mon: spent half day in the office..and the other half of the day setting up in this trade show with my HK biz partner...its tough to do the setup just two of us...We finished off the setup about 6.30pm and I was so exhausted and hungry..had to miss my ASM class for Monday.

Tuesday: Woke up at 6.15am set off to the airport to catch my 8am flight to KL for the fire exhibition...all by myself...thanks to my shi fu...another HK biz partner who withdraw from going last min..leaving me all alone in our neighbouring country Malaysia.

Seriously this is the first time that I went to Malaysia all alone. I have never been a country all alone or should I least I always have people I know to meet me in those countries I go even if I were to travel alone.

My lady boss was nice, she called me while I was in the KL exhibition to make sure I am fine and safe..ask me to be careful since I am all alone there. I guess ladies are more concern.

Mum was worried and asked sis to text me to see if I am alright and ask me to text her when I am safely home that night.

I took the KL airport limousine which about appx RM75 to reach the KL CC.
He is a nice guy SYED..and I made an arrangement for him to fetch me after the show and some walk around before I catch my 945pm flight.

After the fire exhibition I took a cab -base on the tips by SYED i.e. never to ask how much it cost to take a cab from one place to another..take only those taxi with meter (how do you know? its written on top of the taxi "Brotimeter" something like that..if they run by the meter they cannot overcharge u.
So it costed me RM6plus to reach Time Square.
I went there to eat and shop alittle..but after an hour..I am so tired..and wanna exhausted and leg is aching...
So I called the Syed to pick me up at 6.45pm instead.

Meanwhile sis ask me to go to get something for mum so I went..there don't wanna waste my bought two shoes then Syed picked me up to go airport..we were early..syed saved me RM10 to airport..and if I were to take any other taxi..from the shopping probably can cost me over RM100.

Its a tired day for me...finally took the flight back to SIngapore..reaching home sweet home at about 11plus just before midnight..
then before I could even settle down, I had to give my dog lily injection for her kidney treatment. (Last week brought lily-my black dog to the Animal doctor and doctor said Lily has kidney failure needs injection of two tubes of medication every two days..initially doctor asked me to bring her there every two days for injection which will cost me S$25 each u know how much it will cost me??? She has to take this medication until the day she finish her mission on earth.

I told the doctor we are all working and studying no money..and I have another sick dog at home. I cant afford and I have another dog with a huge lump which I will bring her for check up. Ally my white dog has a huge lump growing underneath her tummy..tho she is still happily jumping around and I know that she needs treatment before it gets worst. Pray that God will help us to settle without having much financial problems..God bless..

Do keep my dogs in prayer okie..Lily looks like getting better..and I am planning to bring Ally to the vet next week.

Anyway back to exhibition..after a day at KL exhibition...I came to help out the next day in CommunicAsia -Singapore expo.

And guess what, Joyce my best friend and Cindy my buddy happens to be working in this show too...we just have lunch together this afternoon.
Food here sucks..and is sooo expensive..the parking kills.....I am gonna get ready for heart attack this evening...hopefully won't cost my more than 20bucks....sweat...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Love is too expensive..

Good thing about being single is that you can get to meet someone new, hang out with whoever you like and enjoy your freedom as and when you like.

I recall a conversation with two friends...some times ago..
one who is attached but bf has no time for her..
the other is not attached like me..enjoying her freedom...

The conclusion to our conversation is, that grass always seems greener on the other side...
Those who are attached wants to be detach...those who are detect wants to be attached..

There is no doubt that there are many singles like me in Singapore...Men said we women in Singapore are too picky...whereas we women just didn't want to risk my future into an uncertain hands....

Recently I was seriously considering someone from a faraway country...
Things went pretty smooth in the begining, we start to look forward and dream about meeting each other in person and even think of our future together..

However, later we realised that we probably aren't suitable for each other..because we have different interpretation of expression of love, concern, appreciation and respect..

Why men doesn't understand that women needs to feel secure so that they can trust..
Why doesn't men know that women only need the simpliest things to be happy and feel appreciated????

I guess many things looks attractive on the outside but when you take a closer look at it...or start to possess start to grumble about those imperfection found in it. Who in this world is perfect? If we are not perfect how can we ask for perfection or someone to be perfect or goes the same way or looks at the same perspective as us? Are we looking for a life partner or just a robot that does whatever you please, acts in the way you wanted?

These questions applies to me as well...
Some times I wonder if I can really accept some one to be my life partner when my Father in Heaven is so perfect..
I have been reminding myself that no one is perfect including me.
I think maybe I just haven't meet the right person whom I can accept and appreciate the person as he is ..having him to enters into my life..

I think this requires lots of faith and courage..
Love? I have no courage.
Just doesn't want to be hurt or feel sad again..
Unless I can overcome this...otherwise...I guess conclusion is...I am not ready for LOVE.


Friday, May 21, 2010

My cute niece.....

hee...our little princess...first day of school's pic...(grab these cute pix from my sis in law...hahaha

Isn't she sweetxxx

陳偉聯-I love you

陈伟联 《大海》Chen Wei Lian - Da Hai (Big Sea) MV

Our local talent who overcome his sight by his voice....
The voice which touches and melts many hearts....

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Do you know what CCHB means?
Some of you might find it a familar initial for something..

Yes, thats the initial for my High School or what we known as Secondary School in Singapore.

CCHB means Chung Cheng High School Branch..Strange..which did that 'S' went to?
Not sure..maybe to differentiate the branch school and main school.
During my time, Chung Cheng High School Branch as the name says is the branch school of Chung Cheng High School-one of the top Secondary school in Singapore.

You must be wondering why did I suddenly bring up the past (which is let's see..I graduate from CCHB in year 1991, where were you then? hee..

The reason which I brought this up because as I was wondering around in the facebook world...I suddenly found the alumni of Chung Cheng High School Branch!
Its really cool to enter a world which you are familar with...browing some old pics of the school, teachers, principal and even classmates...

Haha...I must say..thank God I didn't find my ugly pics there.
I think people won't even recognise is me..hahaha..

Back then I look like a boy with boy style haircut..the old fashion kind..hahaha..
Strange thing about our school is that its a Chinese School which converted into an English school. But I guess during my time it was still in transgression..most of the time we speaks Mandarine (Chinese) even in lessons.except for English and some other subjects..

My School back then, was a traditional chinese school...
Hey Sandra and those from CCHB do you still remember how to sing our traditional school athem which is in Chinese..haha..Not only in Chinese..but in very 'Chim' chinese-using Singlish term to express this..hahaha..

日吾中正 至大至刚 矗立星洲 巍巍昂昂
华夏声教 广披扬荒 欧印文明 他山之长
好学力行 知耻是倡 日星月异 不息自强
止於止善 万国同光 大哉中正 悠久无疆

Basically all the boys and girls in our branch school had to have their hair cut really short...yes even the girls..your hair cannot touch your collar..did you remember that? No tying of hair as well for girls...

Skirt must be below the knee length..
Socks must be at least 4 fingers height from your ankle..
You must have 7 silver buttons fixed on your uniform (which look exactly like Singapore Police uniform except that our uniform is in white)plus our triangle shape school badge :) (see pic above).

This is a pic of another class..but there are some familiar faces...Not offence okie..just wanting to share how our school uniform looks like...
Do it look exactly how I describe?
All white -7 silver buttons, short hair for both boys and girl...
Those were the days..

Oh and in the centre was one of the relief teacher Damien back then..he is very popular hahaha..because back then he was the only young and charming teacher (fresh face) in our school..hahaha..

I remember that those who folded up their sleeve will be punished by our discipline master.

Girls who are 'trend' back then will do all kinds of roll up their sleeve and roll up their skirt from the waist to shorter it..wear sport sock -those really short ankle socks..and so on..and whenever the discipline master wants to check..esp after assembly before you go back to the clas..everyone will tilt their head that their hair will not touch the collar...its crazy right?

Those were the times...
Do you still remember those times in your high school/secondary school?

This is the place we once studied..


Tell me about it :))
P.s. We are trying to gather our Secondary School classmate for a gathering after 19 years of not seeing each other..

If you are from Chung Cheng High School Branch and graduate in 1991..If you know me..drop me a mail..that will be good :)) Cheers!

pic. taken from facebook cchb alumni. All rights reserved!