Saturday, August 14, 2010

Down again with URTI

Every half yearly it seems that I will get hit by this illness called URTI..which I usually don't really bother to find out what is it...just some kind of sore throat..
and usually I will get fever up..highest hit 38degrees or so...

This time...not so bad..fever only up to 37.7 degrees..
Went Pulau Ubi for hiking on Monday 9 Aug which is our National Day "Happy Birthday Singapore"

Tuesday went back to work..was alright..
but Tuesday night send my dog Ally to the animal dog for its XRAY and blood test..costed us nearly S$300/-
Result: She needs operation which will cost appx S$500-S$800 to remove the huge baseball size lump on her breast...suspected as cancerous..tho she still looks healthy and bouncing around happily as usual...

I became more sick when I was at the vet...In fact I seems more sick than all the animals there..
next week..called for MC...
Doctor gave me one day mc....
Boss told me if next day still not well..just work from home..
who knows...after working from home on thursday...I got worst...lack of rest..
fever came went to see Green Cross doctor...
They are good but expensive..
he gave me 6 medicine to take...and two days mc ask me to keep away from the crowd..
not to spread virus to others..
I called boss..he got a shock to hear how my voice changed...and he banned me from replying work email so that I will be good and rest and get well..
So Friday....I only read office email..but did not reply....

Heard from Aunt that granny whom I am closest to...went into unconscious...sent to hospital....I wanted to visit her very much but I can't...I am still weak at home...immune system not back yet..if I go to hospital...might end up getting stronger virus..


Today...buddy sms me...told me need to do research for our corporate marketing...
got lots of notes to read on top of what he gave us...the two stack of note..and need to meet up tomorrow to prepare for coming week presentation...
I understand from lecturer cannot miss one lecture because this module suppose to be 13 lessons..but it was squeeze to 7 lessons so if I miss one lesson..which I did..
it will mean I missed alot..and lots to catch up...........
Oh God give me strength and speedy recovery...

Oh ya..and doctor gave me a free test for H1N1 and other virus...since normally adult don't get fever which I will be out in a day or two's time.
Pray for me ya....

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